according to CNN... … fes-798315

the URL says it all :stuck_out_tongue:

If it’s on CNN, then it must be true. :wink:

I’ve been there before. There’s also some bishonen priests for any ladies that wander in. Not sure if they were women dressed as men or authentic bisho’s… they didn’t interact with me (and vice versa).

I had heard rumors about a dere cafe - tsun, yan, etc - but I think it’s a 2-chan lie… then again, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.

Eh? I read once about Tsundere cafÈ, but how would a Yandere cafÈ work? The maids try by every possible means to stop you from leaving? If you enter with someone else, they try to make her leave/kill her?

I’m loving it 8)
what about bunny cafes? They have some of those?

You have to eat whatever they give you, right? Yandere would work just fine. Repeat business might be a problem …

Evidently when it’s time for you to leave, they start the psycho mode… because they know “oniichan” is going to leave them. They start making a scene, screaming and yelling while brandishing toy knives, while one of the staff “helps you escape” from the place. They also get upset if you talk to another of the female staff: I’m sure it’s rigged so that happens.

What do you mean, “evidently”? Are you seriously claiming that you know so much about this place from a friend of yours? Would this “friend” happened to be your, ah, long-lost twin brother? :wink:

Hmmm… are you saying you want Narg twincest? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I vaguely remember reading about it from some 2chan posts… but then again it was 2chan, so I didn’t put much credit to them.