A simple Tale...

This tale just crossed my mind a while ago…
It’s about a man who is currently a ruler of a nation.And this nation is about to plunge into war…The man is also about to die…and he’s the only hope of his own people.On one chilly night, while he’s asleep.A vision from the fates told him that he can extend his life to save his nation…But on one condition.That is "A love one must offer his/her life in exchange"and the to be sacrificed must really be devoted to him and loves him dearly…
With these words he woke up with a start.He immediately set to meet his people and ask if anyone is willing to make the trade.To his dismay, none accepted the offer…He then decided to go to his parents, thinking that they can not refuse him for it was for the sake of the nation…To his anguish, his parents turned him down…They told him that they raised him and now he wants them to give up their remaining lifetime for him…“We have already done our obligations to you, please…let us live our lives until we’re content.”
When he returned to his palace…He was astounded that the last person he would want to offer was there saying that she is willing to trade her life to him. His wife whom he loved the most, wants to do it for her love to him is so strong, that she would give anything to him if he asks for it. And so, it happened…for the sake of his nation and his people…the trade was done and he and his servants where grieving bitterly, when a friend from a faraway land visited him. In front of the man who was delighted to see him, he couldn’t be so gloomy and he welcomed him with a smile… When inside the palace. The guest quickly notice that all the servants are grieving… He asksed if they were helding a funeral of sorts… He just replied that it was just a stranger, and that it is their tradition to hold a funeral to anyone who dies in their land. The friend buyed his story, and he called the servants to attend to the guest. The servants did so, but with mourning still on their faces… The guest noticed it and asked a servant on what was really happening… The servant replied that it is just their lord had said and offered him another cupfull of wine, but when the servant was halfway into pouring the cup…he siezed the servant and forcibly asks what was really going on. The servant was very terrified and another had told him the story about the funeral.
When he knew that he was here being merry to friend’s funeral for his wife, he quickly thought of something to make ammends for what he did. Even though he knew that his friend did not want him to worry about problems that are not his… He decided that he will wrestle with death to get back the soul of his friends beloved wife. He did so and won.
When returned to his friend… THe lord of the palace gasp and said “What is this! A trickery of the Gods!?” He said, “No my friend, don’t you not recognize her? I battled Death to give her back…and now here she is.” The image of his wife was right in front of him and…

What happened then… I do not know…perhaps you could provide an ending to this tale…

What do you think of it?

… overjoyed about the reunion with his wife, his heart skipped a beat - and another - and one more! Heart attack!

After all, with his valiant effort the friend only undid the original deal that was made between fate and his old friend.

The next day, before the deceased ruler of this country could even have a proper funeral, the neighbouring country’s army crossed the border. The entire nation (including its army) in grief about the sudden loss of its leader was no match for the fierce attackers and a former proud country now became just a province of an expanding empire.

Some of world’s worst catastrophy’s were caused by really good meaning people!

Fate is not to be trifled with!

EVIL epilogue:
After the succesful takeover, the old friend was richly rewarded by the attacking country’s leader and placed into a high rank of the new province’s administration.

[ 09-22-2006, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

That’s a good one! Though a bad ending for the lord of the nation…and what of his wife and servants?

I intentionally left out those details when I just told about the country have been taken over. We all should know that war is a dirty business and UGLY things may happen when hostile foreign soldiers storm into civilian towns, right? :eek:

Well…here’s another tale. Though it’s rather short.

This is a tale of a renowned artifact…a sword in particular…Now this sword is called the

A drunken little elf had mistaken the sword for a shining pillar…And as he is about to touch the hilt, a voice called out, “No! don’t touch that sword!”

But it’s too late, he touch it and the world was gone…

Check this out! :slight_smile:

Since no one commented…I guess I’ll continue my tale… :cool:

 Well, two years passed, and I met him across this side of the river, and one day he was rubbing his hands together and laughing. `I'm going to leave,' he said, ` to meet my wife. She has taken pity on me, and has come to join me. I have a nice kind wife.' He was breathless with joy, and the next day he arrived with his wife, a pretty young lady wearing a hat, with a little girl in her arms. And lots of luggage of all kinds. My brother was spinnning around her, he couldn't take his eyes away from her, and couldn't praise her enough. `Yes, brother, even in this hell people live!' Well, thought I, he won't always be showing a happy face to the world. From that time he went riding almost every week to find out whether the money was being sent from home. He would tell me: `She is ruining her youth and beauty in this hell for my sake, and sharing my miserable fate, and so I ought to provide her with every comfort.' And to make life more cheerful for his lady, he made the acquaintance of officials and all sorts of riffraff, and of course he had to provide food and drink for the whole crowd, and there had to be a piano and a shaggy dog sitting on the sofa--a plague on such nonsense!...Luxury and self-indulgence, that's what it was! The lady did not stay long with him. How could she. Clay, water, cold weather, no vegetables for you, no fruit, surrounded by ignorant and drunken people, and she a pampered darling from the capital... of course she got bored. `Besides, her husband was no gentleman any longer; he was an idiot, and there's no honor in that. Three years later, I remember, on the eve of the fifth full-moon, there was the sound of the lady herself--- she was all muffled up, and there was young gentleman with her, one of the officials. There was a troika, too... I hid and observed them ferry across and they got into the troika and vanished into thin air! That was the last we saw of them. Toward morning brother came galloping down to the ferry. "Brother, tell me,' ha said, "didn't my wife pass this way with a gentleman in spectacles?' `Yes, she did,' I told him. `Run after the wind in the fields...' So he galloped after them, and for six days and nights he was pursuing them. Later, when I accompenied him to the other side, he flung himself down in the ferry and beat his head against the flanking and howled. `So that's how it is!' said I, and I laughed and reminded him him how he had said: `People can live even in hell.' And he beat his head all the more...After that he began to long for his wife. His had gone back home, and so naturally he was drawn there, so that he could see her and take her away from her lover. And then, brother, what did he do but ride off nearly every day to the town to see the authorities. He sold his land and mortgaged his house to a Jew. He grew gray, stooped, and his face turned yellow like a consumptive's. He would talk to you and go: hee-hee-hee...and there would be tears in his eyes. He wasted away with all those bull-shit for eight years, but recently he has recovered his spirits shows a more cheerful face to the world: he has thought up a new self-indulgence. His daughter, you see, was growing up. He was always looking at her and doting on her. To tell the truth, threr's nothing wrong with her -- she's a pretty thing, with black eyebrows, and high-spirited. Every Sunday he would go to church with her. They would standing side by side on the ferryboat, and the girl would be laughing, and he would never look away from her. `Yes, brother,' he would say, `People can live in hell. Even in hell, there is happiness. Look what a daughter I have! I don't believe that if you traveled a thousand miles you would find another like her!' And I'd say to him: `Your daughters all right, there's no question at all...' And I'd find myself thinking: `Wait a bit... The girl is still young, the blood is dancing in her veins, she wants to live and what kind of life is there here?' And, brother, she began to pine away. She withered and wasted away and fell into decline until she was too weak to stand on her feet. Consumption! There's your Hellish happiness for you, a curse on it! That's how people live in this place... Now he spends his time running after doctors and taking them home with him. As soon as he hears of a doctor or a quack two or three hundred miles away, he drives over to fetch him. It's terrible to think of the money he spends on doctors, and it's my opinion he would much better spend it on food... She'll die anyway. She's certain to die, and then he will be finished. He'll hang himself from grief or run away to God knows where, that's for sure.
       "Good, good," muttered the foreigner, shivering with cold.
       "Why good?" I asked.
       "Wife, daughter... Let suffer hard labor, let sorrow, but he seen wife, daughter. You say: want nothing. But nothing is bad! Wife lived with him three years --- this is gift from God. Nothing is bad, but three years is good. How not understand?'
       Trembling with cold and stammering, the foreigner picked out with great difficulty the English words of which he knew so few, and went on to say that God forbid one should fall ill in a strange land, and die, and be buried in the cold, rusty earth; and if his wife should come to him even for a single day or a single hour, then for such happiness he would be willing to bear any fortune whatsoever, and he would thank God for it. Better a single day of happiness than nothing at all.
   Then once again, he described how he had left a pretty and clver wife at home, then, clutching his head with both hands, he began to weep.
    "You'll soo-oo-oon get used to it," I said.
    The foreigner fell silent, turning his tearful gaze on the fire. I lay beside the fire; and I laughed quietly at something, and began singing under my breath.
     "What happiness can she have with her father?" I asked a few moments later. "He loves and finds consolation with her, and all that is true. But, brother, you can't put your fingers in his mouth, as they say. He's a strict old man, and a harsh one, and what use is strictness to a young woman? What she wants is caresses and ha-ha-ha and ho-ho-ho and scents and jewelries, isn't that heavily to his feet."
     "He's so different from me. I have nothing to worry about, and I want nothing...I'm not even afraid to die..." I remarked.
      "Only a fool is not afraid..." He said.
      "..." was all I could say.
      He just remained quiet.
     " So he's chasing after a doctor," said I, shuddering with cold. "Looking for a real doctor is like hunting the wind across the fields or taking the devil by the hind leg, damn it all! What queer fellows, eh?
      The foreigner went up to me, looking at me with hatred and horror, trembling all over, and, mixing unknown words with his broken english, said: "He is good...good,but you...you are bad! You are bad! Gentleman is good soul, fine man, you...you are beast, horrible! Gentleman is alive, you are carcass...God created man to be alive, to be happy and sad and full of sorrow, but you...you want nothing. You not alive, you stone, lump of clay! Stone want nothing! You are stone, and God does not love you. God loves gentleman!"
     I just look at him and laughed, and he frowned contemptuously, and with a wave of his hand he wrapped himself in his rags and went up to the fire.
      As I was about to sleep there came a sound like a dog howling.
      "What's that? Who's there?" was all I could say...
      It was only him crying.
      "Well, he's a queer one!" I thought to myself, and I went off to sleep.

About this tale…It is rather mystical yet it relly happened! :roll:

[ 11-17-2006, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Just found a new one while boringly Browsing … And doing some Tidings…


Thought I’d share it to you guys… :smiley:

[ 02-01-2007, 02:59 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

We want to try something out…
And would request your aid in order for this to be…well, something…

The _______'s child was born at sunrise. Lady _______ of the _________ looked at wailing, red-smeared newborn and then to the first spears of daylight streaming in from the open window. Which omen would prove more powerful, she wondered – a baby born in concert with the dawn of a new day,herald to an age of light? Or a dire warning that the _________'s legacy would be drenched in blood?

Amid a cluster of bustling servants, the midwife wrapped the infant in fine _______ linens. She the child to Lady ________, then drew the bedclothes up to the mother’s chin.

The unnamed baby went quiet in the _____-woman’s arms. Lady ______'s long ears stood up straight as she tried in vain to isolate the infant’s aura. As a _______, ________'s shallow muzzle had no visible nose or mouth, but her senses were still sharper than a real _____'s. To her, a person’s scent was inextricably bound to disposition — industrious people smelled of clean sweat and wood shavings while layabouts gave off waves of stale air and mildew. In this case, all she could sense was a normal, helpless infant in need of a succor. She cradled the child’s head against her heart, the soft texture of her ______ seeming to soothe the tiny child.

___________ tried to relax as well. She had lived among the humans of _______ for almost a decade, but their offspring still struck her as remarkably small, too quick to cry, and distressingly hairless.

________ stood in the guard house and watched _____ and _______ leave. It was a strange phenomenon. One moment they were there and the next moment they were gone. It was as if the world had folded over and passed them by in an instant. In that instant, ______ was alone. A ____ man alone in a ______ world, a cold and sterile world.

___________ looked around at __________, _____'s world. It was beautiful. It was perfect, like an equation that had been solved to the very last decimal place. But the mathematician had moved on to a new problem, leaving ________ to tend the theorems and keep all the formulas in place.

“Now I am the _________,” said _______ as he walked from the guardhouse and surveyed the palace grounds. “Let’s see what this world has to offer.”

A falcon the color of rusty blood delivered the call just before the end of the day shift, and it was as much dumb luck as destiny that the bird alighted upon the shoulder of a __________ costable named _____________. Only _______ and his partner were in the squad room at the time, wrapping up the day’s scrolls during the brief peace before the night shift had assembled, and after the day shift had for the most part left. By chance, ______ had been closest to the window. The avian messenger’s choice of perch gave the lawman his first case as lead investigator after more than a few years spent keeping peace in the city of _________.

_________ clutched the wound in her belly and crled up in a soft bed of soil. Centuries of humus had made this a lovely place to lie, a likely place to die.

__________ didn’t want to die.

She wasn’t home. Instead of her people, tawny-skinned and golden-eyed, she was among _______ folk. Instead of her brother _______, who had carried her across the continent to be healed, she was tended by an ____-face ______-man.

“It’s all right. It’s alright,” _____ soothed. “This is a place of ancient power. It will heal you, if any place can…” Already, the _______ folk had told him she would not live. “The infection has gotten under your skin, that’s all. It’s just skin deep.”

________ shook her head in denial and pain, and ferns clutched her trashing hair. All around her, trees twisted into the sky. Birds and bushbabies and other things stared down from the green fronds and sent forth strange whoops of laughter.

Her brother said she would be gealed here. He hadn’t said she wpuld die.

She would die.

_________ let go of the unhealing wound and gripped the arms of the _______. Her fingers stained his flesh red and black. “Tell me what I mut do. You are a druid, a healer. How can I live?”

__________ glanced up, seeking the support of the _____ folk. They were gone. They had withdrawn. He looked longingly at the forest, as if he wished to join them. “I should bring back your brother.”

“No! Don’t abandon me. It’s bad enough to die among strangers, but to die alone…”

“It’s going to be all right—”

“For you! Oh, what I would trade to be in your skin instead of mine. Tell me what I must do to live.”

His simian face was grieved as he stared down at her. Then there something else — terrible pain. ______ shuddered and reached up over his shoulder. He gasped a breath and blood poured from his mouth. Eyes fixed in horror, he toppled forward onto her.

__________ shoved at him. “__________! What’s happening! What are you doing?”

A new voice came, a woman’s voice. “He saved your life — if you have the will to claim it. Do you, _____? Will you embrace a nightmare to live?”

__________ stared over _______'s still shoulder but could not see who spoke. Her own strength failing, she said only, “What must I do?”

If _________ and his partner had finished thier duty logs on time and left the Leaguehall a few minutes earlier, the young lawman might have missed it. Had his partner, Lieutenant _________ _______, refusedthe order by right of seniority and decided to call it a day, they might have ended that evening as they ended many long weeks, with a few rounds at the _________. They would have reviewed the day’s alterations, violations, and leftover mysteries with a mug of hot _________ and the freedom to speak thier minds and blow off a little steam. More likely they would have gone thier separate ways: the lieutenant to his wife and newborn child, the young constable to a small apartment, where he would have studied for a promotion exam. The next day, both of them would have been alive.

After the call, the surviving partner never blamed the bird for doing its job, but for the rest of his life he did remember the moment its talons dug into the shoulder of that young, overeager _____. The blood-red raptor was the first image in his nightmares for many years to come. The rest were far worse.

The ______ man was awed by the size and i9ntricacy of the palace. Each wall, each window, each buttress was but a single facet in a convoluted pattern or complex equation. Minarets extended atb impossible angles, walls curved around one another, connecting top to bottom, and many of the buttresses indeed seemed to be flying. Silver walls and translucent windows met in a space that seemed to extend to infinity. It was a marvel of complicated algorithms and fractal mathematics, a wonder to behold.

The new ________ felt he could spend a thousand lifetimes delving into the secrets of his master’s world and the incredible castle _____ had constructed. He stood on the grounds contemplating the fractal facets of the walls, the impossible curves of the arches, and the elegance of the extra-planar geometry _______ had mastered as a _________. But time had no real meaning to _____________. He was an artificial being on an artificial plane with no frame of reference for the linear passage of time. _________ had no suns or moons, no rotation through space to give the ______ man any sensation of time’s movement. An outside observer might have thought the _________ was a statue on the grounds of the fabulous castle.

Nearby, the new mother lay exhausted. Lady ________ was the ___________'s most favored concubine, and carrying his child was a special honor the bachelor ruler had bestowed upon her. The labor had been extremely difficult, and now _________ barely breathed as she slept among the sweat-soaked sheets. _____________ said a silent prayer as she looked down on her friend. She knew this appeal joined thousands of others, an entire kingdom beseeching the most powerful of the kami for the sake of thier great leader’s child and the lady who bore her. ___________'s own people in the woods honored the same spirits as the citizens of ________, and together thier voices were a grand chorale that rang across the spirit world. The ______-bito knew the power of such prayer, and ___________ also knew that without them, ________ might not have survived at all.

The midwife’s appentice began cleaning up as the midwife herself bowed before Lady . “Mother and child are alive,” she said. " _________ must be told."

_________ glanced down at the baby. “A child,” she said, “but not a prince.”

The midwife shook her head and smiled sadly. “Perhaps this princess will confound tradition and succeedher father.” She glanced at the bustling servants, then added, “But no time soon, of course. Long live the ________.”

“I share your hope,” ________ said. She held the infant out with both arms, staring deep into half-opened eyes that had not yet learned to focus. “I would not put Lady _________ through another ordeal like this one for the sake of gender.”

__________ handed the infant back to the midwife. “Make mother and daughter comfortable. I shall inform the _______.” The _____-woman’s ears folded back around her head and she gathered the sleeves of her voluminous robe around her. With a nod to the sentries outside the midwife’s chambers, Lady __________ stepped out into the storm.

It was a short walk from the rear corner of the _____________'s stronghold to the main entryway, but the winds were fierce and the sky was a scowling mass of grayish-yellow clouds. From the great stone parapet that overlooked the lower courtyard, __________ could see that only a few hundred of the faithful maintained thier vigil, awaiting the arrival of the __________'s child. _____________'s citizens had gathered in their thousands the night before, but fatigue and the growing tempest had forced most to withdraw. She wished she could spare a moment to tell them the news they had been waiting for patiently, but they were so distant and the storm so loud that thay would never hear her words.

The retainers on the central level’s maingate recognized her and waved her on. She had made many visits to the top of the __________'s tower over the past two days, even though she had never spoken to __________ himself. His advisors received her cordially, but they would not interrupt thier master, who had given word that the future of the the kingdom depended on his not being disturbed.

Once the great gate closed behind her and the wind was at bay, __________ let out her ears and loosened her robes. She paused, sniffed the air, and rotated her ears towards the main stairwell. Satisfied, she folded her ears back and darted forward, scaling the seemingly endless steps so lightly that her padded feet barely made a sound.


This should do for now…
We need your assistance for the names of the characters, the places, and some descriptions…to be placed in the blanks…

Well, we just wanted to right a tale that’s been going around this mind of ours…
Only problem is… We’re weak when it comes to naming the characters and places… And also ngiving titles…as this one doesn’t have a title…

Well, we’ll just see whatv you guys think…
And all of us will decide on the given names that you supplied to the one to be used…

Hehe, I love this kind of thread.

The boy was an outcast. Long had he forsaken his native village though he knew one day he must return to retrieve the artifact housed there. That day, he knew, was still far off but he was always preparing for it. Always training, always learning. Everything he did was in preparation for that day. Everything needed to be just right else all would be for naught. But the day of reckoning was still far off. Now he must concentrate. As he sat meditating in the darkened room, he didn’t notice the sound of falling bits of masonry hitting the cracked stone floors around him – the footfalls of people wandering the corridors above shaking loose a chip here and there. He didn’t notice the musty smell of the ancient chamber in which he sat, either. All his attention was firmly fixed on the magic circle he had drawn on the floor. Like his plan for vengeance, the runes had to be flawless else he could be easily killed. It happened all too often when wizards and magi attempted new spells. More often then not, the attempted spell would simply fizzle. Rarely, the malformed runes would trigger an entirely different spell – always with catastrophic results. Just one more grain of white sand… He thought, not daring to think of the consequences. The final grain fell from the vial taking a small eternity as it fell. Time stopped. The grain fell into place into the final rune and…

An oily darkness suddenly engulfed the boy…
A sudden thought flashed through the boy’s mind. He had no idea where the thought had originated, for it spread quickly through his entire matrix, but it seemed so right that he coudn’t deny it. Another idea germinated inside him.
The oil had already insinuated itself into the boy’s psyche, but there was time enough later to exert control. For now, it must divide and grow. Divide and grow. That was the first rule of any organism, especially one that had been created as a weapon. For what seemed an eternity, the oil had lain dormant, waiting to be unleashed upon a new world. The war for which it had been created had long since passed, but when a pair of travelers came, it awoke again and followed them to this new, this pristine, world.
Divide and grow. Divide and grow. That was the first rule. Divide and grow until the oil infused the entire body. There was time enough for contamination and control later. For now, it must simply divide and grow…


This doesn’t seem right…
But it feels so good…! :stuck_out_tongue:

and survive. The oil quickly realized as it infused through the boy’s psyche that discovery of contamination would mean death. No more division, no more growth. Through the boy, the oil discovered unfamiliar sensations. Pain, hate, vendetta, and one other sensation it didn’t know. It didn’t matter, for now all it needed was to control its host and somehow allow the boy and itself to continue if it were to survive.

The boy awoke on the floor wracked in pain from the invasion. Grow and divide the voice from the back of his mind said. The boy grinned wickedly. The Beast had awakened and fused with him, just as he had anticipated. Everything was going according to plan. All he would have to do is return to his homeland and wait. The Beast would handle things from there and would unwittingly become the instrument of vengeance…

The journey home was a long one. The beast and the boy have often converse with each other during their long journey. The dark invader tried so hard to convince the boy to be under its control… But to no avail…
The boy’s stubborness and lust for vengeance are so strong, strong enough to deny the oily darknesses contamination attempts.
The beast inside would rather do something else, things that are more fun to be doing…
But the boy always refuses and insists on returning for revenge.

The darkness would not give-up as well…and is about to reach the final straw…
“Hey,” the darkness said. “You still don’t believe I’m who I say I am, do you?”
“I don’t know what you are. You’ve got some power.But so do I. I prefer to rely on myself.”
“Power,” the beast mused. “Where do you think that power comes from?”
“Hmm? Oh, I don’t know. Demon horns? Pixies?”
“When you make a rune symbol and it turns something invisible or set it on fire, what do you think causes it?”
The boy paused. “Never thought about it much. As long as it works, I don’t need to know how.”
“So you deny the power of the darkness…”
“I know there’s power in the shadows. I use it all the time. I just don’t think I owe anyone because of it. I figured out how to make runes work—me. Not some spirit guide. Anyone can do what I do if they’re willing to learn the symbols.”
The beast then mockingly mentioned…
“So you don’t pray.”
“Who would listen?”
“And there’s nothing larger than yourself…nothing you value that you can’t get on your own.”
“You’ve got a great perspective from inside my mind,” the boy said. He drew a rune that created a cave-like camp for him to spend the night and imagined the beast to stare at it, their faces almost touching. “But I have to live here on the ground. When something larger and more valuable than me or my lust for vengeance comes along, I’ll pay it the proper respect. But it’ll have to convince me first.”
The darkness grinned, displaying its teeth. “Done.”
At the rear of the cave, a shadow separated from the rest of the gloom. It was darker, more solid, and it rolled forward like a dense, heavy mist.
The boy stood and drew his blade. “What is that thing?”
“That,” the beast said, “is larger and more valuable than you. And it’s going to convince you.”
The black curtain of shadow crept forward until it was a few yards away from the boy at the front of the cave. The center of the black sheet rose up, forming a hood around a pale, expressionless face. Her delicate bones and polished skin said “female” to the boy, but she also looked human, and that couldn’t possibly be true. The air had become so cold and alien since she arrived that he was starting to think her very presence was harmful…

“Wha… what the…?” Stammered the boy as he noted that the plants around the “girl” were wilting and rotting within seconds of being close to her. His suspicions were now confirmed although that did little to calm his mounting sense of panic. “You need me! You can’t survive long without a host!” He practically screamed at the beast. The beast chuckled coldly. “YOU at least are spared from the effects of her presence. Others will not be so… lucky.” The girl approached, killing foliage as she glided towards the boy. Stopping mere inches from the boy, she stared into his eyes. He was sure, somehow, that she could kill him with the simplest thought.

For a moment, the boy was entirely lost in her deep red eyes – they seemed to stretch on forever like the deepest of holes. Then she took hold of his hand and the icy sensation that was her touch tore through his body making every nerve tingle as though he were standing naked in the middle of the bitterest winter. The shock of it tore him from her eyes and filled him with panic… and something else as well… something neither the boy nor the beast understood. “Who… or what… are you?” the boy asked the perpetually silent girl.

The dire figure made no sound, save for a distant, hollow moaning that seemed to come from behind her. The boy was unable to tear his gaze away from that porcelain face, even as sweat beaded on his brow and ran into his open eyes.

The “girl” continued to rise, filling out the black curtain with a humanoid upper body that trailed off into the darkness bebeath the black material. She stood tall, her head brushing the cave ceiling, shrouded in the fabric of shadow. Pale, cadaverous hands appeared in the gloom around her, grasping from the tattered edges of her robes, and something huge but withered squatted behind her.

“You are a creature of the dark boy…” The beast was now visible behind the girl. “So your whole life has been a celebration of her, despite the fact that you have never even acknowledged her existence. The manifestation is larger than you, boy, this one holds you in her sway. Deny her if you can. But it will be better for all of us if you embrace her…”

“Fall to your knees, child, and solemnly ask her for whatever you desire most. Share in her gifts. Thrive under her protection. There is no other way for you to survive this night.”

As the boy heard this. He suddenly realised the true predicament he’s in. “W-w-why…y-you… I’m not t-tak-ing a-a-any-y-thing…f-fr-fro-m you!” As he struggled to get the words out with all his might. He could not possibly believe, even to this moment, that the girls gentle touch could feel so devastatingly cold. The boy can no longer think straight. But only one thing is for sure… He has to make a decision…and fast.

“It’s about to become very dangerous here, one way or another.” As he tries to think more, his thoughts is starting to fade little by little…

The oily darkness that is the beast turned to the boy. “It has begun,” the beast said. He extended one arm outside the cave and the other back in, toward the figure. “Your lust for vengeance is strong. But… Can you defeat them all alone, or will you openly call on the power you’ve been assuming was your own?”

The boy’s paralysis finally broke. He jerked his head from the beast to the frightening figure whose porcelain face is now getting ever closer to his.

The beast planted his hands on his hips, smiling confidently. He tilted his head and stared hard at the boy.


In the end there was no choice at all. If he desired vengeance, he needed to survive. If he wanted to survive he needed to bow to this “girl”. The boy slowly got to one knee as his frozen joints resisted the movement. Bowing his head in submission, he spoke the words he knew he must say. “I, Nicolai Fallahn, bow to you in servitude, Mistress. Please, Mistress, grant me your humble servant but one boon: I request of you the power to exact revenge on those who have wronged me so that they might be awed by your power and majesty.” The air remained frozen for a long moment and Nicolai thought she might slay him for his audacity.

Her cold hands grasped his chin and lifted his gaze to meet hers. She held him there for a time and he thought that her eyes were piercing his very soul. He was correct in that assumption - though he knew it not. The chill in the air lifted as she smiled at him.

Power flooded him them, seemingly leaking from every pore in his body. Surely he would burst from the raging torrents of energy coursing through his very bones. Nicolai found himself on both knees now, panting and heaving as though he had run many miles in the short time that had passed. When he looked up, the girl was gone. [i] No, not gone. I still feel her presence everywhere…[i] He thought.

The beast laughed tauntingly. “She’ll be back. Dawn’s nearly broken and she is weak to the sunlight. Speaking of which…” The beast re-entered Nicolai. “We have a long way to travel. Get moving.” Nicolai dragged himself his feet, legs shaking from the experience the night had held. Nicolai left the cave, and made for the road…

The trail that they blazed soon led them to a vast desert area.“I don’t think we should cross this land, we’d better go another route…” The beast said in a lite whisper. “No way…!” Nicolai snapped. “Don’t you know that the shortest path between me and my goal is a straight line…” The boy said.

Nicolai stood on the acid-steaming sands. He winced in the stinging wind as he tucked the ends of his makeshift turban into his collar. Without another word, Nicolai with the beast who’s visible only to Nicolai and the girl which seems to be invisible to everyone else got to their feet, and the strange trio visually minus two, marched off into the wasteland.

After only a few hours on his feet, Nicolai believed not only that the desert was killing him but that it was doing so actively and aggressively, because it somehow hated him and wanted him dead.

The late afternoon sun was not even visible through the hazy ceiling of clouds, But it punished Nicolai with every step he took. Hot, salty sweat ran into his eyes, which were almost swollen shut. The native cloth he had hung limp across his face and the back of his neck, soaked through and crusted with windblown sand. When its corners brushed against his skin, they seared as if they’d been steeped in bleach. The cloth kept most of the larger sand particles away from his breathing passages, but it didn’t protect him from the stinging pain as grit blew across his body. Even through his clothes, Nicolai felt he was being skinned alive one layer at a time.

They had nothing to eat or drink, and his stomach was starting to cramp from hunger. Not that Nicolai could taste anything anyway — his mouth and throat were coated with dust. As awful as that was, it was actually preferable to breathing the volcanic fumes and stale, hot air that clung to the surface of the sand like a fog bank.

Feverish, his mind began to wonder. He had been solitary in his so called “home” for most of his life, yet here in this company he felt more alone than ever. Except for the beast, who so far had been patient and communicative.

The “girl”, for her part, was still invisible to his eyes. “She must be really weak against sunlight…” Nicolai thought. And sun heat this strong would instantly disintegrate her if she would ever decide to reveal herself.“But could such a thing be possible…?” he murmured. Nicolai strained to hear her over the wind but was rewarded only with barely audible breathing sounds of the beast.

“Stop here,” the beast said. “You’re about to black out…” The beast place its massive hands on Nicolai 's shoulders and eased him seat-first onto the ground.

“There used to be a spring.” The beast’s breath danced across his ear, tickling slightly, but the voice sounded miles away. “I don’t know why I thought it would still be here.” The beast sighed.

Nicolai fought to open his eyes. The wind eased up, and he heard something moving about. Unable to see what the beast is doing, Nicolai simply stopped trying. His eyes fluttered as they closed, and he felt himself falling.

He never landed. Nicolai 's languorous descent continued long after his face should have hit the sand. Dreaming or dying, he thought, and either is better than another moment in this damnable desert.

“Nicolai!” Now a female’s tone was aimed at him. He no longer cared. He would simply continue to fall, to drop out of this world and into the next.

Cold, small hands took hold of his shoulders and shook him until his teeth rattled. The veil that had descended over his eyes did not lift, but he felt the cold more refreshing than ever.

“Hang on,” the voice said. “Rest. Stay with us another hour or two. Once the sun starts to set, the heat and the wind will die off.” “We can look for water then…” The beast’s voice suddenly interrupted.

“Water,” Nicolai agreed. He would say anything to get those freezing hands to release him, to drift once more. This place hated him. This desert was killing him. You win, he thought. Nicolai yields to the Almighty Desert. Just let me leave here and never come back.

Nicolai 's wish was partially granted when the icy cold fingers disappeared from his shoulders, and he heard running footsteps in the sand. His moment had passed, however. The “girl” had shaken him out of his lethargy enough to trap him painfully between half-consciousness and complete oblivion.

“A few more hours,” The female voice said. They could look for water when the heat leveled off. Until then…what? Were he to sit here and bake in the evening sun…?

A tiny mote of irritation began to grow in Nicolai 's mind. He went out to exact revenge. He summoned the darkness, who was really annoying and speaks gibberish when not needed then falls silent when necessary. He met the “girl”, who was suppose to be far more important than him, the source of his power, but is weak against sunlight before accompanying him out into the desert to die. If they are so great, how come they don’t just transport him out of here and arrive at his destination in an instant. He was tired of putting his life in those two’s hands only to be shocked at how carelessly they carried it.

And yet…the beast said that there was something special about him, and the “girl” probably thinks the same. These two, who perhaps lived on a grand scale and shared the same purpose, came to him, appeared before him. Could show such vulnerability after speaking mightily about himself? Could he fail their expectations of him as utterly as prioritizing himself over vengeance…?

Nicolai struggled to hold himself upright. The irritation within him grew, expanding from a tiny speck to a towering monument. He could not let this happen. He could become a disappointment to her. He would not allow himself to be mere luggage in her presence…

Nicolai coughed, sucked in sand, and coughed again. He forced his eyes to open and shut twice more. He reached out and dug his hand deep into the sand, ignoring the searing sensation that enveloped his fingers. He sank his other hand into the ground and pulled, clawing his way onto his knees. Fresh beads of sweat popped from his forehead, and he paused to catch his breath, his lips mere inches from the surface of the sand.

As he gathered his strength to stand again, Nicolai heard a subtle hissing. It was hard to pinpoint the sound, but it seemed to be rising from the ground directly beneath his face.

Sleep now, a serpentine whisper said. Rest.

A pungent odor rose to his nostrils, and Nicolai 's vision fogged. The voice and the scent seemed reptilian to him, cold-blooded and razor-scaled. He had been beset by serpents too often of late. Snakes, dragons, and lizards were common in the swamps he called home, but he did not anticipate that they were the norm in this blasted place.

Sleep now. Rest.

This new sinister, soothing voice did seem to come from one of his companions. The voice not weaken Nicolai 's resolve or his concentration but sharpened it. He had a deep-seated dread of telepathic communications, for in the fens where he grew up a disembodied voice was more dangerous than an arrow in flight.

Nicolai opened his eyes. His vision cleared. He was still crouched on all fours, his chin almost touching the ground. Before him, a small, scaled creature rose up from the sand, no longer than Nicolai 's hand. A proud crest of fibrous scales crowned the tiny monster’s head, a vivid cockscomb that he recognized all too well.

Nicolai shut his eyes immediately before they met the basilisk’s. The creatures were deadly, even at this size. The slightest touch, the briefest glance would mean the end of him. He pitched himself backward, preferring to break his own clumsy neck rather than harden into stone or dissolve into rot where he stood. He was lucky in that he was able to roll away from the creature, turning a backward somersault and kicking up a spray of stinging sand.

“Nicolai?” The beast called. He waved it away and threw himself back again, completing another backward somersault as he shouted, “Stay back! Basilisk!”

“Nicolai!” The beast’s voice was still distant. But now it was to his left and in front of him rather than behind to his right. His heart pounding, Nicolai forgot about about exhaustion and thirst for the first time in over a day, and he saw the landscape as clearly as if he’d just woken from an afternoon nap. The beast and the “girl” were now in front of him, But he saw a shadowy figure swiftly closing in behind them.

“Get away,” he said. He jump up. “Don’t even look. There’s a basilisk in the sand. It tried to hypnotize me.”

But the approaching figure was not even interested in the basilisk. Nicolai was shocked to see a rugged figure of a man, what’s more surprising is that the man was approaching the basilisk from its front while clearly staring it straight in the eyes.

“Do not worry, I won’t die this simply,” the man said. Without turning from his view, the man whipped out a long weapon that’s similar to a long wooden rod or stick. Nicolai held perfectly still and watched the basilisk from the corner of his eye as the stranger held his weapon up high about to strike.

Still fixed on the basilisk, the man pricked up his ears, paused, and lash out his weapon like a whip. Nicolai saw a puff of sand and heard a short, pained hiss. The stranger instantly jerked his rod like weapon back to his side, casting two tiny scaled legs and a bleeding cockscomb high into the sky.

“That was impressive,” The beast said, but as soon as he did his attention drifted off to Nicolai.

“I tumbled.” Nicolai shrugged at the “girl” helplessly. “How come you were able to survive the basilisk’s gaze…?” He asked the man.

The stranger smiled, his brilliant white teeth gleaming. “Because I can not die,” he said. “A deadly basilisk is nothing more than mere to me…” He shook his long weapon that is now revealed as a wooden fishing rod.

“So,” the man said, his eyes bright. “What are you doing way over here in the middle of this desert…?”

Nicolai started to answer, to tell the stranger that where he was headed and that he needs some water, but his was parched from shouting so much earlier and his having a hard time speaking. “Water,” he whispered. Momentarily forgotten, the exhaustion and fatigue came back fivefold, and Nicolai 's knees almost buckled.

“Water?” The man said. “A spring is nearby, that’s where I’m headed when came across you guys.” When Nicolai heard this, a thought stroked his mind like lightning. “He’s able to see them?!” He uttered. “Its only a short walk, if you can still walk, that is…” The man continued without paying any attention to Nicolai 's sudden expression.

As they neared the spring. Nicolai looks almost to fall to his knees, but in actuality, the oily darkness was the one that was keeping him on his feet. “W-who are you? And what a-are you doing h-here…?” Nicolai asks in a weakening voice.

The man hesitated. Then muttered something inaudible. Finally, the man replied, though less willingly, and Nicolai only recognized the words “…going fishing…”

Some time later, a second basilisk came across the remains of its kin, which the man had killed. Familial relations were not warm among these miserable little beast, and it was more than happy to devour the edible remains of its distant relative.

The ground sizzled under the tiny lizard’s claws. It knew it had to keep moving or the sand beneath its feet would liquefy. It skittered across the surface of the dunes, leaving strange scratches in the sand. As it approached the ragged cockscomb and a bit of tail, it lashed at the morsels with its spiky tongue.

The basilisk went rigid as its appendage brushed against its intended meal. A thin veneer of frost raced up its tongue and flowed over the length of its entire body, encasing the monster in a sheathe of frozen dust.

The last thing the basilisk heard was a breathy, almost giddy voice that seemed to vibrate up from the scavenged remains.

Almost, the voice said. But not enough. No worries, though, eh? We’ll try again…won’t we, my little friends? We’ll have to try again. We’ll have to try again soon…