Adult Site Hosting. Recommendations?

In the past, my current host provider (GoDaddy) had never raised any objection to my site content. A few days ago I got a nastygram that said they didn’t like my Eroge Review site. Did some triple checking, and the C&D email is 100% legit. I don’t even wanna deal with the issue, and since my hosting plan is up for renewal in two months: now is a great time to just be rid of them all together.

I did a quick Google search for Adult Site Hosting, and naturally, there’s dozens of them with pricing as cheap as GoDaddy. However a lot of these companies aren’t exactly well known to me. So here’s the deal: anyone have recommendations for an Adult Site Hosting company - or a hosting company that doesn’t have an anti-pornography clause in the TOS?

And the sooner I can get this outta the way, the sooner I can hit publish on my reviews for Haiiro no Sora ni Ochita Tsubasa and Haruka na Sora and Yumina the Ethereal… cause all three are done. Technically MinDeaD BlooD Complete as well, since I already know what 99.9% of that game is about.

No. Seriously. I actually finished reviews for six titles… only GoDaddy won’t let me show 'em to ya. :wink:

I’ve been hosting a porn site on dreamhost for years and years and they’ve never complained…


Looked up their TOS, and if it ain’t illegal in the US, then they don’t care what you have.

DreamHost it is then! 8)

GoDaddy has officially lost all my current and future interest.

Installing adult stuff on a host provider named Daddy is clearly a mistake :lol: , I hope to see your new reviews soon :smiley: .

On a side note, any news about SOL Invictus?

Heh… I was thinking over how much I wanted to give out - if anything at all - because I don’t wanna get people’s expectations too high. We’re still at stages where things could change: though I have several contingency plans in place for drastic situations. I won’t give a definite time table on completion. This project has been worked for a loooong time and been steadily moving forward without pause, but is worked on by less than 9 people at any given time. I promise it will be finished - I’ve invested too much time and money for it not to be - but don’t expect it to be done in 2011 or 2012, unless you’re willing to give me $$$ to contract more people. There will be a playable demo, before the main game itself is finished: that I am certain on.

Hmmm… I think this is the first time, I’ve ever actually publicly revealed inside info on the project. I won’t reveal names of the others involved quite yet, because I don’t want anyone bothering them until they finish my commissions. However they are awesome people who really deserve credit for their awesome work… so it pains me to remain so secretive about that.

Legal Claim: this stuff is the property of me and those who were paid to make it. Don’t use it for profit, or take credit for what’s not yours. For SOL Invictus use only. Blah, blah, blah. :wink:

Scenario: [color=red]100%[/color]. Going through additional proofreading and script doctoring. Four winnable heroines with individualized routes - though there’s about 20% shared material between them. Six possible endings that give “credits” at the end; though there will be a total of ten closure endings. No loopholes or missing events. I also have a 30% complete Japanese script… but I stopped after the whole eroge studio IP ban thing. Don’t feel like making a version for them anymore. :?

I won’t reveal what the plot is about quite yet - but I will let this much be known: the SOL stands for submersible ocean liner. The vessel’s name and game title is play on the old Roman god. :mrgreen:

Graphics: [color=red]15%[/color]. There are two lead artists, each using their personal art technique and character designs. This was done as a fail safe matter, in case one artist suddenly is unable or unwilling to continue forward, that loss will not derail the project. If both artists finish, there will be two versions of the title: one for each (or a mode select if they finish at the same time). Artist #1 has commenced work on production of the basic paper dolls being used in the actual game engine. Artist #2 is in the middle of the conceptual phase. Game engine and system graphics are already done.

Artist #1 (no bling-bling effects on crucifix yet)

Artist #2 (conceptual sketches)

That isn’t twincest: same girl with different expressions. I swear. :wink:

Music: [color=red]30%[/color]. The groundwork for the soundtrack is finished. However we are using a leitmotif methodology: therefore each character will have their own theme song, using subtle variations of the main theme. The composer wants visual reference to cement the experience: so actual completion is strictly tied to the artists finishing. To save time and costs, most of the music is taken from an earlier project of mine called Saint Valentinus (also a galge) that was cancelled for creative reasons. To give an idea of what the sound quality is like, here is a test sample of the main theme that will be used for the variation techniques. There will NOT be a sung vocal opening or ending, not unless someone can get me Denkare for cheap, or knows someone who can really sing her ass off. :stuck_out_tongue:

Voice Acting: [color=red]5%[/color]. Maybe will have it. Maybe will not. I located a talented voice actress, willing to lend her support. The original plan was to hire a sound engineer to take her performances, and then artificially modify them to sound like different women. The price point would have defined how much of the game could be voice acted – all of it, just important segments, or nothing at all. I am still working the negotiation phase on this. The voice actress has recorded a number of lines for testing purposes however.

Game Engine: [color=red]50%[/color]. Technically you could say it’s 50% times three, because I’ve actually experimented with Blade, Novelty, and Ren’py to see which would be more intuitive for my personal quirks. Figured there was no point in reinventing the wheel, when there’s already a bunch of them out there. There are three working beta using substitute backgrounds and paper dolls I’ve ripped from various AliceSoft titles: however all the text and about a third of the music are the real thing. As each piece of original material is finished, I simply perform a file swap and tweak what needs to be tweaked. The unfinished half is a “map and screen interface” for selecting locations and interacting with the background. I ran into a critical bug that forced me to quit the attempt on Blade. Currently tooling around with Ren’py. Might seek outside assistance, if the artists suddenly catch up and I’m the reason there’s a hold up¬Ö or just reinvent the wheel after all.

Erotica: [color=red]None[/color]. There won’t be any nudity: this is 100% non-hentai. There’s a lot of reasons for this, but it has nothing to do with censorship. The project was never intended to have erotica. Some people involved are uncomfortable with being tied to a hentai project (one was even 17 when she started). I want to maximize exposure to the title (it’s going to be free for a reason), and those involved would like to have it as a nice entry in their business resume/portfolio. Can’t really do that with pornography. There are possible points in the story when sex is implied to have happened - but it will not be shown or gratuitously described upon. Fade to black kind of thing. Not as bad as it sounds. Honest.

Nice to see the project is still going strong. Both the music and art samples you put up are great, I don’t even want to imagine how much cash you’ve poured into this. Best of luck as you continue forward.

I’d be willing to bet a whole lot that if that ain’t twincest, then you’re just not showing the twincest that’s GUARANTEED to be in this game. After all, it wouldn’t be your game without twincest.

Gee thanks, I’m anxiously awaiting this now. :mrgreen:
But what’s about the producer’s name? It’s Nargrakhan, Elizar, Twintopia Unlimited or what?

i actually ownder why you bothered using godaddy as webhosting for adult content…just because their ads look steamy with all the women doesnt really mean they will let you post p0rn :stuck_out_tongue:

but that aside, i second the others on dreamhost, as thats what i am using for my own personal sites (and i believe shingo’s blog is under dreamhost too)

and yes as long as there’s no copyright infringement or kiddy p0rn involved you can post anything 18+; i used to host a 18+ drawing forum many years ago and that went okay (now dead so dont bother asking)

as you stay longer and longer with dreamhost, your diskspace and bandwidth cap increases (not sure what your needs are), and one good thing with dreamhost is that with one account you can host multiple domain sites (i have like half a dozen domains hosted under an account)

I use nearlyfreespeech because it matches my incredibly unpredictable bandwidth/disk space use patterns. They also allow adult content, although I don’t think I’m currently hosting any.