A question for Narg,Peter,and Shingo

All three of you are in or spent significant amounts of time in Japan and Peter is married so I have to ask something.
How cool are Japanese girls with eroge?

How do I find the girls that would enjoy these types of games?

I hope to go in 2-3 years and this is important.

i think you posted this in the wrong forum :>

While I’m not any of the people mentioned, I can give you a pretty truthful answer anyway:


grin People are people and people vary an awful lot. The second part, though, I obviously can’t speak for and someone more Japan-versed might have more wisdom on. Still - how do you normally go about looking for people who like a particular thing? The obvious answers are to join a club/community focused around the thing and meet people there, or to meet people and then try to introduce the thing to people you meet elsewhere and see what they say…

Hang out at Sofmap until you see a girl buying eroge, then talk to her and see if she’s single.

this may take some time

Females are individuals capable of making their own opinions, or so i’m told, so it really depends on the girl but i wouldn’t bring it up the first time you meet them(or second or even third).

This made me lol, because it’s something I would have tried. :lol:

In all seriousness though… every person has their own tastes and views: the women included. Eroge isn’t exactly something you’d bring up on a first date, anymore than mentioning you have a porn collection while dating Western women. Some might find it unnerving… while others might consider it cute.

In general, when dating Japaense girls, I’ve found they’re more interested in the whole: “I’m dating a foreigner.” You’re like the ultimate fashion accessory. Not that this is a bad thing however… it’s the ultimate ice breaker, and can get you hooked up very quickly.

If you’re looking for a girl that has an interest in the same things as you, you’re just gonna have to go clubbing and dating a lot. That part at least, is rather easy in Japan. Places like Roppungi aren’t infamous for nothing!

There really isn’t an authoritive suggestion I can honestly offer… dating is just so situational. Be yourself. Have fun.

Dating in Japan is different, but it’s not alien. Sexual attraction is still sex attraction after all.

like others said, it really depends on the individual and how they are brought up and their tastes

i have met girls who have no issues with otaku stuff, yet i have a co-worker who is japanese and she used to cosplay as gothic loli, and marries to a guy who plays love-plus on the NDS, and she herself has worked post-production on some anime titles and even AV…yet she cannot stand eroge when i showed her the game i was playing back then (it was alicesoft’s toshin toshi 3)

Hmm, hard to tell, really. Could be because Toushin Toshi 3 is a bit rape-heavy / the overall concept of ‘pairing’ with a female who is essentially used as collateral might be the thing she’s not so much a fan of.

nah she just showed her a bunch of sample cgs shown on alicesoft’s webpage; didnt think she actaully read the background story

well good to here from the mods
from what i here is japanese women aren’t liking loveplus

prolly because they freak out from that dude marrying a loveplus chara incident

and back to that co-worker i mentioned above. also showed her some of the recent anime shows on youtube, one of which was amagamiSS since i thought it was closest to loveplus, and she frown on how the main guy’s little sister calls him by “onii~”

and on the other side of the spectrum, i also showed her mitsudomoe OP on youtube :stuck_out_tongue:
she watched and laughed…but because she saw her ex-coworker’s name on the OP credits text


So far. Lancer has given the most helpful advice.
I’d still like to marry a celebrity though,wonder if starting a talent agency would help :stuck_out_tongue:
some strong waifu contenders on my list so far…

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygkh-S5- … re=related

personally, Im leaning towards kitahara-san she likes otaku culture I believe and would be most amenable to eroge.