An English Bishoujo Magazine

Ah! looks good to me!! I don’t know who’s behind that magizine, but if it’s real, then it’s a quite ambitious project, if I may say so . And if things goes well, then the adult bishoujo games might get a little more attention, don’t you think? Which would mean more customers = more incomes for Peach Princess = more chances of the adult bishoujo game genre surviving in the west!


Oh, and by the way, I really liked the opening of the To Heart anime which they has on their website

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 03-29-2002).]

After the GameGo fiasco I’m a bit wary, but I’ll probably pick up a copy of issue 1 whenever it comes out. (That’s one ugly cover though ^^;, the other two are pretty good)

I think Kumiko-chan should try to get in touch with them…

Hmmm I normally order my bishoujo mags straight from japan but I might give this a go too. Pity he uses paypal though :stuck_out_tongue:

:slight_smile: Jo

ohhh, cannot wait to get the first issue. It seems that bishoujo games will stand a chance in the american market again.

Jup! Kind of bad that they call the games “hentai games” instead of adult bishoujo games, through… I too think that they should get in touch with either Kumiko, Dave or Peter. Perhaps we’ll see an interview with either of them in that magazine in the future, if we’re lucky enough

Hmm, considering this, maybe some of us should appear on their BBS??

Might as well. Of course not much happening there right now so it may just be us for a bit…

Originally posted by ekylo:
Might as well. Of course not much happening there right now so it may just be us for a bit... [img][/img]

Well, better just us than none at all [img][/img]. In that way, we could tell them to make some corrections on their homepage and such [img][/img]

And to get some other people there, we could post the link on sites like Megatokyo or Animenation [img][/img]

Edit: also, the fact that we'd be there might encourage them a little. Un that way, they'd know that they aren't completely unknown [img][/img]. I'll subscribe to their forum as soon as I've sleept a bit. i'm quite tired right now [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 03-29-2002).]

This magazine looks really cool! I hope they are able to get them to the UK. I’ll definitely subscribe!

I had the chance to download the prototype issue from their website and I have to say I hope the actual magazine is better. The reviews aren't too informative and at times looked like it was written by horny highschool students. Plus, they need to hire a spell checker as their Cream Lemon article was riddled with spelling mistakes.
And I'm not even going to talk about that comic strip.

The whole thing reads like a poor man's Freetype or a bishojo version of GameGo.But on the plus side, the mock ups of their covers look good.I just hope they do a more professional job for their premire issue.

I noticed a spelling error in the Graduation review too. I agree though, it could go a little more in depth, but it is good, and it is the only bishoujo magazine the English speaking world has.

Well, looks like the BBS over there has a good general start. Heh, part of the fun will be figuring out who people are if they have a different screen name over there. (I don’t but I don’t get all that creative with my screen names. I have enough trouble remembering who I am normally… )

Hey there! Charles from Service Service! Reading your thoughts about us and give you some answers! The first thing I’d like to say is that, yes, the prototype was full grammer problems and spelling errors. That’s why we have a great proofer now to make sure that doesn’t actually happen in the first big issue.

The reason there was such as space between the prototype and the actual 1st issue, was that we did some major revamping. Compare the prototype pages to the preview pages of issue#1- you’ll see what we mean. And of course, as we go along things are going to get better and better. There are sure to be kinks we need to work out, but then take a look at how a lot of the big magazines started and then where they are now.

Unlike GAMEGO, a lot of thought actually went into Service Service, and unlike GAMEGO, we studied the market, but a marketing plan and have established good distribution channels. And unlike GAMEGO we aren’t going to run off with your money, or print 10,000 issues when we can only sell 1,000 and then go belly up. We kept a close eye on those guys, and learned from their mistakes.

I’d like to thank everyone at Peach Princess for their support. They’ve been very, very helpful. It’s really hard to get through to the ANIME AND GAMES INDUSTRY, especially for people they’ve never heard of and with a semi-tough subject like adult bishoujo games. We’ve actually been told that no one wants to read about them. We don’t believe that.

Please in the future, if you have gripes about us (or even praise!) drop us an email and let us know! We take everything (OK almost everything) fans say very seriously, good or bad.

Oh, and some of those reviews weren’t written by horny high school students, they were written by horny middle aged men!

Well Currently we have one female on staff, and would welcome more. It’s actually been a little difficult finding people who are willing to review adult bishoujo games and give them a fair shot (especially games like Water Closet). Many people who approach us want to review games; but only games they like. It will be interesting to see people’s reaction to the first issue. We’ve shown what we have so far around a bit, and the reaction has been excellent so far!

Originally posted by the Happy Chicken:
Unlike GAMEGO, a lot of thought actually went into Service Service, and unlike GAMEGO, we studied the market, but a marketing plan and have established good distribution channels. And unlike GAMEGO we aren't going to run off with your money, or print 10,000 issues when we can only sell 1,000 and then go belly up. We kept a close eye on those guys, and learned from their mistakes.

Well, I think you will sell more than just 1000 magazines with a little luck. Most stores I know of would refuse adult bishoujo gmaes, but I thinkt hat in their opinion of view, a bishoujo magazine wouldn't be the same. Funny, isn't it? I can imagine that many shops will gladly sell your magazine to their customers, but if you told them to sell adult bishoujo games... well, that's another matter. But your magazines _may__ in turn make people demand those stores to sell some of PP or JU's adult bishoujo games...

I'm glad you guys aren't going to be a fiasco like Game GO. I do have some more suggestions (besides the ones I mentioned).

1)A feature article would be nice. Like a history of erotic anime or something of that ilk.

2)Some interviews (I assume you can't get interviews with Japanese game creators but how about interviewing Peach Princess or Jast USA)

One more thing I have to ask. Will any of the anime stores (Anime Nation, Right Stuf) carry Service Service?

We are working on some lovely articles for Sister Princess, and the Daicon IV article in the 1st issue is pretty nifty.

We’d love to do interviews with game & anime companies and let you know what makes um tick.

I think you’ll be suprised with the feeling you get from Service Service.

Just saying that we updated the page :slight_smile:

Hey try to get forbidden planet to take a few mags! I go there all the time and it would beat having to order them from america darn high postage costs lol!

:slight_smile: Jo