Anime + 9 yr old + illegal download = Sue!!!

This is a legit article and newspaper: I did a lookup to make sure. All I have to say is, “Damn.” :eek:

I’ve often heard stuff like this before, therefore I’m not surprised (no one is too young for piracy, unfortunately :frowning: ).
However, Odex too is NOT so pure…

I thought this issue would never reach the PP boards.

The most I can say on this matter is that Odex must be desperate to sue the families of students to fund their ‘efforts’. Anime fans in Singapore still feel that Odex releases are sub-standard, and,d epsite addressing the problem, they do this. Problem is, they have media, and government, backing.

Then again, the law was bound to catch up with the torrenting system sooner or later. It was too good to last too long.


Odex stole any anime from whatever fansub clubs. Many fansub clubs did label: Do not sell free fansub. It reminded of infamous Tazmo guy.

[ 08-07-2007, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: RonXE ]

Well, they may have stolen the ‘translation’, but not the subtitles themselves. That’s how they pretty much get away with it.

This is what happens when you download anime illegaly and without proper measures taken… err … I mean … err … thankfully I live in a 3rd World Country … it doesn’t suck soo much from time to time to live here.

Kids, do not download illegal porn or anime… and buy EroGames, those are a must because I want more in the future.

EDIT: For the sake of seriousness.

I believe these Odex guys went a little bit overboard. I do understand those kids WERE doing something wrong, but I believe that those fines they requested are a bit over the line.

Not to mention that I feel disgusted by their ways and how they manipulate data that should remain anonymous or, at least, up to each user to decide.

[ 08-09-2007, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: The Unholy Avenger ]

Mc Donalds produces subpar food. Does it justify stealing it from them? When you break the law, infringing on someone else’s legal rights, “But his product was crap!” isn’t an excuse. Heck, even if they were stealing their merchandise, it wouldn’t excuse anyone for stealing them.

WTF? It was actually way under the legal line, since they only asked for $3,000 when they could legally ask for up to $20,000.

[ 08-09-2007, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Well, I’m merely stating the opinion of the majority of anime fans in Singapore, which is a substantial underground sub-culture that has some impact on the anime blogopshere (the two links provided on this thread were by Singapore animeblogs) I have my own opinions on the matter, but I think ODEX is going overboard to ask thousands for what may be just a few hundred dollars worth of downloading. As I said, its compensation; ODEX isn’t making any money at all.

This matter gest worse when it was the ISP that provided the data on the downloader. By right, this sort of transparency is not supposed to exist, but that’s different in Singapore.

Also, your example isn’t exactly accurate; a more accurate potrayal being McDonalds chasing a thief who stole about a bunch of potatoes from a farm that supplies them. ODEX doesn’t produce the anime so much as they sub and do the encoding. Then again, even that example would be wrong… ODEX is way smaller then the anime companies, in contrast to the farmer and McDonalds.

And besides, few people ahve any real idea of the ODEX situation: theya re subpar, far more subpar than even McDonalds. Where a major, mega corporation like McDonalds has at least some public understanding, ODEX has none. Let me put it this way: one of the best manga publishers I know is Chuang Yi, whoch provides manga to Australia. However, it’s SIngaporean. The difference between CHuang Yi, and ODEX, is that CY goes out of its way to find out what its audience wants. Sure, they take ages to acquire license, but when they do, they deliver.

Anyway, I think the best place to discuss this matter is on a SIngapore anime board. This is there issue, not ours.

Granted, but it’s a bit OVER it to sue at 9y.o. Not to mention that they still SOMEHOW got a hold of information that should remain private.

They didn’t sue. They sent a menacing letter TO THE PARENTS. Now in the letter it undoubtedly said “… or face the consequences” which means they would have sued. But let’s not mischaracterize what actually happened.

[ 08-20-2007, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

Heh… so that’s their official response, eh? I guess the “anti-Odex” bandwagon has gotten enough strength that their worried about it.

While I’m totally supportive of killing digital piracy, there’s an old saying a priest told me:

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 08-20-2007, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

The kid should be considered lucky that he got caught before he started downloading hentai (when 10 rolls around).