A little pissed at ForkHeads games

Some hours ago (only now got around to posting about it), I played the latest Flash from ForkHeads (http://www.forkheads.tk).

I think I got enough from their games.

Either their games are a collection of hentai pictures that you have to get, or a dating sim that consists of 75% of swearing, insults, and drugs. Actually, the small amount of dialogue of the get-hentai-pics games contain this language too.

Well, excuse me, but I’m tired of this crap!
Can’t they make games without multiple swear words in almost every sentence, and dozens of references to drugs?! It was funny for a while, but now I can’t take the crap anymore.

Down with ForkHeads!

Well, they do release their games for FREE, you know. Out of the goodness of their hearts and all that. It’s hard to bash something that doesn’t cost you a cent.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-03-2005).]

If they give me the tool they use and the artist that does their pics I’ll release games with better plots for ya… Unfortunately I have neither the tools nor the artist/artwork, so I can’t…

Actually, they seem to just rip the graphics off the web (at least in some of their games).

All their graphics are ripped from the web. Some things are even ripped from bishoujo games, especially from Do You Like Horny Bunnies?.

Their latest RPG has ripped graphics from RPG Maker, and various CG.

There are already at least two simple engines for writing b-games, one being Ren’Py and one being the thing I designed. Write me a script and send me your artwork and I’ll compile your game for you.

(Heck, if people suggest detailed ideas I may put them in the pile to work on eventually. Currently still plowing through the dialogue on my shoujo-ai game.)

shoujo ai

Unfortuantely since I have no artowrk to use, and while I can write a story (in fact I have a good concept I was going to write up that could very well be used for this sorta thing… To actually write anythign that coudl eb called a ‘script’ for something like this I’d have to have the tools to do something of the sort…

Err… since that’s kinda unclear let me reword that… I’d need to know what sort of text and decisions coudl be made and what options are needed…

[This message has been edited by Shadow99 (edited 01-04-2005).]

Well, I haven’t used Ren’Py and can’t say much about that. I can describe what a script for MY system looks like, though…

Basically, it’s a three column database - three entries on each numbered row. The first entry is the programming controls that are carried out when that line number is reached. That means:

Setting the name of the speaker (which appears above the dialogue)
Setting the current background image
Setting what characters are visible/invisible and which picture of the character (what expression) should be shown
Setting any important variables (if you’ve just made the choice to steal the candy, for instance, I might set stolecandy = 1; so that I can check that later.)
Checking any important variables and going to a new line number if necessary (so when the shopkeeper stops you, if you stole the candy, go to the line where you get in trouble, otherwise proceed)
Questions (more on that in a minute)

The second entry in a row is the actual dialogue to be shown at this point in the story. My system has no length restriction here because the engine itself will break up and wrap the text to show only enough to fill one window at a time. So as long as the same person is talking, it’s up to you how much to put in one entry. Obviously, if you need to change facial expression, you’ll have to end this entry and move to the next row so that you can set a new face and then continue with the text.

The third entry is the line number to go to when you’ve finished displaying all the text for that row. If this is blank, it just moves to the next line in the database.

As for questions/choices, there’s no hard limit on how many choices to have at any point, but more than four might have trouble fitting on the screen if they’re long. Each choice needs to have the text of the choice itself and what line number to go to if that choice is selected.

Because I wrote the whole system I can make it do even more complicated things than that, but that’s the basics of how it all works.

Well my concept for a story at least is solid… I wrote out a 100 page story (well that’s how long it is so far) around one of a set of possible events, a little tweaking and I can think of 4 possible ladies for the main character to hook up with, instead of just the one in the story as I wrote it… In fact it tempts me to create a set of possible stories around that point…

Anyways, in case you want to use this as the basis for a game… Since I can’t do the artowrk and don’t have an engine to use for it, I’m not likely to do it myself, but with this you’ll have a good base to start with and you can always ask me if you want something filled out more…


The setting is fuedal japan during the age between the court samurai and the older samurai period were they were more like vikings. One specific ‘village’/‘town’/etc is the main location headed by one of the progressive Samurai warlords of that age and everything would basically take place there in his domain.

The main character can have any name you’d like to give him as even in my text he is often known by more than one name (In fact if the engine lets you having it allow selection of name is always a good thing). He is a wandering warrior, though since he spent several centuries learning ancient martial arts (in fact the story before this has him learning under the creator of Kung Fu at the original Shaolin temple). He doesn’t normally use weapons, but his whoel reason for coming to japan was to learn their just then forming Zanji Shinjenkin Ryo style swordsmanship (in fact Zanji Shinjenkin Ryo is today basically a lost art as it was the traditional samurai art of the sword, only it’s descendant Kendo lives on after the samurai ‘purge’ when Japan industrialized). I should also mention he already knows alot of the customs of japan (both modern and ancient) and while it would freak out most of the superstious people of that era he can’t really ‘die’, no matter how bad the injury eventually his body regenerates itself and he lives on (though it may take weeks or months to heal depending on how badly injuried). That is also how he has lived centuries as I mentioned above…

Now for the ladies…

The first is the daughter of what we would call the ‘master of arms’ (he’s the instructor for his lord). She is also one of the ‘princesses’ handmaidens/guardians and an accomplished female samurai warrior. Contrary to modern views on the subject today many upper class women at that point could become samurai just as men did, the difference was the use of a naginata instead of katana as the weapon and the fact that their duty was defensive as they didn’t attack like the men would. This is who my story calls for the hero to fall in love with. Unfortunately in my series such relationships don’t last and in this case years later a rival clan attacks them and the hero is forced to watch them kill her… Oh and before I forget not only is she bound to her fathers permission to marry, but as a handmaiden she must also have the lords permission to marry… So their are to men to win over for her hand, though unlike most upper class women she will be far more available than most others as her house is with his teacher…

The next possible lady is one of the lords nieces (which makes her upper class), though in this case not a servant and also not a warrior. She’s basically just wife material for her lords samurai. This is both good and bad for the hero, as he will have to get the lords permission to do just about anything officially with her. But since his goal has him become a samurai in time he will be expected to take a wife, so depending on what happens inbetween those points will decide how favorable the lord would think this is. Also it would be fairly easy to make this into a contest between rivals by having a jealous samurai try to have the lord give her to him inste3ad of the hero.

The third is a servant, as one of the samurai (or at least over time he is) he is expected to have servants for his needs. It would not be hard for him to have a servant that he falls for… Whether they can marry is a seperate matter, not so much in that they couldn’t marry (they could and it would not be looked down upon), but it was quite acceptable for a pretty servant to act as bedmate without requiring marriage.

The fourth possible lady is a minor peasant within the village proper. Now to be realistic she’d be the youngest candidate as most village women married young (14-16 max realistic age). Though being a story their is no reason to suggest she is that young and instead can just be the youngest looking of the girls suggestign any age desired… It wasn’t uncommon for samurai not of the actual clan stock (upper class) to marry peasants and in fact peasants dreamed of wedding their daughters into a samurai family… After all it never hurt to marry up a level within society, it was normally considered the last choice for a samurai though as even a servant was slightly higher on the social ladder than a peasant… On the plus side for the hero though the father would be most pleased to help get the two together and would hardly be able to fault the lust of a samurai for ‘deflowering’ his daughter (doing so would be suicide at that point in time unless he happened to have some much higher conenctiosn than he should)…

Well that’s been quite enough for now I think… Use of it as you will…

Sounds quite promising. I can already sort of see how it would fit in a bishoujo game.

Sounds like a neat historical fiction premise. I’d say it has potential.

Choosing a name is no problem, I have mine setup to do that already. The only problem with it is that the chosen name has to be stored in a variable and dialogue is just straight text, not processed, so under the current system no character can actually say the player’s chosen name, it can only appear over the PC’s dialogue.

So far this isn’t bothering me enough to script a workaround, but I could in the future if it seemed important.

When this current game gets finished (Damn you, wrist injury! You slow me down!) you’ll see.

It’s okay, not very many bishoujo games have the characters speak a name you enter for your character. Even though you can enter your name in Brave Soul, the other characters won’t speak the name. The only game I played that had such a feature is Tokimeki Memorial 3, although you need to be able to write your name in kana to do it.

Well, there was ONE instance in which the main character’s name was said in Brave Soul, though. It’s in the quest where you retrieve the Stone of Eternal Words.

I believe bishounen_blue is referring to a selectable name actually being voiced in the game. That is truly rare, and I’m amazed that it exists at all. In Tokimeki Memorial 3, does a name actually sound right, or is it just an obviously computer-generated monotone?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-05-2005).]

On Forkheads: Months ago, I posted here about their Love Hina game, saying something like “It is TEH FUNNY LOL.” I won’t take back that comment, because in it and the Eva game, there were attempts at humor. Not much success - it seemed dumb like the worst comedies at Fanfiction.net or Mediaminer.

Right now I’m writing a several part explanation/defense of visual novels and text driven games, to show their good aspects, and what can be done with the medium. (As a response to jaded anime fans bored with the lack of animation, and jaded general game fans bored with the lack of action.) Even so, I must praise the interactive aspects of the first two Forkheads games. No, the story parts were relatively weak compared to text based games, and the stat-building in the L.H. game was nothing next to True Love or PM2. But the gameplay wasn’t that bad, really.

One thing I should admit - haven’t played the Azumanga or Galaxy Angel games, since 1) I’m just getting into the series, 2) I don’t want to have my perceptions skewed by dumb OOC humor, 3) I have only so much time online, and 4) I don’t know if those two games can be used offline.

On Ren’py: I was thinking of making a game with it, but I was lazy and didn’t ask for help with images. (My image editing skills are nonexistent.) So I wrote my idea as a brief story with hyperlinks going from one choice to the next part. Next time I get an idea that might need visuals, I’m asking others early on!

So says the Taiyaki Fan.

You can play ANY Flash game offline. Just download it.

You can download them at www.forkheads.tk

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 01-06-2005).]

I think you mean off-line, Benoit.

Uh, yeah, I think so too. ^_^;