A quick note

Ya know, I really didn’t want to have to assume the role of antagonist, raging against the machine for taking so long on XC2 but really, two years???!!!

Ah well, I think we’ve all voiced our displeasure enough, no one is obviously listening on the other end.

Originally posted by ZEN:
Ya know, I really didn't want to have to assume the role of antagonist, raging against the machine for taking so long on XC2 but really, two years???!!!

Ah well, I think we've all voiced our displeasure enough, no one is obviously listening on the other end.

Sorry, my friend, you gave me good reason to use this image.


Originally posted by ZEN:
... raging against the machine for taking so long on XC2 but really, two years???!!!

ranting for two (2) years about not getting a computer game?!? i enjoy computers games just like everyone else but i have TON of other stuff in Life to keep me occupied and happy.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Sigh ... All I got are my lemons to keep me warm. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Most of my $$$ is going towards anime and a good audio system. I don't mind waiting for a product I want, as long as I know I will get it. PS. Anybody out there with old audio stuff with tubes cheap?

I have a Sears stereo system with pretty nice speakers. It really gives my 'Saturday Night Fever' soundtrack an authentic feel.

(Seriously, I am a Saturday Night Fever fanatic.)

Oh, and I'm with you on this issue. I will never understand why people take their entertainment so seriously. I recall the creators of MegaTokyo was very pissed that Neverwinter Nights wasn't coming out or indefinitely delayed. I still remember the comic strip about that. Basically, from that day on, all my respect for the creators kind of went out the window.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 06-03-2003).]

I take anything I spend money on seriously. This has nothing to do really with Peach Princess, I don’t think they handled this release as well as they could have, but then I am not sure whats going on in the background. But as far as taking entertainment seriously, I am not rich so when I spend money I want to get my enjoyment out of it. So if I feel screwed by a company that I buy a game from I will be unhappy about it. So in that aspect I DO take my entertainment seriously. This has nothing to do with this thread really but I disliked the phrase about taking entertainment too seriously.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Oh, and I'm with you on this issue. I will never understand why people take their entertainment so seriously. I recall the creators of MegaTokyo was very pissed that Neverwinter Nights wasn't coming out or indefinitely delayed. I still remember the comic strip about that. Basically, from that day on, all my respect for the creators kind of went out the window.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 06-03-2003).]


I'm serious enough about video games to try to get into the industry. I've had a (very) small amount of success ([url=http://www.teamxkalibur.com]http://www.teamxkalibur.com[/url], the link wasn't mentioned on this board and I don't exist...). Does that make me lame?

Originally posted by ZEN:
Ya know, I really didn't want to have to assume the role of antagonist, raging against the machine for taking so long on XC2 but really, two years???!!!

Ah well, I think we've all voiced our displeasure enough, no one is obviously listening on the other end.

I bet you whine when your little sister plays with your toys, and when your mommy makes you go to bed early (even on weekends), and when you can't stay out after dark too, huh?

If you waited two years, one would think that self-control would allow you to wait another 2 weeks... Any reasonable person would think so anyway.

Who peed in your Cheerios this millennia?

Circuitry Bear

OK, my phrase is being misconstrued. I’m talking about gamers getting pissed about a game that is withheld for difficulties in development or loss of publisher or any number of difficulties. Peter even made absolutely, extra sure that there were no mistakes in the manual before it went to the printers, and how often do you find a company so dedicated to releasing its products, that they include a thick ass manual with it? Not Himeya Soft, Not Otaku Publishing, Not Hobibox Europe, only Peach Princess does it. I don’t know about G-Collections because I only have the DOR that Nandemonai sent to me, but jeezus, they charged the credit cards, they say they’ll be sending the game out, they won’t be scamming you out of the game, so just wait a little bit longer.

id actually feel alot better of my credit card was charged… that would mean it IS on the way this week at least…(even if i got it beginning of next)

I just dont wanna see happen here what happened to critical point… i pre-ordered it as well… and about 2 weeks after release i finally decided to email em… and they said… sorry we didnt get ur order, please replace the order…

[This message has been edited by Gambit (edited 06-03-2003).]

I also wish PP would charge my card… please… I’ve had 2 issues with orders in the past with PP & the very first nearly made me decide I shouldn’t bother with Bishoujo games (they were compeltely unfriendly & unhelpful)… The last time wasn’t as bad, but it’s frustrating… & my current job makes me less than tolerant of frustration…

I also go on vacation starting friday & I’d liek to know if I’ll get to play before my vacation is over or if I’ll have to grab tiem whenever I get the chance to play… The not knowing though is what truly kilsl me…

Originally posted by bokmeow:
OK, my phrase is being misconstrued. I'm talking about gamers getting pissed about a game that is withheld for difficulties in development or loss of publisher or any number of difficulties. Peter even made absolutely, extra sure that there were no mistakes in the manual before it went to the printers, and how often do you find a company so dedicated to releasing its products, that they include a thick ass manual with it? Not Himeya Soft, Not Otaku Publishing, Not Hobibox Europe, only Peach Princess does it. I don't know about G-Collections because I only have the DOR that Nandemonai sent to me, but jeezus, they charged the credit cards, they say they'll be sending the game out, they won't be scamming you out of the game, so just wait a little bit longer.

Thats not how it sounded to me [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. G-Collections also does not include manuals, only reply cards.

Speaking of manuals, as a side note the manual for BS will be full color (I think, but I am pretty sure…well at least I know that there will be some color pages, maybe it will be all full color, but I don’t know yet)

you guys going to use the same printing company? heh

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Thats not how it sounded to me [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]. G-Collections also does not include manuals, only reply cards.

No one reads the rest of my post to understand what I meant about 'taking entertainment seriously.' In retrospect, it was probably badly typed.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I will never understand why people take their entertainment so seriously. I recall the creators of MegaTokyo was very pissed that Neverwinter Nights wasn't coming out or indefinitely delayed. I still remember the comic strip about that. Basically, from that day on, all my respect for the creators kind of went out the window.

What I'm saying is, people seem to take the releases of these games very seriously, and
if it is delayed then they become quite incensed. There are more serious matters to be incensed about, like what about the urban situation, the white flight, the unequal education standards between urban and suburban school? The single mother, the ludicrous tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the rich, the overpaid CEOs, the eroding minimum wage, the rising living standards? People whose only concern in life is the release date of a game hasn't enough real life concerns to engage their attention.

Anyways, I'm not accusing anyone of being insensitive or anything. I'm saying, don't get hung up about a game. We are Peach Princess's most loyal fans and we stuck by them and was understanding all this time, tried to help them, provide advice, give support, support each other as well, and I believe the scene that is strong and supportive of each other instead of broken and divisive is much more important to Peach Princess. I'll fix up my reviews for Xchange and Snow Drop and Critical Point in the meantime, and proofread the rest of the reviews people sent to me.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 06-04-2003).]

Ya know, i wasnt mad that they were still a little behind with all their orders… hell that happens… But i do think a little more could have been done than just having us wait it out to hear anything if our order wasnt processed the first 3-4 days…

Like that email they finally sent out monday saying “We got tons of orders, Please Bear with us” i was glad to hear that… Thats all it takes to make me happy with a game release… just to know its going to be a little bit longer… instead of being kept in the dark and not even knowing if the order was processed (or even taken).

And If in the past, Peachprincess didnt have trouble with a few pre-orders…(and i dont mean any offence here, it happens) i wouldnt have thought twice. But because i DID have some trouble in the past, i was kinda concerned…

So now your saying that since we take delays in entertainment that we don’t care about real world issues? Just because I get angry over a game release does not mean that I am not concerned about rising national debt, education problems, etc. I seriously doubt that anyone’s ONLY concern in life is the release of a game. But if it IS their only concern I envy them in some ways. This reminds me of a debate I had once about higher and lesser pleasures and who was better off, the person striving to achieve higher pleasures or the animal (say a pig) who already has his lesser pleasures achieved and never knows higher pleasures are out there.

On a side note are you a democrat Bookmeow? You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want too, not that I see a problem with it.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
So now your saying that since we take delays in entertainment that we don't care about real world issues? Just because I get angry over a game release does not mean that I am not concerned about rising national debt, education problems, etc. I seriously doubt that anyone's ONLY concern in life is the release of a game. But if it IS their only concern I envy them in some ways. This reminds me of a debate I had once about higher and lesser pleasures and who was better off, the person striving to achieve higher pleasures or the animal (say a pig) who already has his lesser pleasures achieved and never knows higher pleasures are out there.

On a side note are you a democrat Bookmeow? You don't have to answer that if you don't want too, not that I see a problem with it.

I have no political affiliation. I gave forth my rant because that's the kind of concern I have, when I work in Trenton and see the people abandoning Black people in these cities, because industries exit, and white people exit. I don't want to speak any more on the subject because I see people take release dates very seriously.

But I know I am not alone on this forum who don't have the release date of a game as their only valid concern, and I like to see that everyone supports each other. People act like Made in DNA and Peter Payne and Lamuness are like deliberately witholding stuff or messing up, but you know that is not the case.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
[quote] Originally posted by Bigdog:
[b]So now your saying that since we take delays in entertainment that we don't care about real world issues? Just because I get angry over a game release does not mean that I am not concerned about rising national debt, education problems, etc. I seriously doubt that anyone's ONLY concern in life is the release of a game. But if it IS their only concern I envy them in some ways. This reminds me of a debate I had once about higher and lesser pleasures and who was better off, the person striving to achieve higher pleasures or the animal (say a pig) who already has his lesser pleasures achieved and never knows higher pleasures are out there.

On a side note are you a democrat Bookmeow? You don't have to answer that if you don't want too, not that I see a problem with it.

I have no political affiliation. I gave forth my rant because that's the kind of concern I have, when I work in Trenton and see the people abandoning Black people in these cities, because industries exit, and white people exit. I don't want to speak any more on the subject because I see people take release dates very seriously.

But I know I am not alone on this forum who don't have the release date of a game as their only valid concern, and I like to see that everyone supports each other. People act like Made in DNA and Peter Payne and Lamuness are like deliberately witholding stuff or messing up, but you know that is not the case.

[/b] [/quote]

I agree with your "entertainment too seriously" comment. You can see it on all the online games these days. Why else the cheating? Thankfully that isn't the case here.

Here's a thought for you all. I buy things from Japanese companies all the time. Order online or over the phone. They don't tell you anything. Nothing at all. And you don't get notice until it arrives on your doorstep. Since I like prefer COD, you can imagine the frustration on my part (and the delivery guy's part) when some dude shows up and asks for cash. Needless to say, I have taken to keeping a small amount of cash taped to my left buttock, for just such cases.

I certainly wouldn't want to withhold anything from this group. As it stands, I have put part of myself into this game, and I have nothing to gain from it sitting in a warehouse. I am sure everyone here understands that. I want it in your hot little hands so you can berate me for editing mistakes. But so goes life.

In any case, I thank you all for your patience. I am sorry that I have incensed some persons. It was not meant as a '^#&$^#(*%&#*($%&#)*(%^(# you', it was just to try and placate.

As ever,
Made in DNA