Annoying order page

I was about to order X-change 3 and I notice that every time I press “continue” Explorer screams about some objects not being secure.

I assume this is because of the graphic in the corner and the ad aren’t under the “https:” so Explorer doesn’t allow them without confirmation.

Now that isn’t a huge problem in itself, but when I’m about send my Credit Card info over the net I really don’t like seeing “unsecure objects” : /

when it asks just say that you don’t want to allow unsceure objects and you will be fine. I have ran into that as well and it is just fine just without some pictures.

Now that the issue is solved, may I suggest a REAL browser?


Each of them has more features, supports more standards, and is much more secure.

Well since it’s still annoying to order using Explorer the issue is still very much unsolved.

And you may keep the elitist crap to yourself.

It’s not elitist. Your browser is very much insecure and encourages non-standards and sloppy coding.

The US CERT agrees with me:

So does Secunia, and many other security experts:

You know, the other browsers don’t give you the pain the your current browser does.

[ 07-09-2006, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

A few things liquor…

1.) Learn some basic reading comprehension before you respond to posts.
2,) Don’t make idiotic assumptions.
3.) The topic was “problems ordering with IE” not “Please tell me what browser I should be using ZOMG!”.
4.) You’re opinion wasn’t asked for, nor wanted.

[ 07-10-2006, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Um, all I can say is use FireFox!

Hmm i use Opera, M$ sucks

You know, using another browser is also a solution to your problem, as mentioned above. :stuck_out_tongue: So it does apply.

Hail Explorer and MS,change is not needed as long as you know how to handle the beast.

Laff, you said hes elitist? Maybe you need to know some reading comprehension tips.

Very funny.

Okay. This is getting a little flaming for my tastes. Everybody step away from the napalm and calm down …

But I love the smell of napalm :wink:

Napalm? i was reaching for a nuke :stuck_out_tongue:

Which page was giving you the error?

All of them. As soon as you check-out.

I know which error he is talking about. as soon as you get switched to the secure server the pictures on the secure site are causing the site to have “unsecure items” on the page


When you’re testing this, I’d recommend setting “miscellaneous \ display mixed content” to “prompt”. This setting is probably the cause of the issue and you may not see it if it’s set to ‘enable’.

firefox is tehwinz