Any news regarding Sweet Home?

Pretty much what the title says, has anyone heard any new news? other than what peter tweeted about going to see someone about the game.

4 months late but I'd guess it's cancelled. There's no mention of it whatsoever on the website or staff blog. Maybe the japanese side got cold feet. Maybe some other issues arose. Not sure. Would sure be nice to have official word of the status though, I think it looks like a cute game.

more than unhappy if it really happened to be stealth canceled, cause unlike many others its a nukige with a nice story & lots of lovely characters, so yeah some official words regarding the projects health here & there would be nice. thx

I certainly hope it’s not canceled. We’re also supposed to get Ryoko’s Bitch Life from the same company and I’m looking forward to that title as well. It would be great if Tim or Nicholas could shed some light on the issue. Don’t need a release date, just knowing it’s still in the works is enough…

We're working through our backlog alongside our new games, so hopefully we'll be getting to them soon. I've been really busy re-testing and finalizing the new forums as well as a new dev-log/news site among other things. Hopefully I can get a nice list made for the licenses we have once I have these things done (I don't have all the info on hand so I can't really tell you atm).

Is the new site going to replace the Tumblr blog as a source of news and updates then? Seems like JAST has a habit of creating new things and abandoning them. It's a bit confusing for your customers.

Also, relevant: The Unseen Websites of JAST USA

Quoted for hilarity: "JAST USA does not exactly have the best marketing strategies in place but that is possibly due to not wanting overexposure. It's hard to really know what a company is thinking when they are creating material to try and help sell a product but JAST is probably one of the few places that actually bothers to create material and just doesn't say anything about it."

I'm positive JAST's latest strategy is to remain as inconspicuous as possible to keep their games from becoming too popular.

But really, you should increase the visibility of your game websites so people can actually find them. It's kind of weird that the only way to discover many of them is to Google for them.

It's an update to the tumblr blog, re-organization, some new "features"

Looks like the title was officially re-confirmed on twitter back in March.

Looking forward to the new boards, but not as much as I’m looking forward to playing Starless Editio Perfecta

I'm more looking forward to Starless: Editio Regia.

If you want “all-ages” femdom ala Sei Shoujo then Prison School is your best bet.

Well, you’re have a bit of a wait, sanahtlig. April comes but once a year …

So I don’t see this game on the list here:

Seems like it needs to be added?

Maybe they're doing Sumeragi Ryouko no Bitch na 1 nichi first?

That seems like a good guess, but it should still be on the list. They said “if there’s anything that should be here, let us know”, so I did :slight_smile:

Added Sweet Home, we're still looking for a new translator so the status is pending.

Thanks for the reminder.