Another Webpage Update

…and this one is a DOOZY! I discovered Adobe Photoshop is useful and managed to create a graphic for my website opening page…Now be kind, it’s my first real attempt at this and I have no training in graphic design, but what do you all think? And how are you appreciating the more frequent updates, if you even care?

Also, anyone who’s written those guides for Brave Soul…submit to me! I want them!!! Brave Soul is in my next docket trio of games to cover…also, Casual Romance Club…I know guides are out there…An announcement about CRC for those who adore Unicorn’s reviews as much as me and miss them…I have a Unicorn Exclusive Review of CRC for you all!

on a side note, I am really pushing my amateur website design skills and am starting a new website about tigers and their critically endangered status…I’m working on learning Javascript and more graphic design so that page can really POP! (besides, I will be able to actually GET website awards for that page, since it isn’t adult content) Little bits of those new skills will probably leak into my bishoujo website over time…is anyone interested in getting a link to the tiger site when it is a little more up and running?

I still can’t get over the fact that there’s 13 people who visted your site that hasn’t played either Crescendo or Brave Soul…

Hmm, I like what you did with the phoenix and your avatar image, although I will admit it looks just a little odd to me. I think it’s mainly the part with the white skirt of your avatar superimposes on the pheonix. Like the phoenix is showing a little too much there compared to the rest of the image and gives it an imbalance. But that’s just my opinion, remember I never was very good with art critiques…

shrug Just trying to be honest. Well, I do appreciate the more frequent updates and I wouldn’t mind a link to your tiger site later. It’s always more fun going to a webpage where you sort of know the designer…

nice update. I am glad they are coming more frequently. i would indeed like a link. meow

Good work, my goddess! The pages looks even more divine now than ever before ^^

i appreciate the feedback on my graphic…i definately am taking the advice to heart and I think I will do a little editing to the image and make it better…and making it clickable was a detail that totally slipped my mind

Edit: The new image is up, looking a little less dark and gothy, easier to read, and it’s also a link!

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 02-19-2004).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
I still can't get over the fact that there's 13 people who visted your site that hasn't played either Crescendo or Brave Soul... [img][/img]

Wait until I get there. Then it will be 14.

Just my 0.02c, but you should have a link sections to other bishoujo sites, ladyphoenix-sama.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Wait until I get there. Then it will be 14.

Heh. [img][/img] It just more or less surprises me since those are two of the more noticeable titles to come out recently. Especially Brave Soul. I mean, it's become quite a starting point for a number of people into bishoujo gaming. *urk* Sorry, resisting a brief urge to rant, but this is neither the time nor the place for it...

Oh, so you’re here too? I know your website! I’ve visited it a couple of times in the past.
It’s nice, though I’m impatient for a Brave Soul section, since that’s the only recent game I have at the moment.

Lots of scrolling though, being at 640x480…

And what is up with “optimized for IE 5.x”?
Screw IE (IMO) !
But anyway, you should be compatible with most browsers. I use Mozilla 1.4.1 (migrating to 1.6 soon, maybe), and thankfully the site looks alright with it.

Keep up the good work!


I use Photoshop often.

Well… I usually make avatars, and taggers. I start to learn splash work.

Splash- combine your work and any picture.

For example-




That’s all. ^_^’’

as far as I know, my website IS compatible with most browser types…I know people who view my site with Netscape and others and haven’t had a problem…

I’ve just found it’s usually a good idea to put a disclaimer saying the site is optimized for the browser you built the site on…it cuts down on the email from anyone that DOES have a problem loading the site on another browser

And if you read this thread, you know that I already knew of your site. There was no need to plug it in my intro thread (I don’t mind, by the way).

But still, it’s publicity for a browser…
And it cuts down on the email? Well, if you want it to be compatible with all major browsers, it wouldn’t be bad to get email from people who use them.

sorry about the other post in your intro thread, i read the off-topic before the main board and didn’t know you had already seen my site when i posted that

As I said, it’s okay.
I have the same shedule, by the way.

Hey, ladyphoenix…
Where’s Brave Soul on your site? :’(
I haven’t seen a section or mention in the Misc. pages of it. I haven’t seen demand for a review of it either…

So, where is it? If you want, I could clean up my mini-review and send it as a review to put on your site.

Brave Soul is definately on the list to be covered…once I finish up Thousand Arms, I will add the next three games, which will be Brave Soul, Casual Romance Club, and Desire

it’s coming, don’t worry! i’m trying to finish moving as quickly as possible so i can seriously get working again