Any news on a Princess Waltz Sequel ?

I’ve read comments and heard a lot of talk about how a sequel to PW would tie up loose ends for the game and all that, and I agree 1000%.

So I’m just asking this because I want something to go on. Anyone out there have anything for me ? :?

I haven’t heard anything but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did get a sequel. Stranger things have happened before.

I’d personally prefer a 2nd game, then I can spend all day trying to finish it. :mrgreen:

Sorry to burst your bubble guys… but at the moment there isn’t any really indication that PullTop is planning sequal. The game was released back in 2k6 and PullTop released some Drama CD’s and an Artbook but that was it…

There hasn’t really been any buzz on a sequal at all in the past few years and checking PullTop’s site shows their busy working on other new titles.


I see… :cry:

U can check out the drama cd if you want, nice elongation of the story.Besides, the game itself was pretty linear. :slight_smile:

I checked them out. Or rather an English translation in the hongfire forums. Pretty decent continuation of the story. :slight_smile:

But the ending just left me hanging BIG TIME.

IMO, reading does not stimulate as much imagination as video/audio interface. Actually michaelous posted that summary here. Suit yourself, I’m thinking of getting it.The scenes arent described in totality anyways.
Can anyone tell me where I can get it cheapest? :slight_smile:

I couldn’t find the Drama CDs anywhere myself so I settled with reading an english translation. :expressionless:

[color=red]There is no news on a Princess Waltz sequel, because there ISN’T a Princess Waltz sequel.[/color] Pulltop doesn’t do sequels - they start from scratch and make new stories/new settings. The Drama CD is just that: a Drama CD. Not weird or unusual to happen. I personally see Drama CD’s as a cheap cop out anyways… sorta like a poor man’s fandisc.

Pulltop has released 2 other titles since Princess Waltz, with a third this December. If you’re hankering for more after hearing the Drama CD, then check them out. Otherwise you could end up waiting for something that will never come: not out of the ordinary for a successful bgame to not have a sequel.

I suppose one attraction is that they’re more ‘portable’- I like to put the things on my MP3 player and listen to them on trips etc.

what game is? seems to be nice :slight_smile:

Shirokuma Bellstars, upcoming Pulltop game. It comes out in December (fittingly, as it’s a Christmas eroge).

Okay… now you’re grasping for straws. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s an omake promotional for this game, not a sequel. You can’t even buy it seperately. Pulltop has done that sort of thing before. It’s appears to be something of a crossover, so most likely will be non-canonical to boot. Calling that a sequel, is like calling the Star Wars Holiday Special a sequel. I can’t even tell if it’s actually a game – the lack of screenshots, no credit of an artist, and just listing the voice actresses makes me think it just a quickie (cheap cop out :wink:) Drama CD.

Been there. Done that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Two pieces of advice.

#1: Expectations of this title are rather low, due to the general theme. That Pulltop included the previously mentioned omake disc (digging up popular IP’s), indicates they’re trying to “bribe” people into preordering it. Might wanna wait a bit, to see what initial reviews are like first.

#2: It’s an Xmas themed eroge. If the above proves true, the price for it will plummet after Xmas and be in bargain bins everywhere by February. Don’t pay $100 for something you can get for $25 a few weeks later. If this turns out to be the greatest eroge of the year (doubtful, but who knows) - then you’re only missing out on it for a few weeks.

Risks outweigh the gains. :o

According to the guys at 2chan, this game kiss major ass. They rate it as one of the year’s best. [url=]Saw it with a score of 80 on erogamescape[/url].

It appears I need to learn: Thou shalt not doubt Pulltop. :oops:

It’s also quite long, and has been in development for some time, so yeah; most epic Christmas-themed eroge or what?

It would appear so. Don’t recall seeing a “pure Xmas eroge” being this highly regarded before. Santa must be very happy.

Playing it now. The game is fairly good - funny and entertaining, and how the game approaches the myth of Santa Claus is somehow fresh and interesting. Major problem: the heroines suck. Really. I don’t think it’s just that they’re off my taste; I’d rather say they’re overall weak and full of clichËs. Nanami → energetic, stupid, eats a lot. Suzuri → Shy and kind. Ririka → Most probably tsundere, but I’ll have to wait and see if the dere side comes out. Kirara → This one is at least interesting, but I wonder if you can really consider good a game with only one appealing heroine.


Just like every other Pulltop game I played… which only amounts to 2 excluding Princess Waltz.

Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no: Miyabi
Te to Te Try On!: Ichino

Though the latter wasn’t good enough in pretty much every aspect to be considered a good game.