A problem with installing Lightning Warrior Raidy

This problem did not occur with my copy, but with a friend of mine’s. He tried installing the game but just before the installation occurred, the computer detected a virus and was unable to clean or quarantine it. Does anyone know what this glitch could be and how to fix or get around it? If any specific information is needed to properly identify this problem so it can be fixed, please tell me and I’ll be sure to have it put in.

What antivirus program did the friend use?
Try cleaning it with an online virus scanner: http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ or http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/ … ctivescan/
Shut the computer off and try installing again after leaving it off for at least 20 seconds.

If it’s showing a component of the game as a virus then I suspect that the anti-virus your friend is using is spitting out a false positive so he can upload the file involved to virustotal and if that comes back with no virus then it is the anti-virus programme that is at fault.

If your friend is using AVG then I suggest changing to avast since it throws up fewer false positives.

heck, disable the AV and install it and remember to do that when you play.