anime dreams

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a cosplay confab where I saw a girl hefting around a baseball bat full of spikes. Upon investigation, I learned that the character she was playing was from an anime called Bludgeoning Angel Dokoro-chan. I’d never heard of it, but did eventually find the DVD and, frankly, I was shocked…shocked! It starts out as a typical Magical Girl anime in the spirit of Yatsura Urusai, but where Lum was a slightly tsundere girlfriend, Dokoro-chan is an outright crazy yandere. You see, she’s an angel who’s been sent from Heaven to punish a high school boy named Sakura for something that he hasn’t done yet, but will in the future. (know the feeling?) This is where the baseball bat comes in. Several time each episode she bashes him with that bat and blood floods the screen, but she always brings him back to life for more punishment. It would appear that the creators of this show decided to take the understated sado-masochistic relationships in Magical Girl stories and draw them out to their logical conclusion. It’s kind of creepy watching Sakura’s body parts flying apart or his brains being flushed down the toilet every few minutes, but this anime has such a smiling face that it’s hard not to see the thing as all being done in the spirit of good, clean fun. (Still, I wonder where that girl was going with that bat.)

In other news, I had an anime dream last night. It was about this guy whose girlfriend was an android with wireless Internet. Her anus was a usb port that you could attach a flat-screen TV to. It was kind of cute seeing her bent over with a jack in her back. But I realise that this kind of dream would maybe make me a candidate for the bat should I tell my wife about it, and–as it is-- I’m thoroughly ashamed of my subconscious. But, here’s a question. Do any of you guys have anime dreams? And what about?

not necessarily anime dreams but every now and then i suffer from the metal-gear-solid-paranoia-schizophrenia dreams

…too much stress from work i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t recall any anime dreams, but like Lamuness I’ve had dreams involving games I’ve played. This happens especially after I’ve had a binge of game playing. It is so bad sometimes that even when I’m awake (and exhausted from playing so long) I’ll see the game being played when I close my eyes, even for just a second.

Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan is awesome, I thought I had watched the dirtiest Anime (DearS) until Dokuro-chan came along. The localization leaves something to be desired though, could have used liner notes like the ones AnimEigo supplies for their anime.

I have had anime dreams upon occasion. Certainly after Kana I had dreams about the game, and after watching “Here is Greenwood” I had an erotic dream about Shun … dispite the fact that I’m heterosexual.

I was going to run an anime rpg for a while (the Demon City Shinjuku game) and had some dreams about that while preparing. Vampire Princess Miyu made quite a few appearances whne I was watching that series.

So, yeah, like anything I think if you are preoccupied with it when you go to sleep it will make its way into your dreams. (this is actually a fantastic way to have the types of dreams you want in a night as well … just fill your thoughts with the subject as you drift off … might take a little practice, but it works quite well.)

I can now say that I think I’ve had a dream influenced by anime. I just recently had a dream where I was in a familial situation similar to the series Marmalade Boy. Unfortunately I woke up before the time I was supposed to sneak in to my step-sister’s room for some fun with her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, that happens, doesn’t it? The Superego never sleeps.

I’ve had a couple.

  • One time I dreamed I was at a convention, and bought a Tsukihime board game published by Fantasy Flight (something which does not exist in the real world). I don’t even like Tsukihime that much. This was followed by a scene where I purposely jumped into a lake, to get a girl on a college campus to let me use her room to dry off, then steal panties…I don’t know how my sub-conscious came up with such bizarre plot.
  • Another dream was a combination of Strike Witches and the doujin game Suguri, where the characters all rode on giant missiles (Dr. Strangelove style) instead of Striker Units. There was also something about discrimination against half-animal mutants.
  • I’ve also had two dreams about alternate versions of Gurren Lagann. In one, the characters were Mongolian post-apocalyptic nomads and the mechs were giant totems which the characters set on top of. In the other dream Gurren Lagann was a classic SF movie and NES game, melding the drillin and underground stuff with hints of Star Wars and the Ewok movies.

Nothing too interesting, but they were all pretty vivid at the time.