Anime otakuness and the like

I just have to ask your opinion on this…
Some people call those who like animes and play Bishoujo Games “OTAKUS” and they tend to ask you if you are only interested on anime girls and not real life girls…
People ask me this alot…So, please tell me your opinion on this here topic.

Outsiders, pfft.

I don’t think I’ve ever been attracted to someone in real life. Well, I think when I was in first grade I had a crush on my teacher.

I’ve never really had people make fun of me for that. Well, when I was in high school and I was talking about anime someone said “oh, so you’re into that porno?” – I just replied “I wasn’t discussing anything pornographic. But I guess we know where your mind is …”

In all honesty – there are only a few people whose opinions should matter to you. Your own, your family, your friends. Do you or your friends/family think you’re odd/weird/creepy? If the answer’s no, then develop a thick skin; if you or someone you care about honestly DOES think you’re odd/weird/creepy, then (and only then) it becomes something to worry about.

^^ If someone didn’t want me for that then I don’t wouldnt care for them. If someone wanted you to change just for them then they’re not worth anything. Also, my family thinks I’m odd for it, and I still don’t care XD


It reminded of “Otaku no Video”. I watched it as I bought the video tape, long time ago. Many otaku chose anime girls than real girls. >.>’

I think that Animeigo might release Otaku no Video DVD.

I guess you guys are right… :slight_smile:
I was treated like an outcast by my family saying that I have a world of my own…But in truth…I wouldn’t mind being attracted to real life girl…And if I have to choose…I would appreciate it if she looks alot like one of my fav. anime characters. :roll:

Just show them this

Is that one from Genshiken???
I watch that too but my family members are not so interested and they thought that that was just a lamebrained excuse of people like me…
I do agree to that and if they don’t…Well…I don’t care anymore…I have my own life now…
And by the way I don’t quite get Madarame’s meaning on <can’t jack-off anime> :confused:

Boy, I’m glad my family doesn’t care what little things I entertain myself with. As long as I don’t turn out gay I’m all right with them, woohoo!

Me ?


I don’t like porn.

No,s eriously. I prefer a romantic relationship, and consensual sex.

But that doesn’t mean I’d watch porn in an intrusing couple… that’s an intrusion of privacy.

I wouldn’t mind reading a novel withs ex in it, but, thing is, if I want books, i want deep, engaging boojks, like “The Magus” by John Fowles, not some cheap chick lit.


Of course, I ahve to contend that, assumign Everett was right, reading a visual nvoel is the itnrusion on the privacy of a couple that lives in a Unvierse far remote from ours, the fact that it’s far remote, and thus, inaccessible at this juncture, nto to mention that it’s purely theoretical, makes iteasier for me to appreciate sex in a visual novel.

Though, of course, when it comes to real sex… I have differeing opinions.


I don’t like to go for games when you can end up with more then one girl, ro you can do it with more then one girl. Even playing a game where the sex is below the age of 20 is kinda hard for me (thank god for tokimeki check-in ! & brave soul), but, again… it’s a far remote possibility.

But that’s all my opinion.

I’m getting pretty tired of the school girl routine myself.

Hmmmm…but,somehow the japanese likes school girl themes rather than the true adult themes…
What gives???

Same with my family. They would like me to find a girlfriend, but I am not a very social person. I think they’ve given up hope.

I would appreciate it if she looks alot like one of my fav. anime characters.

The beauty of cosplay.

I don’t really have a liking to cosplay…
What I mean by that is that I want her face and personality to be just like my fav.

I blame four things.

First envy. For young love.

Second, envy for youth itself.

Third, a fetsih for school uniform.

And lastly… fourth; the fact that, for some reaosn or rather, due to physical maturation and ability, intercourse seems to be at its peak at around this age. Or so we think. Its eems to eb a fault on Nature’s part.

There is a fifth; that young peiople cana chieve maturity overnight. Sadly… very few people really do grow up.

You…how should I say…took the words right out of my mouth on that one.

So… Why do you play bishoujo games?

Nobody has ever calld me an otaku or giving me a hard time over liking anime or bishoujo games.

And if liking bishoujo games is wrong, well, I don’t want to be right! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think my family has as well, I stay in most of the time, and I really don’t like hanging out with a lot of people. Nobody says anything bad about me though, so I don’t have any problems.