Any rumors on GC's next release?

Thank you for the links. Yeah it was hard to find Come See Me Tonight 2 which I actually stumbled across by accident. For those interested in some of the CG there is some here and they look like similar character design.

I like the song at movie link you give, if that is the opening theme I like it as opening theme.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-27-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Thank you for the links. Yeah it was hard to find Come See Me Tonight 2 which I actually stumbled across by accident. For those interested in some of the CG there is some here and they look like similar character design.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-27-2004).]

Ooo. Nifty, thanks!

You’re welcome, it is not a lot of CG’s actually but it is the most I have seen for the game so far and if it is translated some information about the game that might not have been mentioned before in other posts.

Originally posted by perigee:
Finding the corresponding home page for Idols Galore requires a bit of guesswork for a non-Japanese speaker like myself, but I did locate a Sekilala product page, and one of them at least includes the word "Idol" in the title. Perhaps this is the game GC intends to release? Here's a movie download link.

As far as I can tell, that should be the game they intend to release. Or at least none of the other Sekilala games seem to fit that particular title.

Yeah, we need more romantic games, but seriously i don’t dislike these tothers at all. Gotta be cruel to be kind, you know…

I think of all of them Come See Me Tonight 2 might be the only one that is not ‘dark’ if the assumptions are correct about the other two games, though I am not sure if pictures alone are a good reason to judge them as “dark games”, unless someone has read anything to prove they are?

Originally posted by Jason4:
If perigee's link is correct about the Idol's Galore game, then I'm getting a bit discouraged. Most of the games in G-Col's library are either sex, sex, sex; dark 'insult' games, or training games. This may very well be the big sellers and all G-Col is doing is trying to supply what the customers demand. But I would still like to see games like Crescendo or Private Nurse. Looking at the next 3 games to come out, it doesn't appear to be the case.
Oh well, at least there will be LMM coming out out soon (hopefully).

They are still bringing over romantic titles. They've released 4 already - Kana, Crescendo, Private Nurse, and Heart de Roommate. I think it's unrealistic to expect that the romantic, less sex-oriented titles would ever do as well. Yes, I'd still like to see more; I'm just glad we're still getting any.

Romantic games are good but let’s not have it too much,I think having it released once per 4 months is enough.I get emotionally affected with Kana(need a few weeks to heal) and I was upset with Heart de Roommate coz of their so little sex scene

I don’t know I think ones like Kana, Crescendo and Heart de Roommate, are ones if they can they should try to bring out more often, maybe as often as one out of every three or four games. For one thing if they can bring out the more plot focused games, even the tear jerkers, it might help dispel some of the ideas these games have no plot to those that have never played them.

I think I like them more because of the emotional pull of the games, it is easy to feel for the main character, rather then say Jewel Knights where I at least thought the main character I controlled was a jackass, harder to get into the story when one of the key main characters is seen that way.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-01-2004).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I don't know I think ones like Kana, Crescendo and Heart de Roommate, are ones if they can they should try to bring out more often, maybe as often as one out of every three or four games. For one thing if they can bring out the more plot focused games, even the tear jerkers, it might help dispel some of the ideas these games have no plot to those that have never played them.

I think I like them more because of the emotional pull of the games, it is easy to feel for the main character, rather then say Jewel Knights where I at least thought the main character I controlled was a jackass, harder to get into the story when one of the key main characters is seen that way.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-01-2004).]

Actually, I think it DOES average out to ... well, okay; 1 every 4 or 5 games. If you look at about how long between romantic/serious-plot releases, I think it averages out that way; also if you look at the total number of titles, total.

As for why I'd be interested in a more romantic/plot-driven title, I think I mentioned it in another thread, so I'll say it more directly here; there are much higher booty-to-price ratios to be found elsewhere - furthermore booty is, more or less, booty. A game competing solely on the booty count has a much harder time being novel or interesting, than one that also has strong writing (of any sort) attached.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 06-01-2004).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
As for why I'd be interested in a more romantic/plot-driven title, I think I mentioned it in another thread, so I'll say it more directly here; there are much higher booty-to-price ratios to be found elsewhere - furthermore booty is, more or less, booty. A game competing solely on the booty count has a much harder time being novel or interesting, than one that also has strong writing (of any sort) attached.

That is true, with a plot-driven story you can have countless new ideas, new plots, new twists and turns, but a booty for booty sake plot will likely all basically has the same way that leads you to the booty for booty sake.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I don't know I think ones like Kana, Crescendo and Heart de Roommate, are ones if they can they should try to bring out more often, maybe as often as one out of every three or four games. For one thing if they can bring out the more plot focused games, even the tear jerkers, it might help dispel some of the ideas these games have no plot to those that have never played them.

I think I like them more because of the emotional pull of the games, it is easy to feel for the main character, rather then say Jewel Knights where I at least thought the main character I controlled was a jackass, harder to get into the story when one of the key main characters is seen that way.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-01-2004).]

I donno. If you've ever seen aquateen hunger force or even Ranma you find out that jackasses can be very likeable main characters [img][/img].

Originally posted by Laslow:
I donno. If you've ever seen aquateen hunger force or even Ranma you find out that jackasses can be very likeable main characters [img][/img].

Hey,Ranma is not a jack-ass.He's only an air-headed playboy [img][/img]

Originally posted by RedHell:
Hey,Ranma is not a jack-ass.He's only an air-headed playboy [img][/img]

Thats not what poor Ryoga would say!

i’m still pretty new to jewel knights, only now nearing my first ending with Ruri, but I am finding I actually kind of like how the main character is a total bastard at the beginning, but starts softening up when he starts caring for one of the girls…

maybe this isn’t the case for the other endings, but it is sure apparent in Ruri’s path

There is one ending which I consider to be the best ending, but I won’t say which one here since you are working only on the first of your endings, but in that best ending the main character does seem to change, and that is the only one I thought he made the biggest change, or turn around in terms of personality.