An edited image from Hitomi My stepsister?

I just looked at the getchu page on hitomi and there’s a different image, then whats in the game.
Getchu Page:
The image is when you have sex with Hitomi on the sink.

Images are NSFW

The image on Getchu is:

The image from the english game is:

Notice the difference in what your character is wearing.

Is this just a pre-release image, or was something changed?

Interesting find Lipp. I’m curious to know as well. Comparing the two images, I notice an interesting similarity between the shading along the protagonist’s side in the getchu image and the wrinkles in the protagonist’s shirt in the image from the game.

Hmmm… I think the image looks better with the shirt to be honest.

I vote it was changed for aesthetic purposes. :o

Interesting, indeed.

Generally, in order to be released in english, the eroge need to be uncensored first. And uncensoring means to redraw entire pictures, not only the cencored bit.

Maybe the artists who made the redraw decided to redraw other pictures too. Like Narg said, not because was censored, but because was not erotic or beautiful enough.

I’m guessing it would be a pre-release image that was later changed in the original game, either for aesthetic reasons, or to fix a mistake in the text/image continuity. I doubt G-Collections would have asked the artist to redraw that when doing the uncensoring.

Edit: Sorry, I was a bit unclear - by redraw here I was referring to the shirt issue, not to the uncensoring/redrawing of the genitalia. In the case of Hitomi, the genitalia aren’t particularly well drawn or detailed, so it’s probably a direct removal of the mosaic in this case.

errr… no they do NOT redraw the image to remove the censoring. The squares you see in the images are not manually drawn, they are added using some graphics package, the original (unchanged) image should still be in their archive waiting for the day it is needed (the same apply to anime).

any way, in this scene, he should have had his shirt on since it toke place after dinner. In which case the original should have been wrong and it might have been fixed in the finial (English) product :mrgreen:

That’s not true. The situation depends.

It has been reported that on many occasions, the original artwork was not drawn “fully detailed” because the artist knew genitals would be censored. Therefore the original artwork has to be “completed” because in an uncensored version, it would be lacking finished genitals.

Other times the artwork is digital ¬ñ i.e. drawn using an art program ¬ñ and for whatever reason the artist didn’t use layers or filters, so the original is censored. There is no “clean” version: thus it has to be altered for decensorship.

It’s also possible for the images’ master copies to be lost (computer crash, carelessness, bad backups, etc): therefore the artist has to completely redraw the missing material.

I’v noticed that some artwork also is drawn with censorship intended.

Absolute obedience is a good example of this. The genitals are drawn so badly it’s obvious they were not intended to be truly seen.

Also in regards to lost master copies. It has been implied that the master copy of the Enzai OVA has been lost. Kitty Media attempted to release it in English+uncensored, but the original makers wouldn’t hand over the master copy for ‘reasons’.
It’s not known if it’s truly lost or not, but it has been implied to be that.

I love finding little changes and mistakes like this. It literally makes my day.

I made a guide a while back on mistakes and continuity errors in art for Riven and The Sims a long time ago, worth checking out.

As for the images, I have no preferences.

I don’ care about this small difference because… I’ve never been interested in the male protagonists. :twisted:

Hmm found another difference…
The flow chart shown on Getchu is also different.

Images are NSFW.

Getchu version:

Version we have:

Looks like 2 choices were added into the version we got that can switch you between Hitomi and Yuki’s path.
Also, the placement of some images was changed.
There is also no sign of the Hitomi bending over a second time or Hitomi at the cafe scenes on the flow chart.

Finally got into the hitomi website after getting many errors…

NSFW of course…

Website version:

Version we have:

I prefer the version with the uniform…

I’m going to guess the images are from a pre-release version. It looks more darker then the completed version, since there is no sign of the ‘happier’ hitomi scenes ( eg, the Cafe scene isn’t present in the flow chart ). Also the image of you having sex with Hitomi in the pool shower has you in your uniform, so perhaps it happened during school instead of during school break, perhaps implying the story was shorter?.

Another good catch Lipp. Not only is the flowchart configuration slightly different, but one of the images is different.
On loosely connected note, this thread is kind of (and forgive me for saying this le nuage) making me want to play the game again. While I doubt I could ever put myself through the hell of Hitomi’s path again, I must admit that the artistic style in the game has a certain attractive element I can’t quite put my finger on. I guess you might say many of them are “hotter” (at least to me). For instance, the image of Hitomi bending over at the bookshelf I find extremely hot.

Well, Hitomi will always hold a special place for me since it was the first H-game i ever played.
I always find myself replaying it again and again ( i believe this is the 4th time now… )

Hitomi is a special girl all right. Hot and easy to manipulate. What a nice combination!

I forgive you because it’s true Hitomi is hot.
I’m into submissive girls so even if it’s a dark game, I still can’t totaly hate this game. I just hate the main protagonist and this jerk in the public toilet.

… I’ll be your onii-chan Hitomi. :smiley:

Regarding the changed image in the flowchart, I’ve found (by playing through the game for a few minutes) that the flowchart in the getchu image doesn’t make sense, since the image of Hitomi resting her head against you doesn’t occur until after the image of her standing in the hall after a bath. My guess is that the image is from an early build of the game which had a slightly rearranged storyline. I don’t suppose anyone on the forum has a copy of the original Japanese version for comparison?

If I was Hitomi’s onii-chan I’d be a lot nicer to her than the jerk in the game was, I’d treat her nicer.

Any true light sider would treat Hitomi better. Of course, any true follower of the dark side apparently would subjugate Hitomi, Yuki, and Yoko (after the protagonist kills his own father).

Or rather, he’d have one of his subjugated ladies do it for him. Better to let someone else handle it just in case it’s later discovered by the law, you still have two left after all.

No…the true dark sider would go and subjugate more than just 3 women, none of whom are twins. They might kill their father, if they were foolish, but twisting him into working as your lackey is what the more masterful dark sider would do.