Amaterasu Translations now talks with Age

So yeah, Ixrec approached them first and offered his services for free (and all the previous TLs of ML also).

Quote: from Ixrec
"Yes, this is an experiment. Yes, I am aware and concerned of countless potential negative developments. Yes, I still think it’s worth giving this a shot.

With a few exceptions that honestly don’t count due to poor quality (of game or tl) or low profit, there just haven’t been any successful licensings of noteworthy VNs. The handful that stood a chance (especially Demonbane) and even some of the non-noteworthy ones are dead in the water for either legal (company doesn’t own voices/engine/etc) or technical reasons (engine sucks with English text). However, both of those excuses seem much less likely to apply to age, since we already know from our own patches that the engine handles English text perfectly fine, and I have every reason to believe age has the rights to most of what goes into their games.

And the big reason why this particular game is worth a shot: if I can’t get you people to pay money for Muv-Luv fucking Alternative, what the hell will you pay for? (Heck, dozens of anons have already claimed they would be willing to pay) The way I see it, if this doesn’t sell well then it can be justifiably said that there is no English-speaking VN market worth the companies’ time and us fan translators can ignore licensing attempts for the forseeable future without feeling bad about it. And if this does sell well, then I’ll just do it as many times as I can get away with."

I would also agree that if MLA doesn’t do well officially, it is safe to say that the Eng. VN market is full of leeches and is quite unviable.

So, anyways, who do you think is gonna be the potential English Localizer? JAST or MG?

Hmmm… MG is probably easier to get involved with…
I still prefer jast, if only because all their releases have or had box releases…

I’d love a special box though for the game, rather than just a DVD case like usual :stuck_out_tongue: But, I’m just dreaming…

So Ixrec is going for the gamble~ I always encourage this behavior with great titles :smiley: I just hope it works out, or if it doesn’t…

(that it still gets released ;p)

This is all the more true due to the fact that Age was with MG at AX last year, including their panel. And while I wouldn’t hold my breath for a boxed release, thanks to Hendane’s success at selling the remaining Higurashi and Kira Kira discs that MG put out, there is at least a chance they might be enticed to try boxes again.

I guess this mean there’s a bigger chance for KimiNozo as well…

Uh is this the eroge u guys talking about?

Yes, although presumably it includes Muv-Luv as well.

Wouldn’t KimiNozo be a better initial title for the west? It had a successful anime release, and is the “parent” game as it were. If the goal is to truly break through on VNs, it just seems to make more sense.

it would be nice if some age sames did get official english version

Work on the Muv-luv series is mostly done. That’s why the series would be the initial offering. As for KGNE, Ixrec has already shown interest in the title, and said he would like to work on it after the Muv-luv series.

Akane Maniax would be the next best choice

I don’t hang around 4chan or any other anime/manga/VN boards besides this one, so there’s something that really strikes me as odd. Is the negative reaction to Ixrec’s decision normal? You know, all that offensive name-calling and whining. Is it representative of the community?

I wouldn’t say it’s representative of the community, but it is a fairly predictable result. Just like if it does in fact get licensed there will be people complaining if it’s MG because they don’t have physical copies, and people will complain if it’s Jast because they assume there will be censorship, and others will complain simply because it will take longer for it to be released. Just remember that the actual VN community is not best represented by the online community, if you can go to a con where they have a VN panel you’ll understand that the two are completely different.

people online always bitch over every little thing

When Jast licensed My Girlfriend is the President there was the exact same thing. People bitched about how they had almost had the game and then it got “taken away from them”.

I reccomend not listening to the complainers, 99.9 percent of them are trolls.

And/or pirates.

A lot of the people that closely follow visual novel fan translations are 4channers. That alone should give you some idea of what to expect. In any case, many of them hold the localization industry in contempt. It’s a different crowd than the one you see around here.

Fixed it for you. :wink:

I wanted to say capitalism, but that word has degenerated into a negative political word nowadays. :expressionless:

As I’ve seen quoted there all the time (paraphrasing here): “You call it pirating, they call it freedom.” :roll:

I say go for it. I will buy it. How are the talks right now? Any news?

The only reason I do not buy the games from Japan is they cost WAY too much. If the hundred+ dollars for a single game was not enough to dissuade me the 25+ shipping and handling is. If you can get mangagamer or JAST to agree to licensing I’m all for it. It might take an Age (groan at bad pun) to actually get the game but if this can open the industry further I say go for it. Here’s hoping you can work out an agreement.

If they put out a limited edition of Muv Luv Alt. I can die happy when I buy it. lol