An Open Letter Before I Go

Hi. I thought that it was time to come down from the top of Mount G-Collections and talk to you guys, man-to-gender-designation-of-your-personal-choice.

First, thanks for being fans of Bishoujo Gaming. I hope that you’re getting what you want out of it and me. I’ve tried my best to make what I post here insane and informative; ‘The people should know’, that’s my motto. Well, actually my motto is ‘Just because it has naked anime women moaning in pleasure in it doesn’t mean you can’t play it in public with the sound jacked up,’ but you get the drift.

Second, I think that it’s time to come down to plain truths, come to terms with things, or whatever the phrase is these days: we’re in a bit of a bind. By ‘we’ I mean 'everybody who loves Bishoujo Games, and by ‘a bit of a bind’ I mean ‘there just G-Collections, Peach Princess, a few minor other players, and who the hell else left doing this?’. There hasn’t been much in the way of new companies coming into being lately, and if a new one is looming on the horizon, I haven’t heard of it.

This isn’t exactly a surprise to anyone, of course: Bishoujo Games are about as much a niche market item as you can get without being a minority of one, and frankly getting new titles, or convincing companies to let us bring stuff over is harder when you realize that in one month, more games are released in Japan, than released here in the US in a year. If they sold better, we’d publish more of them - because making a profit’s a pretty good incentive, after all. (We can ramp up to 3 or 4 games a month if we could actually SELL that many, and I’m sure that others can too, if the could.)

Which leads us to third. I’ve had a couple people remark to me from time to time that this or that game would be a blockbuster if we could get it translated. Now, I’m not entirely certain of the work involved in getting titles and companies lined up, but even if I could personally fly to Japan, and wow the executives there with my American Bishoujo Game Fan ways… I wouldn’t feel right about it given the really marginal way the market is - and I’m not exactly tepid about Bishoujo Games. We’ll also put to one side the lunacy involved.

However, should somebody actually want to show his or her appreciation for Bishoujo Games, there’s an easy enough answer: go buy the games. A few moments online should turn up a place that will sell you the game (like here, for example); there, you’ll be able to purchase just about everything the Bishoujo Gaming Industry currently offers. This is a completely voluntary recommendation on my part; I’m leaving G-Collections, and I get no compensation or commission for it. Or go to your friendly local anime store and buy the games, or demand that they stock them. If you’ve already got them all, go buy one and give it to a friend (or a reviewer), or make it a prize in the next party that you host(you’re all hyping up this stuff up to your friends, right?), or donate it to a charity, or anything else reasonable (Or at least, won’t get you arrested.).

Now, I have noted the monstrous attitude involved in my assuming that people might be willing to shell out $39.95+ just because I said so; it’s true that I have a mental issue, but hopefully a well-adjusted one. (And a bit lunatic, but that’s another matter.) There are other things that you can do to show whatever hypothetical appreciation you might feel.

¬ïStart your own website. I’d really appreciate that, actually; my need for “affirmation that I’m not the only one who’s this obsessed about Bishoujo Games” is just as bad as anyone else’s.
•Join the G-Collections and Peach Princess BBS.
•Use the above two events as a reason to write, write, write.
•Recommend retailers, wholesalers, storeowners to game makers - something that I should do more, myself.
•Talk up the games to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, that crazy guy on the street corner that talks to himself.
¬ïIf you haven’t started a game collection, do so.
•Win the lottery and guarantee costs for minimum print runs of new games(this would be one of those last resort kind of things, mind you).

And if you don’t particularly feel any sort of appreciation - which is, by the way, perfectly fine - but you love these games as much as I do, why not do the above anyway?

And if you already do all of this, then thank you - and, again, another ‘thank you’ for everyone who has read and hopefully enjoyed what I’ve made available for you to know.

(Thanks to Moe for inspiring me to write this, as well as providing the template…)

I’ll not get my nose where i shouldn’t but…
Are you going to Stop posting on this bbs and on G-C’s bbs or is it just “another kind of problem” that doesn’t mind us…?

Just because you asked (??), let me tell you that i’m working (at a slow pace) on a Spanish website about bishoujo games (Only b-games, no Hentai or Doushinjis at all…)… Hopefully, once it’s over, i’ll make it on english… (Look for it far into the future though :P)

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
•Talk up the games to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, that crazy guy on the street corner that talks to himself.

You know, this is one hobby I don't feel compelled to involve family and colleagues with. I probably need not explain why [img][/img] Though I might have a word with the crazy guy on the corner talking to himself, how's that?

On a more serious note, I do find it odd how the wave of popularity experienced by anime in the west over the last few years hasn't carried bishojo games with it. Are we condemned to forever be a very niché market within a increasingly less niché market?

Good luck and thanks [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Darc (edited 03-11-2005).]

Oh, I’ll still be around on the BBSes. I just wanted to post that in a little hope that maybe Bishoujo Games can stop being so niche market, and a little more common, so there can be more games done more often outside of Japan.

And not sure why this wave of popularity hasn’t done as much for bishoujo games. Possibly the weird mix of story and sex confuses people. If you want pr0n, you get hentai, and if you want story, you get something like manga, and if you want games, you get games, but what if you get all 3 combined? Who do you try to target?

And come on, I’m sure Grandma would just LOVE to play Bishoujo Games.

… course, I still roll my eyes a little bit at complaints of how “niche” this market is. The vast majority of indie game devs (ie, people without big publishers, ever-present marketing, or retail deals to get their products in front of eyeballs) appear to do less than ten sales a month.

There are plenty of indies doing better than that, of course - and most of those have managed to get some better promotion, a publishing deal, or a slot on the big portals like Yahoo, Real, etc.

While I admit to not having any sales data myself, and those who do can correct me, this market doesn’t appear to be doing badly for one in which games are primarily sold through alternative channels. I know there are some stores that stock the products… at least, I’ve heard that they exist… I’ve certainly never seen one. From my perspective, the games are primarily ordered online - and without the push of sites like Yahoo or Amazon to put them in the eyes of those who wouldn’t think to look for them.

What I want? … Somebody to license Princess Maker 4 (Released this month! Right?) and get it translated and on sale. ON AMAZON. On non-adult channels. On the playstation as well as the PC. A big-name, wide-appeal (Girls love PM!) pretty-girl game to put in people’s hands and make them think “HEY! I want more games with cute anime girls in them!”

… I don’t trust anyone to do this, which is why I continue painfully trying to make the game myself.

(Alternate solution - Change the american political climate to get over this TERROR of nipples we have at the moment, then try to get the games in more stores. There’s no REAL reason you can’t stock b-games in bookstores. They have lots of reading. And that’s where the manga is.)

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
And come on, I'm sure Grandma would just LOVE to play Bishoujo Games. [img][/img] [img][/img]

But then again, significant portion of buyers of viagra are older men. Heck, last month I saw a man (old enough to play grandpa) buy a penthouse mag at the newstand. I think the older population may have interest in b-gaming, once they become aware of it.

Sorry to see you leave G-coll, at least when you were with them, I knew someone from there read our concerns here at the bbs. Good luck whatever you plan on doing next.

Originally posted by papillon:
... course, I still roll my eyes a little bit at complaints of how "niche" this market is.

Well, it seems Vaga put it quite bluntly:

"Bishoujo Games are about as much a niche market item as you can get without being a minority of one..."

When you have less than 15 titles a year being released (compared with, say, 30 or 40 anime DVDs per month) then I'd say "nichÈ" is an accurate term.


When you have less than 15 titles a year being released (compared with, say, 30 or 40 anime DVDs per month) then I’d say “niche” is an accurate term.

… yeah, and how many party-control turn-based RPGs are being released a year? How many (a zillion other things I could think of)?

I’m not arguing that it’s a niche and it appeals to only a certain number/kind of people. I’m arguing that this is not nearly the problem that people make it out to be. The niche AIN’T THAT SMALL.

I’m remembering posts where a certain someone was saying “Our market share is so small I bet dentistry software sells more than us!” and then talking about the number of orders from Italy per month. Bad-selling software does not get orders from Italy every month. (Unless, of course, it’s Italian!)

And then there’s the whole “minimum print run” statement, which just goes to show you exactly how the b-game world is NOT being run like the little guys. (There’s a reason for this, of course, but read on.)

Is it so hard to understand what I’m getting at? Your market looks bad if you compare yourself to high-profile games in mainstream shops. Your market doesn’t look bad AT ALL if you compare it to actual small fry. B-games get a lot more discussion and awareness and SALES than something like, oh, Love Chess.

(Disclaimer - I don’t actually know Love Chess’s sales figures. It’s possible they’re a runaway success. But I expect they are a lot smaller than the b-game market.)

Now, of course, the thing that the English b-games have to deal with is that their Japanese connections are BIG fry. And while the English b-games people don’t understand the world of the really small fry, the Japanese b-games people probably don’t understand anything but big.

Or… they don’t care about anything but big.

Remember, it’s about profit. Would you like to be the manager that signed off on getting a project “localized”, signed off on the needed internal support, and end up without significant profits to show for it? Better to play it safe then waste company time and resources that could have been used on something more profitable… like making another game.

I believe that has been mentioned as to why they don’t license out the big hits? Or even the moderate hits from the big companies?

I’m fairly new to the scene, but I’ve shelled out over $200 already, and will happily dish out more as I find more games I want to play. I will try to find other people with similar interests and try to turn them on to the Games, but as always, there’s no guarentee’s. But I wish you good luck in the future, and I also wish the game companies good luck, I’d like to see this market grow.

Thanks for the list, Vaga42Bond. Yes, I agree that any fan of these games who isn’t buying them, casting dollar votes for titles he or she would like to see more of, should reflect deeply on why this is, and change their ways ASAP.

Heh, on the “Grandpa” issue, we’ve got a great customer who comes to see us at Anime Expo every year. He’s over 70 I believe, and his wife passed away some years ago. To fill the void, this really cool person has gotten into bishoujo games, and loves them. I hope I’ll be as cool when I’m that age.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Heh, on the "Grandpa" issue, we've got a great customer who comes to see us at Anime Expo every year. He's over 70 I believe, and his wife passed away some years ago. To fill the void, this really cool person has gotten into bishoujo games, and loves them. I hope I'll be as cool when I'm that age.

I actually find this account kind of disturbing, even somewhat saddening...and not because of his age...

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I actually find this account kind of disturbing, even somewhat saddening...and not because of his age...

Why is that? I can't really see why that is sad. I kinda doubt it is meant as a replacement for his wife, nor do I think he plays them in order to forget about her, probably quite the contrary.

Originally posted by AG3:
Why is that? I can't really see why that is sad. I kinda doubt it is meant as a replacement for his wife....

The way Peter phrased it, "to fill the void," suggests exactly that. Of course, Peter doesn't speak for the guy himself, but that was just the immediate impression I got from reading that.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-29-2005).]

I don’t think he was replacing her, he was just getting a hobby that’s quite enjoyable. Some men get into model trains, others into building ships in bottles. This guy happened on a really cool way give himself something to do with his free time. He’s like 80.

Now he’s 80?
wow! XD
Next time i bet he will be like… i dont know… 81? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

If he’s a typical American, one would expect the dude to be around for a while. You can only go to Atlantic City (a favorite activity for old timers) every so often. lol

And so it has come to this…spamming this solemn thread with old people jokes. Shame on you!

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-12-2005).]

You should learn to respect your elders, kiddie. :stuck_out_tongue: