anime expo 2010 discusion

Obviously what I’d like to see is Oto Puri Koiseyo! Otome Oji Sama Dokidoki Wedding Bell because serious personal fetish. :slight_smile: I have zero idea if it’s any good and I know it’s stupid to want something based solely on the pictures (a certain yuri disappointment reminds me that something CAN in fact be unplayably boring even with gorgeous art) but… CANNOT RESIST.

(As well as being seriously hot from my perspective, the comments I have heard from people who’ve actually played it is that it’s very funny.)

Of the things most people are talking about,
Gekkou no Carnevale because the different-ness of it is cool and makes me curious to see it properly.
Bullet Butlers because I remember being excited about it way back when we were first discussing it as a possibility.

Not particularly interested in Haruka ni Aogi at the moment because I want to BE a schoolgirl romancing the schoolgirls, not a teacher thank you! It’s pretty and I might play it, but the concept is exactly wrong for me.

Let’s see:

any of the better games by Nitro + that’re suitable for localization. Carnevale, in particular, looks kinda cool.

Bullet butler. Mmmm… eto, Black Cyc games. 3 Worlds something… :stuck_out_tongue: And so on. :slight_smile:

Haruka sounds damn interesting, though. :slight_smile:

How about the third title considered from that old Will poll, Sekai de Ichiban NG na Koi?

It didn’t seem to get that great a reaction at the time, but I put that up to Narg hating it and Shingo not really selling it all that well. 2ch considered it the best title of 2007 (their ‘best game’ listings can be a bit odd at times though) and
for all the talk of it being a sexromp, it has something in the order of a THIRD of the eroscenes Haruka ni Aogi has. Aside from rereleases and console ports it’s also the #3 eroge (after Kira Kira and Himawari) on EGS for 2007. (beating Bullet Butlers. Haruka ni Aogi was a 2006 title and has a higher mean EGS rating overall though.)

Plus, it’s a pretty good game.

I wanted to keep my list at five titles. NGKoi is definitely up there on the list of games I’d like to see licensed, though.

I agree with this list.

I’ve heard good things about this eroge and I think it looks pretty good. I would love to see this one licensed as well.

Second that! :smiley:

NGKoi is definitely a funny eroge. I would love to see this one translated.

Other cool eroges would be some PROPELLER games, like Bullet Butlers and Kitto Sumiwataru Asairoyorimo.

I would love some LIGHT games, too. :slight_smile: