An under the radar announcement at AX

Apparently Go! Comi who has published some quite niche manga in the U.S. is stepping a toe into the waters. Link mentions an announcement made at their AX event.

Interesting, but I’m already not liking their gimmick. I want to own something, not simply trust it will still be there if/when I decide I want to read it again.

OTOH, if it’s cheaper… and some people do prefer buying fully online games rather than have to do a lot of download-install-etc. Whether or not I’d be interested depends on what they have and what they charge for it, of course.

Fantastic news! Although I’ve never heard of these titles. :oops:

March of the Red Death sounds deliciously gothic though. Narg likes gothic. 8)

Reminds me of one of my favorite D20 games of all time, Masque of the Red Death - Ravenloft for the win!

Though, of course, Masque came out well before d20 - they simply reprinted it … and in book format, I miss boxed sets. I imagine you already have, but on the off chance you haven’t, you can find the official Ravenloft forums here: … er%20I.htm One of which is a Masque forum with some good material, including a very long list of potential npcs. … a_overview

Looks like the preview and chapter one are up. You just need to register with the company site.

The prologue is relatively short, but I’m interested. Kind of disappointed the uncle isn’t a catchable guy, as I like my men older. :slight_smile:

 Well, we don't know that completely.... I am sure someone out there has filled a 'sex with dead dudes' fetish. Likely not on this one tho.

  It looks like there might be issues using a CC directly, got an error message when I tried using. Gonna wait a day, make sure I don't have like 3-4 charges and no game and then try again.