Another potential issue with the forum

I remember what happened the last time I “reported” some “bugs” :wink: I’m curious if other people are seeing the same thing: The ‘search user’s posts’ thing doesn’t seem to be in chronological order. For example:

For me, this starts in 2004, goes back to 2003, then back up to 2004. If I scroll the next couple pages, it seems to jump around randomly. I suspect it may have something to do with the way posts were imported from the archived forums? Because even the first few pages do it as well. Posts to the new forum seem to correctly be in order, though.

I was looking that far back because I was trying to figure out when my account was originally created. (Many years ago, there was a DB crash on the old forum; my account’s created-on date was reset as a result. So I know that the 2004 date is not right.)

The “search” interface is too awkward to even accomplish what you’re trying to do, seeing that you have to hit the “load more posts” button a bajillion times to get anywhere. In addition, I searched on “censorship” and got very few results, and none before 2015–likely because the archived forums aren’t being searched (and there’s no way to specify for them to be searched).

The actual search function needs a complete overhaul if we want it to be useful, including typical “advanced search” options.

Nah, it’s easy. See, the “load more posts” button is just a hyperlink (and not some Javascript call). The first time it will be to (for instance), the second time, and so on.

It takes a couple of minutes to find out I have about 280ish pages worth of posts.