Anonymous versus drug cartels? Yeah this will end well ... … 242068.php

I really don’t think Anonymous understands how this works … The cartels can’t release this dude now, it would make them look weak. And they can’t afford for that to happen, ever. Which means there’s a very good chance that we get to find out what Anonymous thinks it has on these guys … and oh man, is that going to be ugly.

It would be interesting to see Anonymous do something more useful than make threats and cyber-bully people on forums.

That cartel just got owned. Looks like we’ll be finding out who they are after all. Either way they just already got shown as weak. The damage has been done. I’m pretty sure that anon guy which got captured will die. But eh, we’ll now know who is who. And the impending ass whooping on cartel from mexican military.

The only ones getting owned are innocent people. Violence is certainly to occur when trying to apprehend some of those revealed. The collapse of a cartel will create a power vacuum and more gang wars. Those seeking revenge will target people who knew the people who are going to be revealed, even if they had nothing to do with crime. The cartel may target internet and gaming cafe’s, as an act of spite and defiance against Anonymous. The cartels have already killed two people, who may have just been innocent bystanders that were unlucky.

Anonymous is doing more damage than good. There’s a reason why the FBI and CIA don’t do this sort of thing for their own takedown operations. :roll:

Having cowed most of the Mexican media into silence by killing reporters and editors, it seems the Zetas have now turned to murdering bloggers. “This is going to happen to all of those posting funny things on the Internet,” read a sign placed next to the dead people. “You better fucking pay attention. I’m about to get you.”

Eitherway innocent people is already suffering just because they aren’t killed because of anon yet doesn’t make innocent people suffer all of sudden, they’ve been suffering for awhile and anonymous just got dragged into it. Drug cartels u know, they could just go out and get a job or do something productive but instead they chose to be rich via drug route. Zetas fucked up good and they realize it. Maybe they shouldn’t been so eager to kill and kidnap people and focus on selling only.

Those two people isn’t only dead people, they’ve been killing people for awhile and all of suddenly cuz anon threaten to name them now its bad? Those two people likely was on the list of names to be assassinated anyways. Or they got picked randomly.

Has Anonymous actually done anything yet, that we’re aware of, or are they still simply making threats? This group talks a lot about how dangerous they are, but I’m still waiting to see them drive any kind of real change.

I’m still waiting on it as well.

Drug cartels today, tomorrow the world… … ing-177609

… Well, that didn’t take long.

So much for that - they’ve proven they won’t follow up on their threats when the heat is turned up, which will mean people are far less likely to take them seriously. Mind you, backing down was probably the right thing to do - after they made the mistake of placing those threats to begin with - but will the little reputation they have be able to take the hit? This whole thing did Anonymous more harm than good.

Innocent people will always suffer: it’s a matter of trying to minimize how many people have to suffer. Anonymous is NOT going to stop the drug cartels, any more than Anonymous can stop the Universe from expanding. Illegal drugs is a multi-billion dollar industry that’s fed by millions of people. Wanna end the drug cartels? Terminate the demand for illegal drugs. We all know that’s realistically impossible. Getting rid of the Zeta wouldn’t do jack, but allow another cartel to fill the void… the new guys might even be worst or grow more powerful. Anonymous ain’t solving crap – released names or not. They’re just throwing gas into a fire, that will never stop burning, so long as people keep wanting drugs.

The price of ridding the world of Zeta the “Anonymous Way” is not in any shape or form, a coherently sane methodology that would save lives in the long term.

Maybe Anonymous realized this entire situation is more complicated than they imagined. Innocent people will die because of their actions. Do the ends justify the means? Will this really rid the world of the Zeta? Does it really make the world any more safe for them and the rest of us? There’s a remarkable difference between DoS’ing and hacking the Sony network, and waging underground warfare with criminal organizations. And as the article Nandemonai linked points out: what if names on the list Anonymous releases, aren’t really connected with the cartel, or someone interprets the info wrong and kills someone else with a similar name/occupation/address?

I’m not arguing that it wasn’t the right thing to do for all the innocent bystanders involved, I’m suggesting that when you’re an organization whose modus operandi is trying to keep people in line by threatening them, if you do so and then back down it sends the message that your threats are hollow. (which isn’t the message you want to send to the kinds of people you’re trying to intimidate) They took on a fight they weren’t ready to face, obviously, and it only occurred to them belatedly that they’d made a mistake … but a reputation of, “don’t mess with us or we’ll ruin you” is a fragile thing to try and maintain and it requires you be willing to do whatever it takes to maintain that. (as the Zeta were more than willing to prove) It will be a real test of Anonymous as a group to see how they address and manage to overcome this obstacle - because they are still and unproven group for whom early setbacks are going to be difficult to hurdle.

I’d also note that the fact we’ve got two separate arms of the group saying different things only underscores how disorganized they are - which makes them seem less threatening, again. For their first very public attempt at flexing their muscles, they have not fared well.