Adult Anime Title Questions

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
4. Has anyone heard anything recently about an R1 End of Summer DVD coming out? I haven't heard anything mentioned about it recently. I hope it's not vaporware. ^_^

I don't know anything about the other stuff, and all I know about the End of Summer DVD is that IIRC, one of the games that I recently got from RightStuf (within the last couple of months) had the usual flyer stuffed in with it--in this case advertising the upcoming End of Summer DVD. Like I said, if my memory serves me correctly... but that would mean that, as of then, it was still in the works. I actually didn't pay much attention to it, and like all of the flyers that come with my RightStuf products, it has long since found its way to the round file, so I can't confirm this for you.

Don’t know any of those titles. I usually hang around AOD and wait for certain members to give me the origional names and links to these hentai so I can see if it’s any good or not. Though that last title you listed sounds like something I would like.

Well I just found out that you need to enclose your search sting in “” for the search to work properly on AOD. That should solve your search problem there. I was talking about Romance is a flash of the sword. Someone posted on AOD that it has catgirls, bunny girls and princesses so it looks like that’s what I’m definatley going get They also said it’s not hardcore, kinda like WW or magical kanan which is fine with me.

I think “time loop” stories have a tendency to do that… I don’t know if you played Desire, but it left me with the same sort of melencholy feeling (“God, isn’t there some way to get the poor character out of that endless loop so that they can find happiness?”)

It’s hard to say… the Japanese are good at simply adapting material that crosses over mediums, rather than taking it verbatim–it’s even possible that both settings are employed, depending on the nature of the game. Not knowing the plot of either the OAV’s or the game, I could only guess… but it would be interesting to see/play both–despite their melencholy natures, I love timeloop stories–except my Japanese is undoubtedly worse than yours [After sitting and looking confused at the screen for fifteen minutes of video, Wolfson’s face suddenly lights up–“Ah, that character just agreed with whatever the other character just said!”]

Well if you break them out of their loop then they would be in a loop right

Hey I ended up buying class reunion and romance too. After reading what some people said about it on AOD, figured it would be something I’d like. I also got maids in dreams, you can’t go wrong with maids

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Well if you break them out of their loop then they would be in a loop right [img][/img]

I assume you mean they wouldn't be in a loop [img][/img] (or are you getting esoteric on me?)

Yeah, well... in spite of my love of anything Japanese, I can't always rest content with their propensity toward the tragic ending, having been raised with the Western concept of the happy ending--part of me always wants that sense of "resolution" [img][/img]

Yeah it’s wouldn’t. I’m firmly using the excuse of I’m at work so I need to post fast, for whenever I make grammatical and spelling mistakes

So maids in dreams has a different artsyle? The only examples of the art I had to go on was the boxart that was in TSRI had. It looked kinda interesting. Hope it’s not too wierd.

Geh… I’m getting tired of–shall we say–unique styles of anime that are kind of “out there.”

Yeah I saw the first 2 episodes and it’s pretty good. Course I’m always a sucker for a fantasy story. We’ll see how the rest of the episodes play out. After this I’ll see if class reunion is any good, looks like i’m starting to build a hentai backlog to go with my games

Well after watching 4 episodes of romance there’s quite a few females in it as he doest he nasty with at least 2 girls each episode.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Now that I think about it Makoto didn't have any arrogant air surrounding her that she did in the first anime (which was nice). It's hard for me to like arrogant characters very much.

She wasn't arrogant on a big scale, just a bit annoying given that she is a known model.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Were Mizuho and Midori (with the "green" hair of course [img][/img] ) best of friends in the first anime or was it Mizuho and Ayu? I've forgotten. In Class Reunion Again it's Mizuho and Midori that are best friends. My memory is malfunctioning again.

Yes, In Dousoukai, it was Mizuho and Midori (in the anime, don't know about the game). Ayu is the backstabber, so I won't call her "best friends"

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Was ?Shizuka (the red haired woman) in the original anime? I don't remember her. o_O'

Yup, she had her H-scene in the third OVA.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Too many female characters to remember! My brain is spitting out some of them!

Must ... restrain ... urge ... for sarcasm ...