Advertising Yumina the Ethereal to the Mainstream

Now that the release of Yumina the Ethereal is imminent, it’s time to think about how to pitch this to the mainstream fans of companies like NIS America (Ar tonelico series) and Aksys (Record of Agarest War). As the game won’t be protected by DRM, first-day sales will be crucial. The marketing needs to already be in place on release day.

I can help spread the word, but I need materials to work with. Here’s what I need:
Completed website (the current one has missing sections)
Playable demo (English version)
Subtitled opening video(s)
Gameplay footage (preferably of the English version)
Reviews (preferably of the English version, but English reviews of the Japanese version would also suffice)

Only JAST can provide some of these, but fans could potentially pitch in on others. Destructoid reviewed Boob Wars; it’s quite likely they’d be willing to review this as well.

Since JAST previously released Aselia the Eternal, that’s already a hook that could interest people in this game. This will be the highest profile H-RPG that has ever been officially released in English. Let’s spread the word so we can get more releases like this in the future!

I’ll talk to Aarin and see if I can spread it to the yaoi community. Even if it gains 1 more sale, it’s better then nothing.

If we send some emails we might be able to convince some websites/magazines to look at the game:

Destructoid has multiple emails but I believe the one to contact is:
Australian Kotaku contact page (I assume it’ll redirect US people to the US version):
Siliconera’s email:
IGN contact page:
Joystiq contact page:
animenews contact page:

Instead of listing each one, RPGFan has the staff emails here:

Otaku magazine editor: || @Patrick_Macias
Otaku magazine website editor: || @Moldilox

There would be more, but that’s a start.

Heres the songs + lyrics in case anyone wants to translate and sub:
OP1: +
OP2: +

To make things easier, perhaps someone could write up a template email/message?

English reviews of the Japanese version:
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6374#p95878 (mini-review)

It’s also worth mentioning that the game has a very high VNDB score (for a Japanese title): 8.32 average with 75 votes, ranked #5 (!) in untranslated RPGs on VNDB ( … d;s=rating)
Erogamescape mean is 80 and median is 78 (431 votes). It’s a very popular game even in Japan.

Official Japanese website:
There’s links to a free trial and a whole slew of movies.

I posted a promotional thread on the Aksys forums with currently available information. It’s a slow-moving forum within the target demographic, so it should be a good place to test the waters. I also added a poll to see what they care about in marketing.

I talked with one of the contractors that worked on the Yumina project. He didn’t think there were any plans for a playable demo. As I think the poll results will show, that’s a huge oversight. Mainstream niche fans of titles like Agarest War and Ar tonelico tend to be big on playable demos, especially for something as alien as an eroge. For many, this would be their first exposure to eroge. They’re going to be skeptical, and they’re probably going to start with the preconception that this is a porn game that couldn’t possibly have anything going for it other than the porn. The only way to combat that is by convincing them with hard evidence. Break through the skepticism, and you have of a veritable horde of potential customers.

There’s 2 playable trials of the Japanese version (one short, one long). If JAST isn’t willing to put in the work, maybe they’d be willing to hand over the scripts to someone who would.

I contacted a fan translation group to see if they might be interested in translating the battle trial.

I did some poking around, and it looks like the Yumina project is dead in the water for the next 2 weeks, marketing-wise. After that, maybe something will happen. Maybe. So for the time being, we’re probably not going to be able get a review copy to a review site, even if they agree to review the game. Doddler did say he’s playing the game, so maybe we could strong-arm him into posting some YouTube clips.

Ten bucks says there are no review copies. They probably didn’t make any, and the game will probably begin shipping as soon as it comes back from the replicator.

A review “copy” is as simple as sending them a digital download–which they can do right now. JAST doesn’t need to send them a disc. But if no one is around, who’s going to do it? Doddler has a copy of the game, but I can’t exactly tell him “Hey, copy your game and send it to Destructoid for me.” He doesn’t have the authority to do that.

Terracannon876 was on skype and translated the OP1 song for me, could someone subtitle the clip?
Her blogs here if anyone wants to send their thanks:


Hashire! Wagamama Haato
Song: Mizukiri Keito

Run! Selfish Heart
Song: Mizukiri Keito

Sometimes I wonder if OP songs make more sense in Japanese or if it really is just random nonsense.

One way to advertise it would be to update the “official” website and finally put the pics, gameplay, buy features up and running.

I blogged about Yumina and my dissatisfaction with JAST’s handling of the marketing so far. … market-it/

Who even works at JAST other than Makoto?

If I recall right, JASTUSA only has 2 full time staff. Makoto and Peter Payne. Everyone else is contracted I believe. Peter Payne responds quicker on twitter while Makoto responds quicker on the forums (at least in my experience).
Jlist also has a few other employee’s such as the unnamed Bento girl. And handling customer service I’ve had emails from a ‘Jun’ and ‘Shane’.

I’ve had a response from Peter about the website here:
So at least he knows about it.

This tweet is worth seeing btw:

Hopefully JAST will reply with action as well as words (the only definite response so far is that the website will be finished). I haven’t had much luck getting any review sites to review the game so far. RPGFan and Siliconera declined due to adult content. Kotaku and Destructoid have yet to respond. I’ve written custom e-mails for each one. I can post the ones for Destructoid and Siliconera (I contacted Kotaku by a form and RPGFan by message board).

Destructoid staff,

I notice you recently reviewed the awful Boob Wars by Mangagamer, and were appropriately traumatized by the experience. Are you up to the challenge of reviewing an ero RPG that’s on par with titles like Ar tonelico and Agarest War? I’m an interested fan that really wants to draw attention to JAST USA’s Yumina the Ethereal, because I think it’s a big first for the West: a high-profile ecchi visual novel style RPG for adults. I blogged in some detail about the title here: … market-it/

I think this title will give you something fun to write about, regardless of whether you like it or not.

Thanks for your time,


I see you’re covering MoeNovel and releases of English VNs in general. I was wondering if you’d be interested in covering / reviewing JAST USA’s upcoming release of Yumina the Ethereal. I’m an interested fan that really wants to draw attention to this game, because I think it’s a big first for the West: a high-profile ecchi visual novel style RPG for adults. I blogged in some detail about the title here: … market-it/

I really think this is a great game, and I don’t want it to slip through the cracks.

Thanks for your time,

P.S. I have no official connection with Fuwanovel.

Although I suppose it’s to be expected, I’m a bit irked that I’m being confused with Aaeru.

I got the same response from them both. I was also told no from Archonia and Otaku Magazine.
I sent a message to MoeNovel over Facebook, since it’s gameplay orientated they may post about it. Haven’t heard back from them yet.

I did get it posted over on Aarinfantasy though, so hopefully that’ll help.

My promotion seems to be having some effect. My blog post is on the first page for the global Google search on the terms “Yumina the Ethereal”. A few of my forum threads are on the second page.

I also saw the recommendations thread on Aarinfantasy. Thanks for that! The translation of the OP is much appreciated, but without the subbing it won’t be able to reach anyone.

Edit (7/30/2013): My blog post on Visual Novel Aer is now the 3rd result in the global Google search–right below the official website and the VNDB page. I’m not sure whether to be proud or despondent that I managed to completely eclipse JAST’s press releases in relevance with a few hours of effort.

JAST came through: the website is now mostly finished and there’s a playable demo available (1.4GB!). The new release date is August 30th. Curiously, the file size of the demo is much larger than either of the Japanese demos.

If anyone from JAST is reading this: you should try and get this out before FF14 2.0, which releases on August 27th. Otherwise you’re going to be vying for attention with FF14, and that’s a battle you can’t win.

I don’t see how FF14 affects things the games are nothing alike. it’s like comparing apples to elephants

Yeah really. The second release of an MMO vs the English localisation of an eroge RPG… there might be some degree of overlap, but you could make the same claim about almost any other game.

“Better get this out before Saints Row 4!”