Anime otakuness and the like

My girlfriend accept my interest in computers and bishjou games, she plays some of the games too. She likes that im home instead of hanging out drinking beer and watching football (european), like my cooworkers. My workmates they ridicule me about my gaming interest, they think i am a bit strange. If they play computer or console games they mostly like racing or first person shooters. I have tried to make them that games not not always have to be about violence and crime. That ther is a whole world of different gaming out there. I myself have a bit difficulty playing first person shooters because i have seen violence in the real world when i have been on UN and EU missinÛns in Bosnia and Kosovo. So the person who i love accept my gaming interest(thatÅLs the most important), but me workmates probably sees me like an otaku. My parentÅLs only conern is that i have a good life.

I’ve never been called an otaku, not even by my good friends who share my interest. my family could careless on what i do in my free time, so long as I don’t break the law. my parents keeps asking me if I have a GF or not though they never pester me to get one. I told them if I want one I would get one or go back to china and have my dad introduce me to one.

Back to being Otaku, I say its better to play these games (darker ones) then to go out and actually do it in real life like some of thoses rapist.

Just to note the earlier entry in full:

Just to paraphrase… I do’t go for real porn, and I prefer fictituous artwork and stories.

I agree with you on that … I feel the same.

[ 09-25-2006, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]

Ah, I thought you were talking about all porn, not just the real stuff. Sorry about that.

Hmmmm…Those who’s never been called an otaku sure are lucky to have people near you that understands your interest.

Guess…that makes me a bit unlucky now…huh…
:frowning: :o :roll:

Note: I don’t know how to express this feeling so…I put these 3 to somehow describe it…

I have never been called an otaku, but then again no one knows about me being involved in bishoujo games since it has never come up in any discussions. In fact, I don’t know of anyone in my area that even knows about bishoujo games. I like real girls, real porn, and bishoujo games; it just depends on what flavor I want for the day/night.