Alien Intelligence. Is it really Science?

lol… true…

Although it’s often said that any civilization that has the technical know-how to build a “complete” Dyson Sphere, has reached a technological level that they wouldn’t need to build it in the first place.

So it might serve as a big warning sign that says, “Don’t screw with us: we’re this badass.” :twisted:

I gotta ask: What exactly have you been looking at that shows that the scientists are making statements that the existence of aliens is “scientifically” proven? Have you ever read any actual research reports that have been reviewed/approved by scientific organizations stating that the existence of alien life has been scientifically proven? What about thesis/disrotation papers that have been approved by accredited universities?

The job of a scientist is not to make headlines, film documentaries, or magazine articles, their job is to do research and make reports on the information they’ve gathered using the scientific thought process. When they’re done creating their reports they have to submit their reports to various scientific organizations, they have to be reviewed, approved, and endorsed by countless other scientists–Only then does their opinion ever count as “professional” and their arguments become “scientifically proven”. Anything they do outside of that is what they do in their spare time.

Yes, even the scientific community has a bureaucracy of its own–That’s what prevents creationism from being written as a scientific law in our textbooks.

Newton was a Christian (hell, he was pretty big into religion), and Einstein was Jewish. There are many scientists out there that believe in a god or some other type of deity, as well as the existence of alien life. But do you know why none of them have been discounted by the scientfic community for their unscientific beliefs? None of them have injected outrageous statements like “God exists” or “aliens exist” in their work-related peer-reviewed research reports. The scientific community knows that scientists aren’t scientists 24/7–They don’t care about what they write in their personal diaries, their autobiographies, or what they say on the news, because they know it’s the scientists’ personal opinion, and they aren’t on the job when they’re making such statements. The scientific community only cares about what scientists write when they’re on the job, namely when they’re writing on their soon-to-be-reviewed research reports. If Newton or Einstein made statements that god exists in their research papers without successfully proving it in front of their peers and scientific organizations, they’d be thrown out of the scientific community. Even SETI itself has failed to create anything that’s been officially approved by the scientific community.

So far, all you’ve looked at are self-endorsed statements on news reports, self-written autobiographies, and self-funded documentaries. Note the emphasis on the word “self”. That stuff you checked contains no endorsement or approval by any scientific organization. All that stuff you looked at are still in the realm of the scientists’ personal opinions, rather than their professional opinions, because the individual scientists you’ve scrutinized have all made those statements/documentaries/biographies on their own free time, and show no evidence of approval or endorsement by any scientific organization. Stephen Hawking himself has already been falling out of favor with the scientific community in the past ten years or so–You really think he can just go out on his own making a statement on some news/magazine site and have his opinion be considered “scientific” without official approval/endorsement by any scientific organization?

Wrong. Don’t assume.

Cambridge University, International Journal of Astrobiology. Globally acknowledge scientific panel that uses the aforementioned “mathematical impossibility” as their platform for proof.

International Journal of Astrobiology. Another globally acknowledge peer panel review, Mary Ann Liebert no less. Same mathematical rhetoric.

Also Science, Society, and the Search for Life in the Universe, supported by the University of Arizona. Writing format is authoritative style on the subject matter (as if this was a proven formula).

To a less extent Astrobiology: A Multidisciplinary Approach, supported by the University of Arizona and the California Institute of Technology.

Also Einstein wasn’t really Jewish, though to Hitler it didn’t matter. He paid lip service to it, so they’d leave him alone about it. He believed in a higher power… but not necessarily Jehovah. [url=]He also contradicts himself a lot on who or what he thought God was…[/url] so it’s hard to tell if he wanted to confuse people or just kept changing his mind. Besides… Einstein has been wrong more than he was right on a lot of things. [url=]Quantum physics anyone?[/url] He wasted the entire later part of his career, trying to disprove Quantum physics, because he was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong. Brilliant man, made ignorant by his Pride.

Damn, Narg beat me to explaining about how Einstein’s personal views seriously hampered much of his later work. In fact, one of my favorite paraphrased quotes (“God doesn’t play dice with the universe.”, from a 1926 letter to Max Born where he said, “I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice.”) is due to this.

It’s rather sad too, since he could have offered so much more. Instead he made such a waste of time. It’s thanks to properties of quantum physics that Einstein said was impossible, that we have flash cards that can go above 1 GB. So yea… he was wrong hardcore. That’s why E=MC^2 is all most remember about him. Everything else he did after was sublime or totally wrong.

Stephen must like being on the news a lot…

Stephen Hawking: God didn’t create universe

I’m just waiting for Stephen to announce he’s discovered proof of the Protoculture. :wink:

“The chances for life on this planet are 100 percent,” Steven Vogt, a UC professor of astronomy and astrophysics says. “I have almost no doubt about it.”

Amazing how this report comes on the heels of a massive NASA layoff.

I wouldn’t hang Steven Vogt completely out to dry off that edited version of what he said. As I understand it, the full quote reads:

Thus in this instance (if this is indeed the full quote), he was careful to point out that this was a personal belief.

I hope I live to see two things: human immortality and FTL travel.
the kicker , FTL IS mathematically possible.

someone else had to make humans smart

Let’s try tweeting aliens: … n-Humanity

Hope they’re familiar with trolling or this could end up a very messy first contact, lol

Must … resist … urge … to post ‘Twits in Space’ crack.