Anime opening and ending music

Recently, I started watching Jyu Oh Sei, which I’m loving because so far it has stayed serious and not strayed in to ridiculousness for cheap laughs like so many other anime. Do get me wrong, funny anime is all well and good and has a place, but in general I like serious (for the most part) anime such as Ghost in the Shell (movies and series) and Seirei no Moribito. Anyways, I like the opening and closing music for Jyu Oh Sei, so I looked on youtube for a full version of the opening song “Deep in Your Heart”. I listened to it, and for the first time I found that I actually somewhat prefer the short version. What ruins it for me is the quite long stretch of English rapping. In any case, I was curious how often you guys prefer the long version of the opening or ending music of an anime over the short version, or vice versa.

I generally prefer the short version because:

  1. It’s the one I’m used to hearing (nostalgia factor).
  2. It’s generally the original version.

Extending on 2, long versions are often very formulaic remixes of short versions. The formula is short version, repeat melody of short version with different words, lyricless connective filler, then the refrain from the short version (sometimes with some new bits tacked on).

But really, the nostalgia factor is probably the most important one. Admittedly I’m probably rather bizarre, but I have little appreciation for music that isn’t part of a game or television show (read: anime). Similarly, songs included on a game soundtrack that weren’t in the game itself don’t do much for me. The purpose of music to me is to create mood for a scene in a story. Divorced from that, it just seems kind of pointless.

It really depends on the music and how they differ. I think for a large extent that’s all I can say because I really have to listen to both to decide.

I usually prefer the long version. If the short version is good, there’s no reason why the long version shouldn’t be good, too :smiley: (Needless to say, if I don’t find the short version good, I don’t go into the trouble of searching for the long version).

That’s quite strange. So you don’t actually like any song except the ones that you hear on soundtracks?

That I didn’t hear while playing the game or watching the show, yeah. It of course helps if it’s a prominent tune I actually remember well. I never listened to the radio voluntarily until I discovered that 2hr drives alone are a pain without a distraction of some sort in the background. Even then, I just tune in to a classical channel and let the unremarkable tones meld into the background.

I do have a habit of endlessly recycling the same few songs in my head when my mind is idling. I virtually memorized the lyrics to the Kimi ga Nozomu Eien OP before I even knew any Japanese. It’s amusing to recite the words to myself now and realize I know the meaning of some of them.

I wouldn’t however be surprised if I’ve become inordinantly fond of J-Pop, to the point that I’d actually listen to songs I’d never heard of before just for the hell of it. Sadly you can’t just turn on the radio and start listening to that, though, at least not in the US. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m the opposite way. Almost every time I’m in a car I listen to the radio. Like you though, I would love if I could listen to Japanese music, but since that isn’t an option I usually listen to classical or classic rock. I’m curious, how much has music been a part of your life? As for me, it has factored in greatly. Growing up I listened to records all the time. When I was a child, I occasionally sang at church. Near the end of elementary school I started playing an instrument, and I continued playing until I stopped high school. Even now I still sing a bit (though not for any kind of performance). Even my friend who is a music major has remarked I have a pretty good voice. I’ve even considered learning bass recently (probably in part from watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad :lol: :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I also played an instrument from 5th grade through middle school. I sang in choir in church occasionally (I hated it), and also for music class (also hated it). Mostly that was just because I thought the silly songs we had to sing were demeaning (ok, I might be injecting my adult thoughts into a child’s mind, maybe). My parents listen to light rock, so I was bombarded with that whenever we got in the car. In one of those online personality tests I was told I lie squarely in the logical/rational mind category, which appears to be completely opposite from the musical mind.