Akibado Problem......

It seems they lost the other item i won on the 7/5.It’s been “Under investigation” for a month. It has passed more than four months from the end of the auction, and emails are useless. Frankly, i’m losing hope. Did someone had a similar experience? (with a lost item, i mean.)

It’s been a while, but i want to write my experience if it can be of use to someone.
I finally got my items. Once the shipping request was sent i must admit, i received them in a very quick fashion. That one item is still under investigation though and i don’t think i’ll ever get it. I’ll deal with it.
If i have to give tips to people looking to deal with them, i should say that their personal import service is excellent, fast and not so expensive; but for gods’ sake stay away from their Yahoo auction bidding service unless you love headaches. Though i think the lenght of this topic makes a point already. :roll:

Since i’m here, i might as well document a not so nice experience with Rinkya; because of a screw-up of their system, i ended up getting a winning receipt for an item i lost to another Rinkya bidder. At that time i thought i won, and payed. Guess what? As soon as i realized their mistake, i tried to contact them and reversed the payment, and they answered by shutting my mouth and putting my account on hold. Considering their very steep fees, i expected excellent service, that i got until now. Needless to say they won’t see me again, ever. I’m switching to Mail Order Japan, they seemed nice enough.

EDIT: i tried to post on Rinkya forums about the matter but it seems my account is not allowed to post. I wonder why. :roll:

[ 03-15-2007, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: darkelhaym ]

ya so far I would NOT recommend:


Celga, this was a few years back (they would not combine ship or respond accordingly, IN FACT They charge me $10 extra shipping after I clearly mailed them to combine items. They say their place cant store stuff for to long?? I guess thats another reason why NOT to use them. Plus their boss kiego is a jerk… doesnt care about his customer “customers are not our priority” or something along those lines, he said it himself! I dont understand how the the nice corresponding lady would even want to work for him sheesh.,

Otaku-ya which read has hidden shipping fees)

Animedep: just tried Animedep (used them 2 yr ago was good)but now again its been few days and have not gotten any confirmation email for my bids, so checking something else.

[ 01-03-2008, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: oceanfrr ]

Let’s also add FDJP to the list.


I can’t say I’m surprised at this, I’m following this thread since 2005 and I’ve NEVER seen any signs of improvement in this mess.
I don’t know if the Akibado guys are still wandering here, but it’s time to reveal a little secret of mine (and the reason behind my “Akibado is victim of its own success” theory): two years ago, and six months after getting those two erotic videogames from Akibado (you can read my story at the beginning of the thread), I receive a strange letter directly from the headquarters of the Italian Postal Service, with a money cheque included inside.
It was my original payment to Akibado (14000+ yen)!!! Apparently, NO ONE from Akibado reclaimed my money as payment, and after six months the Japanese Postal Service sent back to Italy my original postal check.
But, as I’ve written, I do have received an eMail of “Payment Confirmed” from Akibado, and (MUCH!) later the games I had ordered.
You can imagine my stupor :shock: ; initially, I was uncertain about how to proceed, but since the posts of protest were increasing, I opted for searching another deputy service, leaving Akibado to its fate (I still had 971 yen in my account, but I have lost nothing -rather, I have gained- of course).
Internet is a jungle :roll: , really…

Sounds like a hideously slapdash company. Thanks for the warning, now I know to stay far away from this company, that seems to hold everything together with toothpicks and bubble gum.

Maybe so already proposed this, but one way to get eroge (at a honest price) is to ask someone who lives in Japan to buy them and send them to us who live in other countries.
Of course the person who would do that would receive something like 10% of the cost of the game. It would be a good way for him to buy “free” eroge after sending 10 to us :slight_smile:

This requires you know some person, unfortunatly I don’t and it’s been a hassle trying to find a DVD copy of Popotan, let alone Tsukihime. I found one of the former on amazon from a 3rd party, but amazon 3rd party sellers are known for grossly inflating their prices.

I’m also not sure even if ebay allows bidding on yahoo items that sellers will be willing to ship overseas anymore than they are now.

Err, there are two Jinnais in El Hazard: Kazuhiko - and his little sister Nanami! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine comes from the former.

Can’t remember what you ordered? I can always remember, even if it was a year ago.

Like I said, incorporation of yja does not mean many, if any, companies will be willing to ship overseas.

From what I recall reading elsewhere, issuing ultimatums saying ‘give me my item or I’ll have no choice but to retain a lawyer’ has worked in the past. I dunno, though, you should only go that route if you’re prepared to actually follow through.