A possible new war

I have been identified as owner of bishoujo games at my home message board.
Keep an eye on it for the time being, and jump in only when needed. For now, let’s wait for the response…


You’re making it sound like AIDS, being so serious about it


Just tell L.Shot that Brave Soul is an erotic RPG. Getting into details about why not to use the word “hentai” and how adult bishoujo games aren’t always just like porn will be too much for a forum about listing what games you own. Just tell him that it contains sex scenes, and that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad game. Not all games are for little kids. Maybe you should even recommend the game.

Someone has just made bad critics about the game. :’( Inaccurate one, at that.
I replied to it. Take a look.

To quote your friend, Dr. Hubbs

And I suppose you’ve played it benoit. I know for a fact it’s a hentai game because the people who ported it over to the states call it that. And with great regret I went to Jast USA to confirm this. I would link except it contains nudity.
And a hentai game includes nudity and sex. Be it to a small degree or a big degree.
As a matter of fact, JAST refers to it as a Dating-Sim game. It is J-List that calls them dating-sim hentaigames, probably to elicit more search engine hits for the uninformed players who refer to them as such.

It’s both amusing and sad that this person seems to have a fear/dislike of sex and nudity. Life, after all, is full of sex and nudity. To hold such things in contempt says a lot about the inhibitions and warped outlook of American youth. I mean, we’re not even talking about porn. B-games and anime only show artistic portrayals of imaginary characters, as far removed from reality as Botticelli’s Venus Rising.

The difficulty you face talking with people in such a forum is that most members are underage. Society decrees that anyone below the age of 18 should not have access to such material, hence the negative value judgement. My advice is to let it go and suggest that he have another look when he’s more mature.

HuBBs is in his early twenties, though.

I hope you don’t mind me quoting you on that first paragraph.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 06-20-2004).]

Part of the problem stems from the fact that most people in the west don’t know what the terms hentai and bishoujo really mean or imply, and tend to lump them into the concept of “adult games,” which they further lump into the concept of “porn.” Heck… I’ve been playing bishoujo for a little over a year now, and I just learned what the term means from reading an RPG sourcebook not quite a month ago. I was going along under the assumption that it pretty much meant “adult game,” with all the connotations that go with it–fortunately, I’m rather liberal. While you’re out there trying to educate the masses, try not to get too defensive–remember, they don’t know any better, and they’re opperating under a certain paradigm. Patience in all things…

Originally posted by Benoit:
HuBBs is in his early twenties, though.

I hope you don't mind me quoting you on that first paragraph. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 06-20-2004).]

If he is that age it is even worse in some ways to be so sure of something simply because it's what others call it. He should hopefully be experienced enough to have an open-mind and if not learn what the words mean on his own. Or at least be old enough to realize he should trust others who play the games who might know what they are talking about more anyone that draws inferences from one or two phrases from sites that sell the games. Yet I too am rather liberal in my thinking and try not to jump to conclusions or limit my thinking, but those that do not seem to becoming increasingly rare recently.

The masses are also very defensive themselves and do tend to follow the herd mentality. More often then not one believes something because a larger groups has told them that is the right way to think. This means you will find people that refuse to change until all the others do, and he might be one of those people.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-21-2004).]