Alright I'll say it - where's the updates?

Last update was back in August 15th, 2008 pertaining to Downhill Night, which isn’t even related to any of the games on the G-Collections list pending release. ::Looks at calendar:: Alright, so 1/4th of a year later, we have nothing in the way of progress? I never knew it took so long to translate a h-game (sarcasm). I’d rather see a MangaGamer approach with spelling errors if its going to take this long.

Seriously, if these guys are going to sink, they should do it AFTER they translate Kazoku Keikaku. Don’t stop now.

If you want updates, check the newsletter sections on this forum.

Futhermore there are other official websites (PP, Otakuism, G colection, Jast,…) where you can find news.

You should know by know that they’re slow at translating, and they usually don’t provide updates until the game is nearly finished.

They just announced Princess Waltz going gold. I’d call that an update.

at least peach princess isn’t full of errors like mangagamer

We’re currently having some technical issues with the front page of the Otakuism site that has hindered our ability to provide regular updates via the blog there. Updates are still coming in the form of press releases, forum posts, and regular JAST USA / Peach Princess news emails.

We’re working on several site enhancements for the near future (next couple of months) that will help us communicate more directly and regularly with customers and fans, including a new blog interface for the JAST USA site. We’ll be working to keep everyone informed about this as well as product developments as we move forward.

To reassure anyone who was doubting, we’re not going anywhere. ^^ All of the games in our pipeline are still there, we’re still fully committed to the lineup as well as bringing more great as-yet unannounced games to you in the future. We can always do better on the communication end of things, and we’re working on that.

And much love to all of you guys/gals/things for all your hard work.

Ever heard of a game that takes up to whooping 4 years to get translated by a fansub group? Yep, you should feel lucky that we don’t have to wait that long for officially translated games :stuck_out_tongue:

**cough ** Little My Maid cough

In fact, PP has put out as little information as it has, because several times it got burned releasing too much information. See: Slave Bazaar, which eventually had to be cancelled as it became clear they couldn’t actually get all the rights they would need to work on it. See: News Caster Mariko, and LMM: Pandora’s Box, both of which were announced years ago by “Kumiko”, yet dropped off the face of the earth. (NCM was eventually confirmed cancelled.)

Then there’s Little My Maid, which was intended to be one of the first titles PP put out. When I bought e.g. Snow Drop, the little promotional insert that came with it listed the title as upcoming. For several reasons, localizing the title was extremely difficult (even though text is repeated a lot, it’s not stored in 1 script file, then reused – it’s duplicated all over; the engine had to be changed; the translation had to be restarted from scratch). The game was even opened for preorders a few months after PP opened for business – then it languished. For years.

PP learned the hard way that even though everyone always wants more information, sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut.

Ah, good ole’ LMM, how could PeaPri struggle so much with it?
I’d buy a book outlining its hardships for sure :slight_smile:

Anyway, things seem to have slowed down (more than usual) on the information and releases front from PeaPri indeed, but I’m optimistic about future releases

Wow! Princess Waltz is golden— that was quite an update! Now I’m waiting on the “is now shipping” update notice.

I don’t expect PP to go as fast as they are on new games. Look at how many releases we’ve gotten this year— AND they are busy with all those other games in their development pipeline. WOW! I’m seriously amazed. I know it can be a bit aggravating, as a fan who is REALLY interested in a particular title, and not hearing anything about its current state (and how fast we will get it into our desperate hands). And that feeling becomes worse when games that were announced “in development” behind it actually reach our small market before the game you want. But, I tell you— DON’T LOSE HOPE! PP has gotten to the point where they usually release what they tell us is in development. Just have more patience.

Yeah the LMM delays are the stuff of legend. I remember Transfer Student was also delayed multiple years due to the parent company (Jast Japan) closing its doors during the process, they had to completely rewrite the game engine, etc. I still bought it, and enjoyed it even though it got panned by most.

Plus the Slave Bazaar cancellation really caused a lot of disappointment to a lot of people, including me. I was SO looking forward to that one.

btw Anyone remember Gun Shield Warrior Sakigake? Similar deal as TS, Hobibox closing down, etc etc etc.

If it were me, I’d keep my mouth shut too until I knew it was a done deal, and roughly when.

I’ve found quite a few mistakes in the games, to be honest.

At least forty minor spelling/grammar errors in Yin-Yang alone, and that’s one of their newer games.

I’m all for the following:

  1. Long translation times to ensure quality and preservation of original meanings.
  2. Patches offered to fix any minor mistakes that slip through. I have screen collections of pretty much all of them from the X-Change series alone. Granted, they fixed SOME of the X-Change 3 mistakes, but a lot is still in there.

However, I’d rather they focus on checking and double-checking it the first time. It’s really annoying to be in the middle of a good h scene and then have a typo ruin your libido.

Slave Bazaar’s cancellation really disappointed me. It looked very interesting, and it was very different from the normal “marshmellow romance” type games that PP generally does. Different is something the english market could really use, especially if it is to grow. I’m not dissing the feel good light side comedy romances— I’m just saying that I, at least, prefer the occasional bit of spice and variety in my eroge.

Gun Shield Warrior Sakigake? The loss of this game made me very, very sad. Between the setting and the game itself, it had so much promise for being fun and different.

Oh well. We got Princess Waltz, and it is definately a different eroge, thanks primarily to it being a magical girl/Dragonball Z. Unfortunately, I don’t understand why they bothered with the card battle game (which was fun), since the stoy does that Dragonball thing so often, making what happened in your card battles meaningless. For what the game is, it would have done better to have just had a few more textual fight scenes/descriptions, and then flowed into the “Dragonball Z” power up (and then generally kicking your ass and setting up more drama) bits of the story.

Umarekawari, if you find typos troubling, then NEVER buy the first printing. Especially if typos bother you in the middle of the hentai scenes. For some strange reason, it seems that about half of the typos will be in those scenes at first release. At least, that’s what I’ve observed over the years. It seems like those either get the least attention paid to them.

The second printings usually only have a few— mostly in the hentai scenes, but with a few oddball ones still scattered through the text.

Once you get to the third printings or further, the amount of typos is usually very low.

Download version seem like they’d be the easiest to fix. A recompile of the project with the typo, a testing, and then dropped into the digital distribution. So that would be your best bet at getting “perfect” translations— but you’ll need to wait 6 months to a year, I bet, to get that level.

I generally don’t mind the occasional typo (as long as it truly is “occasional”). It happens. Typos happen even in the newest releases of the most anticipated fiction in the world— so I don’t get bent out of shape over it. I usually find the fact that they are censoring words in the audio to be more troublesome. Particularly when its heavy censoring, rather then just censoring the “bad” word for female genitalia. Everyone has their pet peeves.