Now that the release of Yumina the Ethereal is imminent, it’s time to think about how to pitch this to the mainstream fans of companies like NIS America (Ar tonelico series) and Aksys (Record of Agarest War). As the game won’t be protected by DRM, first-day sales will be crucial. The marketing needs to already be in place on release day.
I can help spread the word, but I need materials to work with. Here’s what I need:
Completed website (the current one has missing sections)
Playable demo (English version)
Subtitled opening video(s)
Gameplay footage (preferably of the English version)
Reviews (preferably of the English version, but English reviews of the Japanese version would also suffice)
Only JAST can provide some of these, but fans could potentially pitch in on others. Destructoid reviewed Boob Wars; it’s quite likely they’d be willing to review this as well.
Since JAST previously released Aselia the Eternal, that’s already a hook that could interest people in this game. This will be the highest profile H-RPG that has ever been officially released in English. Let’s spread the word so we can get more releases like this in the future!