An American Attempt at Eroge?

I’m not sure if anyone remembers the 3DO console, but apparently one of the games released on it was this game called “Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties” which came out in 1993 and…well, just take a look at it and you’ll see how words can’t describe how horrible it is (warning, first video isn’t work safe): … rt-1-and-2

Not sure if this was an attempt to imitate an eroge, mock it, or just a coincidence.

A game this bad needs to be reviewed by the master and so it was: … 1?type=flv

I don’t think it was an attempt to immitate eroge. adult games existed in the west before. This is just a very sad attempt at well…an interactive slide show.

It would have made a very good eroge if:

(1) You didn’t have to hear a whole segment of bad voice-acting before you can select the next option

(2) It wasn’t live-action.

(3) It was 2D.

(4) There was some ACTUAL SEX in the game.

(5) AVGN provided some of the narration.

Even then… the game would be like an improved version of the eroge Satou and Yamazki made in “Welcome to the NHK !” Ah well.

Live action eroge, while rare, does exist.

An eroge title doesn’t have to be 2D. 3D eroge titles do exist.

I do know that, and I’m sure they’re far more playable then this game, but their rarity (and perhaps the appeal of something drawn as opposed to something you’d normally see on an live-action AV) may say something. (But, hey, I’m just sayin’)

Yes, yes… any player of Illusionsoft games knows, and of course, there are plenty more companies that Illusionsoft. But again, 2D still retains the novelty you just can’t get out of 3D (unless the 3D graphics are really in-depth, but I won’t go there)


Btw, the game CAN be played without a 3DO, or even an emulator.

You can ‘play’ it on youtube.

The youtube user was kind enough to link the videos in the same way the game would have been played. (well, minus the long choice narration AVGN mentioned)

Having done a ‘playthrough’, the game does suck: its too linear. There’s only one real ending, with only one real relationship, and the rest is all just bad endings accomplished within two choices (not much for variety). Yes, it has been mentioned that its a slideshow, not an FMV, but I don’t think it even qualifies as an American attempt at a visual novel.

Jinnai’s right. What it is, quite simply, is a very crappy slideshow made to pass off as a game by including dressed up DVD menu options. Heck, if it had been softcore pr0n, it would’ve been mroe fun, but its lacking in that department.

But ah well, I least I got away with the free version. I seriously feel sorry for any poor unsuspecting soul who bought it thinking it be a decent ‘romantic comedy’ on his 3DO.

I feel sorry for people who spent more than 25 cents on this game. I want the 12 and a half minutes of my life I spent watching that first video back :frowning:

Not sure where to put this, but here (arise, my ancient post): … nlight-Ban

Anyone here played the game in question?

Well, since we are going ahead and using this post for other than the original purpose anyway, and I too couldn’t figure out a good spot for this, here you go:
Fallout Dating sim :lol:

Someone’s going to try and make a VR eroge…and it’s not a Japanese company … -513685686