This is a thought that came to my mind while at ten thousand kilometres over China and decided not to eat what airlines considers “food”.
I know marketing numbers is one of the most powerful weapon a company to use to convince the public and other companies that they are doing some right. (or wrong) I think Mircosoft proves that.
The thought is a simple one. Now most people on this board would probably pre-order from PP directly given the chance. I know I am one of them. This of course will give PP numbers indicating want is in demand and what is not. Also it gives PP the power/tool to go to the original Japanese companies to say, “Hey, there is an English market.” (Please note I say English and not US. )
However, one point comes to mind as well. I think the first English game I bought would had been Graduation from Animenation. After a nice round of the game I decided to look for more. I think Eve Burst Error was the next one I got. I also bought this from Animenation. Ever since then Animenation bought more stuff from Himeya, RCY and the UK based one that is closed now. Don’t if I have anything to do any business decisions, but I did remember pestering about the games and when they get the next batch. I must say they are very good about and got the games almost as quickly as the publishers. Since then I order directly from the source so to speak. However, I been wondering if people are still buying from them. (I am sure they are since their updates do include new games.)
The thought is quite simple. Have I altered any business decisions at Animenation. From the point of pesting them to get more in to when I started buying directly from the publishers, such as PP. After all this is a niche market and should a customer leave it does make heads tick about the bottom line. (profit) However, I can’t order from a retailer of future products since they can only offer what publisher give them. (Release dates are important to retailers for pre-order products.) However, if I can’t pre-order from a retailer, PP might not get a “true” picture of numbers.
After all buying from retailers is like saying, “Hey I got a bit too much money which I like to share with you, but you must give this and that.” Simple Economics 101. Catch-22 situation??? Or am I on some mind altering drug?
Sorry, not an easy thought I can put to words. Also I was hungry at the time when this thought came up. The food does smell really nice…