
seems to me, that the main way people get into piracy sites, is by discovering them through popular search engines

you’d think, that any such site would be quickly shut down if it is so easily discovered

yet i do a websearch, and end up turning up several piracy sites which seem to be happily existing right in the open(yes, im reporting them)

why do they continue to exist, and in such an easy to find location as well? is no one actively hunting them?

perhaps if all of us take a just few minutes each day to do websearches and report the most easy to access sites we can make an impact?

hmmm good point but who’s gonna take out the entire Warez network? eg (former warez site now a warez searchengine is the name of the site plus the url in one)

and the Warez FTP network? i’d say thats gonna be a long time to get shot of the lot ur never gonna kill it off u have smaller sites there easily taken care of but the warez network has been around for a long time,

then u have to get the groups that supply the warez such as razor 1911?

so have a lil’ think on how a small group of ppl can knock out a huge network

not premoting piracy just stating fact

[This message has been edited by TraitorHunter (edited 02-16-2002).]

Well, I do a search like that osmetimes, and if I discovers a site where Peach Princess’s games are being pirated, I report that site to Peter… sometimes I even sends a mail or two to the webmasters and tells them about what they’re doing being illegal and what damage they’re doing to the market by “offering” the games… mostly they take down what they pirated after my telling them about this, but some sites just replys things like “You idiot! it isn’t anything illegal about offering these over-prized games at all!” or they just ignores me…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I do a search like that osmetimes, and if I discovers a site where Peach Princess's games are being pirated, I report that site to Peter... sometimes I even sends a mail or two to the webmasters and tells them about what they're doing being illegal and what damage they're doing to the market by "offering" the games... mostly they take down what they pirated after my telling them about this, but some sites just replys things like "You idiot! it isn't anything illegal about offering these over-prized games at all!" or they just ignores me....

u got spelling wrong on "Over-prized" it's "overpriced" an what it overpriced about these games?? they are well worth the money

ne way the software is copyrighted so any form of reproduction of the software is illigal unless the owner of the copyright states that it is freeware (or what ever it is they do to make it a freebee to dl)

but still ever lil' helps (it's not gonna do much tho)


I think the ‘‘over-prized’’ was deliberate to emphasise the stupidity of pirates.

It is a good idea to report pirate sites though, I’ve reported a few myself, though I don’t usually report abandonwarez or classic ROMs sites.

I used to be a pirater so i pretty much know how these people think, but when i was pirating, i had no clue what i was doing. I’m a person that likes to be nice and stuff but didn’t know that i was killing the market and such. Anyway putting that aside (cause I have, but i’m still trying to stop or aleast slow down friends from pirating, I even have a litttle cousin that has started, arh, how did that happen? not from me that’s for sure, he didn’t even know i use to do that)… These are the few reason why people pirate, not in any particulary order.

1. Saving money (cheap bastards)
2. Getting something FREE (even if they know they’re stealing, they just must think of themselves)
3. Easy access (this is a major reason)
4. Underage (they can’t buy them, so they d/l it without anyone knowing)

Other reasons could be that “it’s so common that it doesn’t matter if I do it also”. A pathetic reason could be “I don’t know where to buy them” or “I don’t have a credit card”.
These are just excuses…

It’s makes me wonder tho, about what exoarchaeologist said, they’re are so easy to find, so how come so many of them exsist? Like what he said, Isn’t anybody hunting them down?

Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
u got spelling wrong on "Over-prized" it's "overpriced" an what it overpriced about these games?? they are well worth the money

Well, there is people who wouldn't agree with you on that ^^;;... I think like you myself, but many others don't... they have, after all, mostly only played games at the english/american market, or aren't used to what the japanese gmaes offers... I mean, when pirates complains about "why bishoujo games are bad", they list those as the reasons:

1. too much story and too little sex
2. too little violence/bllad and too much story
3. the characters in the story doesn't move around
4. The games are "too short"
5. the games contains too many "disgusting and illelgal subjects" for their taste...

Well, this is some of the pirates reasons of why the games in their opinion of view are "too bad and over-prized"... And to them, these reasons are "good enough" to ignore the fact that the games are copyrighted materiel... many pirates I've meet keeps saying that "It's a joke to call these "games" games! And it's even more of a joke that they're taking so much money for them! They shhould offer them as freeware or sell them for 5 dollars or something like that!".... -_-;

Originally posted by woodelf:
If they are that BAD why do they have them on their site in the first place? [img][/img]

If anybody has a small web page ( under 5 meg ) on B-gaming in english they want to put on the web I will be happy to stick on my web site. The main advantage here is that you don't have all the POP ups like free sites do.

heh i all ready have a website but i dont have any time to get as far with it as i would like to u know all anime nothing else (college wastes time)

me have free hosting an no pop-ups [img][/img]


I used to be a big pirate myself also, mainly not bishoujo game, though I admit that I did download quite a few when I first found out about them, now I’m only a small pirate (I only pirate Microsoft software), but one of the things that I think started me off in piracy was that my parents were doing piracy when I was very young. Over here in the UK, the NES wasn’t really popular, our equivelent were audio-cassette based systems, which made piracy really easy as all you needed was a hi-fi that you can record from one cassette to another. I was around 6 or 7 and I knew that my parents copied games from people, but I didn’t know that there was anything wrong with it! I didn’t find out until my parents told me after seeing my school work which had something written in it to the effect of “I went out while my mom stayed at home copying some games”.

The piracy just continued though, the Amiga was really popular over here in the UK and most people had their local “pirates” who had thousands of disks (The guy I knew had well over 3000), people would just go to them and get any of the games that they wanted for just ¬£1 a disk (about $1.50), and we all know what happened to the Amiga as a result of that, don’t we?

[This message has been edited by TurricaN (edited 02-16-2002).]

ha good the amiga was duff never liked it the atari was way better (yo turrican when do ya have yer icq connected?)


Originally posted by woodelf:
If they are that BAD why do they have them on their site in the first place? [img][/img]

Hard to say ^^;;. They often say that the reason of that they're doing that is because that they want other people to "be able to play the games without having to pay the insane prices the companies sets for the games when the games aren't even worth all that much money"...

hmmm good point but who's gonna take out the entire Warez network? eg (former warez site now a warez searchengine is the name of the site plus the url in one)
and the Warez FTP network? i'd say thats gonna be a long time to get shot of the lot ur never gonna kill it off u have smaller sites there easily taken care of but the warez network has been around for a long time,

then u have to get the groups that supply the warez such as razor 1911?

so have a lil' think on how a small group of ppl can knock out a huge network

*not premoting piracy just stating fact*

[This message has been edited by TraitorHunter (edited 02-16-2002).]

thats true, there are many other methods than search engines which pirates use
and we cant really stop them all

but for a pirate who is just starting out, the search engine will be the most direct path, and im assuimng that overall it is the most prevalent source

so my suggestion is, that every one of us on this forum, take 5 minutes each day to do searches and report what we find to the IDSA

it only takes 5 minutes, think of it as just a routine part of your daily schedule-like brushing teeth or feeding the goldfish

it doesnt seem like much, but think about it, bishoujo games are a very spcialized interest-so there arent likely very many sites, PeachPrincess is a small company consisting of probly under 5people,
The market is small enough that such efforts on our part just might have an effect

[This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 02-16-2002).]

easier said than done just knocking out the pirates is only one step (a large one at that)
how are we (the consumers) gonna stop piracy completely so IF you do kill the Warez Web Network then u gor the private FTP’s and irc channels what u gonna do bout them? (not that any ftps i have viewed have B-Games)

hmmmm i dunno 5 mins every day to kill one site i just think that it’s hopeless for us to prevent piracy alltogether i think we should stick to the more down to earth problem solving


Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
easier said than done just knocking out the pirates is only one step (a large one at that)
how are we (the consumers) gonna stop piracy completely so IF you do kill the Warez Web Network then u gor the private FTP's and irc channels what u gonna do bout them? (not that any ftps i have viewed have B-Games)

hmmmm i dunno 5 mins every day to kill one site i just think that it's hopeless for us to prevent piracy alltogether i think we should stick to the more down to earth problem solving


Well, it might seem hopeless to try and stop the piraticy sometimes - but it's better to try and stop it rather than let the pirates spoil our chaces to get a stable makret of adult bishoujo games here in the west [img][/img].

depressed as ever

well theres no harm trying tho well lets give it a shot an see what happends


Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
*depressed as ever*

well theres no harm trying tho well lets give it a shot an see what happends

TH [img][/img]

Aww, cone on, don't be drepressed! here, [img][/img] take some popcorns and cheer up! We'll fight to the very end!

looks like a real picture of happines

so what weapons do we use?? i’ll take a few nukes that’ll put a few holes in the warez network :slight_smile: evil grin

why dont we make a list of sites to knock out for each week?

going dispair i just realized there is a site out there with LOADS of B-Games anyone heard of klozz?? check the archive it’ll kill yars all me gonna have a word with the webmaster of the site maybe u guys should too


[This message has been edited by TraitorHunter (edited 02-17-2002).]

Well, first, yous houdln’t put up a link to a pirate site here - Kumiko has forbidden it and will most likely edit your message if you don’t get here in time to do it yourself ^^;;.

But as for klozz, I don’t think he’s all that “dangerous” - he got shut down a year because of his pirating of JAST USA’s games but then he got back -and he’ve been very careful since then. Nowadays, he doesn’t try to pirate Peach Princess nor JAST USA’s games himself - but he encourages other people to pirate all kinds of gmaes to “kill the capitalists”, as he calls it (he holds a grudge towardsa JAST USA, apparently). but his sinte isn’t all that dangerous - most of his so-called downloads doesn’t even work - it’s his forum that is so dangerous, if I may say so.

Well, now out to fight the pirates! Armed and ready!!!

Quickly rushing to edit post

well get the forums out of action if there so dangerous

so why not make a list of sites to kill?


hehe the good 'ol klozz network
He just holds a grudge against Jast because they phoned his parents when he was 17.
And I don’t really think he’s back,his crapsite doesn’t even work anyway,he used “villabol” as space to load up the games but that server stopped working a looooong time ago,and by that alot of “hentai game” sites went down
You have to stop thinking like some old farts iknow,pirating isn’t happening on websites anymore (well execpt for maybe some older jast games),all the pirating iknow of happens through Irc and it’s kinda hard to stop those people I tell ya ^^;;;
The only thing I can do is to atleast hold them off from Peach products but not much more.Atleast the pirates Iknow aren’t all bad,they usually buy things they really like,but that might also be 'cause they’re more proffesional pirates,and they know how the market works so they will support it also
The one’s who pirate everything they can get their filthy hands on and never ever give a thought about buying something is the small time punks,probably around 14-16 years old.