Anti-Child Pron Law upheld in the US

The US Supreme Court has upheld a law forcing public libraries to filter out internet pornography in what is being seen as a victory for attempts to protect children from obscene content. … _the_Court

The ruling was very narrow meaning it specifically affects real children or those who advertise content with or as having real children for the purposes of sexual acts or conduct. The fact of “real” is imo key here so it should not affect PP in any way since they have never claimed that.

In addition the court went to lengths to give an olive branch to movie industry for R or NC-17 movies where such “simulated” acts or the use of over 18, but young looking actors might be used, to say that they do not think that it should affect their promotion or use…which could be interpreted that the court could further restrict the law if it does.

All in all this isn’t the doomsday ruling some hentai loli were expecting imo.

In this particular case, I agree with the judgment actually.

Porn in a public library is inappropriate as hell. It has nothing to do with free speech: it’s just not the forum for it to be held. You don’t hear hate speeches in a public library. Children and people who are find porn offensive, should not be exposed to it. Libraries have little to no security to prevent accidental exposure to the material or activities inside. Why should they? It’s a PUBLIC institution for people of ALL ages.

This isn’t censorship. It’s just common sense. :expressionless:


Hey… this is an old case: April 16, 2002 … _Coalition

It also says that b-game loli is fine…

So basically, drawings of kids having sex is not a crime, because no crime took place.

We also have a thread for this already. :slight_smile:


But I just saw something on the official court site, that’s way more serious that a library block… go to the thread above.

Actually we learned about this two years ago in sociology and adults can request and get the filter removed so Im happy the way it is . But I am kinda worried if thats been modified I mean whos to say they wont crackdown on freedom of speech after all " fuck" offends some people.

This is the Supreme Court’s job. Of course, they’ve not upheld it perfectly, but – as evidenced by the way it’s been adjudicated so far – they seem to have done a pretty good job so far. Or so most people would say (it’s not quite a universal consensus).