Ahhhhh Why Wont it Work?

Hmmmm how the hell do you get Pia Carrot 2 to run??? this ADVWIN brings up the “best” error Msg know to the non-japanese man i know i had the game runnin yesterday i Re installed my OS (win98) from scratch added the Winnls.dll to \windows\system it ponders for a few 30sec’s then gives an error msg that I CANT READ what do i do (besides gettin win98-J)


Smacking head on screen as hard as he can hope-ing that it’ll fix it


[This message has been edited by TraitorHunter (edited 02-16-2002).]

If you don’t mind using Windows XP, you could get that (Contact me if you want Windows XP and haven’t got it yet ), but if it worked before on Windows 98 then there must be another way… though I can’t really think what that might be.

hmmm i have been using xp since the first beta (legally) my bro knows some dude in scotland who works 4 MS an he send us each release of XP right up to the Corp final :slight_smile: BTW Pia Carrot 2 does not work on win2k/XP it returns a GPF an terminates

nuf bout that

i really dont know what i do but it works then doesnt work but i would love to know what the error is then i can fix it my self (computer wiz kid i am)


If you are using some modern day 3D Graphic card…you have to slow down hardware acceleration via control panel.

[This message has been edited by Orochi (edited 02-16-2002).]

the pure englishmans best error msg


loverly isn’t it?

btw how u get win98 to think it’s win95J???


“Insufficient Memory”

Whaaaaa how??? the system’s got 256mb ram is it the swapfile that need to be increased?


Ideally your swap file should be 1.5 to 2 times your system Ram.

ok so if that dont work what do i do? shoot it?


duh its a win95 game an i have nothing runnin it either crashes or says not enough ram so i hit it with a nuke?


Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
duh its a win95 game an i have nothing runnin it either crashes or says not enough ram so i hit it with a nuke?


Duh.Just download a updated version of that ADVWin engine from F&C.They have that in the User Support section,they've clearly stated that Pia 2 is workable on Win98.

thtanks i’ll give em a try hopefully the’ll work