A New Pulltop game officially coming out...but no JAST?

Interesting, so in a way they pretty much trying to be cocky.
Since Atlus was mentioned, I would really wanted to see them and Aksys try to release actual non-AO titles on ps3/360, like Dunamis 15 or upcoming VN from Arc System Works and see how they do here, this would be I think a right way to do something like this.

I hope they haven’t ruined it. Even with the changes made, if it’s still a good game at the end of all of this it’s only a good thing for it to see a release.

I definitely want this to be successful, but it’s kind of hard to see how some of these modifications are justified even from the ‘cast as wide a net as possible’ perspective. People young enough to be traumatised by a kiss scene aren’t really going to appreciate a romance story anyway.

If the story is damaged I will never forgive moenovel. I haven’t actually played this game so I can’t comment on how possible it would be to tear H scenes out of it without damaging it-- but I do hope they consulted with the original writers in doing this. I believe this is standard practice when e.g. porting eroges to consoles (where the ero is automatically verboten)*. Nobody ever had to censor a kiss scene for the console market though!

*on the other hand, console releases typically contain extra scenario to make up for the removed scenes, which automatically requires the original writers


YES. Although I more want to see a PC port…

I agree. I would also be willing to bet they did. This is one of the reasons I am so pissed off at them.


I’ll just leave this here:

These changes are based on new information from a fan that e-mailed customer support.

“Stance on censorship” was compiled in part using this information:

… so I was right. They ruined it. Stiff translation, gaping holes, removed a bunch of the humor. I guess it’s some small consolation that when I don’t buy it out of principle, nothing of value will be missed.

Go bankrupt, scum

Whoa… first I thought they only did some cosmetic surgery. Then I thought they merely gutted the game…

Holy Fucking Eroge Goddess… they brainwashed, gang raped, murdered, and tore this bitch’s soul out.

:shock: :evil: :cry:

I’ll drink to that. Moe Novel is everything I fear from a translation company.

I’m usually the guy who thinks, “something is better than nothing”… but even I can’t stomach the level of insanity this has taken.

JAST… MangaGamer… you need to take your kohai and teach her right from wrong before she dies before learning to walk…

Can’t really cancel my preorder since I used paypal to pay for it (did not know about the censorship when I preordered), but I’ve managed to find the real version and fandisk bundle at a reasonable price so I guess the censored version could help if the Japanese gets too complex.

Like I said before about Atlus USA - sometimes you have to be willing to compromise, and being an implacable, unmoving zealot doesn’t work without an army of other zealots. Which we conspicuously lack. Hell, I bought a ton of Hirameki titles, shortly before they went POOF, because they’d gotten the message and started trying to find titles well-suited to their all-ages strategy.

But this is too much. If this works, then the winds will shift entirely in a very bad direction. So all I can do is boycott them and hope they fail hard and fast. That way the licenses can go to people who aren’t dingbats, and the Japanese licensors get burned as little as possible in the process.

Fortunately, if history is any guide, nowhere is exactly where they’re headed and they’re on a bullet train that way.

mite b retarded

I agree. But I think better strategy is to send them emails and to write on their Facebook page what we think about their censorship and editing. It worked several years ago when Mangagamer wanted to censor Soul Link. Many fans protested and the gave in. Fortunately. Otherwise Mangagamer titles might as well all haven been censored since then.

Just got my shipping confirmation from Play-Asia,
FedEx says it’ll be delivered tomorrow.

I guess we will see just how well this release turns out. I haven’t heard any recent news about the title, and it appears to not be in any outlet stores, so I don’t know what happened to their talk about those things. And we get to see just what type of reaction the general public who buys the VN will give the release once they play through it.

If you haven’t seen this yet, it’s an interesting read:

The important parts:

Confirmation on Pulltop (Will) relationship:

Reason for cutting ero content explained + they actually went to the effort to rerecord any altered/new lines:

Confirmation of future projects:

Confirmation(?) that future titles may also cut ero:

Yeah, I was reading that, and it didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the title. Especially the part about future titles possibly cutting stuff out. Heck, their altering of stuff CAN possibly point out to this not leading to a similar experience that the Japanese version had. So while the Japanese version was good from their awards and rating, this Westernized version might not be that great. I will wait to see some customers reviews once they play it through all the way. Especially since they probably had to rewrite a whole new route for the girl that went from a sexfriend to a lover (I believe that is how one whole route was).

jast-usa does this all the time releases one game from a company then never releases another title
jast usa’s child companies used to do this more often now more or less jast usa does one game then never does another


That’s because JAST has become fond of opportunistically snatching up fan translations in progress. I imagine it’s a lot cheaper than working on titles from scratch.

And someone’s views on the whole debate that was going around the internet about what MoeNovel did: http://kakeracomplex.wordpress.com/2013 … el-reader/