An update?

It might be to much to ask, but it’s been over 2 months since the ‘Upcoming Releases’ thread was updated. Could we possibly get an update? Or has nothing changed.

if peach princess is doing anything for comicon they will say something tomarrow

After numerous past incidents of premature communications having to be retracted or otherwise modified, PP has a tight lip.

Since they’re putting titles out with greater regularity now than in days past (after the initial burst there was a drought of a few years where very little came out), there has been a lot more news recently; but the general modus operandi is to say nothing if there’s nothing to say.

I do prefer it this way, since I’m still annoyed over some of the now-nonoperative things that got dangled in front of my eyes then yanked away unceremoniously. Like Slave Bazaar. Even though I’m generally a light sider, that game interested me. :slight_smile:

While there hasn’t been an update to that thread, there has been news. I don’t remember what thread it was in, but basically (if I recall correctly) Shingo said that they weren’t happy with the translation of Family Project and were redoing some of it (I don’t remember the exact details). As for which game would be released next, it genuinely was up in the air.

^that be the thread you was talking about.

Many thanks for finding the thread Demonix.

This is totally off-topic, but I just noticed your sig and I have to salute you as a fellow addict of the parentheses.


Just got an e-mail from JAST stating that Family project was next, still no ETA though.

With Family Project, Suika and the european release of Persona 4, I guess my March will be quite busy. Oh well, it’s not like I’m complaining :mrgreen:

We need the official topic and website, now 8)

Persona 4 is pretty good, better S-links than 3, but the story and plot twists are pretty lame.

suika and family project for march is too generous
suika maybe buy my guess unless there is a major con for the release there is no hurry