Anime Expo 2016

Anime Expo 2016 will be here soon. Are you going? What are most excited for?.

Sadly I can’t go this year, though we will have a panel on the 2nd I think it’s 11:15pm July 2nd (Rm 408 AB).
Of course the J-list booth will have our games and other fun stuff~

I’m not going since its too far for me, but I’m expecting some nice announcement.
I expect MangaGamer to announce Sona-Nyl, not sure about JAST but whatever they got will probably be interesting and as for Sekai I doubt that they will be able to get anything big any time soon.

Im going since its very close from where i live, im mainly looking forward for the SAO event and the Love Live! event, plus its always so much fun to go through the Exhibit Hall

regrettably the need of having to work for a living keeps me away from attending this years ax, but i’m nonetheless quite curious about what’s to come out of it.

anyway now that jast more or less successfully managed to reduce the backlog of theirs i’m already pleased by whatoever they may announce, as long as they wont let a vocal minority of weaboos become a primary factor in what to try licensing and whats not. some short/medium-sized awesome doujinshi would be cool though.

coming to mangagamer there’s not much to say, as they keep on doing their own thing at their own pace. some upcoming stuff is already an open secret and for the rest honestly no idea, but i cant think of them going for literary garbage only.

& about sekai, cant say i agree with

@Aldra said:

I expect MangaGamer to announce Sona-Nyl, not sure about JAST but whatever they got will probably be interesting and **as for Sekai I doubt that they will be able to get anything big any time soon. **

simply because if they wont go for big titles/big names, then this would unevitably lead to less hype for their company as awhole, resulting in people realizing that they arent the game industries fleshwarden messiah, but (also fallible) human beings instead. also expecting them to bring alot more questionable pseudo-nukige over. regrettably so.

as for those, who’ve recently tried, or try going solo, not expecting much. only frontwing so far managed to deliver sth of a halfway satisfactionary quality language-wise (excl. chiruchriu), with key’s attempts having me worried more than i’d like to. very same goes for the others unless proven wrong.

For anyone who is attending we’re doing a Sonico cosplay event:

So what were the announcements for this year?



I’m happy with both JAST and MG announcements while the biggest disappointed of AX is that Sekai got Baldr Sky, after all those years of hoping that it will get translated it had to fall in their hands. Now all we are going to get is a butchered version.

For the uniformed, why is it a bad thing that Sekai got Baldr sky. I am not really familiar with Sekai or the game in question.

@CrimsonDX said:
For the uniformed, why is it a bad thing that Sekai got Baldr sky. I am not really familiar with Sekai or the game in question.

Many people consider Baldr Sky to be among the best VNs ever made and Sekai is going to release only a censored version.

@Aldra you might also want to add the upcoming minori title called trinoline to the ones from mangagamer…

@Aldra said:

CrimsonDX said:
For the uniformed, why is it a bad thing that Sekai got Baldr sky. I am not really familiar with Sekai or the game in question.

Many people consider Baldr Sky to be among the best VNs ever made and Sekai is going to release only a censored version.

Censored as in them actively removing and changing scenes? If so then that is highly unprofessional, and I feel sorry for fans of the game >_>

ANN did an article for our releases with a little more background:

Looks like MG picked up some good stuff too Clockupfan

Legit can’t wait for Eiyu Senki. Good thing I’ve put off getting it on console for so long.

Being the gameplay eroge fan that I am, I started a poll on the Sekai Project forums to gather support for an adult release of Baldr Sky.

Poll: Would you buy Baldr Sky if the full 18+ version were made available?

Stop by and add your opinion (registration required) if you want to see one of the best gameplay eroge ever made get a proper release.

@CrimsonDX said:

Aldra said:

CrimsonDX said:
For the uniformed, why is it a bad thing that Sekai got Baldr sky. I am not really familiar with Sekai or the game in question.

Many people consider Baldr Sky to be among the best VNs ever made and Sekai is going to release only a censored version.

Censored as in them actively removing and changing scenes? If so then that is highly unprofessional, and I feel sorry for fans of the game >_>

I wouldn’t read too much into this announcement. They announced the game, and they announced it’s coming to Steam. Obviously Steam won’t take an 18+ title, so this means an all-ages version will be released. (Created, since apparently one doesn’t already exist.) However, the wording of the announcement is vague. They announced it’s coming to Steam, but they did not mention either way anything about Denpasoft (their 18+ storefront).

That doesn’t sound good (especially since other announcements of theirs have explicitly mentioned both), but it’s not entirely unprecedented. Atom Grrl was just announced, without saying anything at all, and it ended up both places.

SP has apparently said that the 18+ information for other titles they had hinted they would talk about was left out of the panel simply because there wasn’t time. So I would hold off with the pitchforks and the torches. Maybe they specifically meant ‘no Denpasoft’, maybe they only mentioned Steam because that’s what’s most popular anyway, and they wanted to make sure people knew it’d be on Steam. I think we’re likely to find out definitively before too long.

… They really ought to quit doing this, though. At best they’re making themselves look bad pointlessly, at worst they’re deliberately ignoring the fact that most VN fans don’t want censorship.

My impression is that Sekai Project doesn’t like to stand up to license holders on behalf of users, especially if said users are very loud but not necessarily a large component of their customer base. This willingness to indulge license holders may be what makes them attractive to Japanese companies, especially the large and successful ones who prefer to dictate their contract terms. This viewpoint assumes that Sekai Project puts its clients first and its users second, which seems pretty consistent with their behavior.

For next year I hope JAST will pick up an adult VN that has a resolution above 800x600. It’d be nice not having to lower my screen resolution whenever I want to play a supposedly “new” game.

@Albatross Can’t Fly said:
For next year I hope JAST will pick up an adult VN that has a resolution above 800x600. It’d be nice not having to lower my screen resolution whenever I want to play a supposedly “new” game.

Flowers, for one, has a higher resolution.