Anyone attending Anime Next?

I know it’s probably a bit of a long shot, but I’ve lost my appetite for those long road trips and those long weekends away for Otakon. There’s a smaller anime convention in NJ, it used to be like, a mere 30 minutes away from my house by automobile, but now it’s in Secaucus… still within striking distance, especially by NJ Transit. I was a bit on the fence on attending this anime convention, but ever since the local comic shop closed down and my anime rental fix starved completely, I’ve been looking for something to fill that void. Plus, Hirameki International will be having a table at Anime Next’s dealer room, so here’s to hoping that there will be some interesting news to trickle out of that convention. is the official website, the convention is going to be held next weekend. Probably only going to attend Saturday, I don’t plan on taking off work on Friday to attend.

I hit A-Cen and that used up my money. The rest is going for my DSLite tomorrow…and bills.

You get bunch of free stuff if you buy the DS lite at Circuit city btw (this week only).

Or a free copy of Brain aGe at Best Buy:

[ 06-11-2006, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Oi, I just picked up DS Lite, was able to transfer my WFC ID from my old DS to the new DS-Lite, so no need to get a new set of friend codes :slight_smile: What games does everyone have? I have Tetris DS, Animal Crossing, and Mario Kart at the moment.

I may go or not go.

I own Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, and other non-WiFi games. I will get Animal Crossing DS, and new Mario Bros. I will check Jump Superstars if it might use WiFi.

Right now none :smiley: And i did get a DSLite. Last one in my immediate are cuz i overslept.

I may get some soon though.

I plan on getting right now only Lunar DS…maybe Castlevania or Animal Crossing if someone gives a deal…but Lunar i’ve been waiting to play.

I’ll be getting a bunch of Gameboy games though…

[ 06-13-2006, 03:12 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

You in NJ? Let’s work our schedule together, we might even meet up with each other. I’ll bring my DS-Lite if you bring yours, we can play some Wi-Fi games.

No, I live in Chinatown in New York City. Opps… I mean I will get New Super Mario Brothers.

My younger brother lives in NJ. I forgot to ask him where he resides. I am not sure if he might graduate Rugters University.

Ah, Secaucus is like, incredibly close to NYC, like maybe less than 20 minutes by train. Keep me posted on your itinerary.

Man it really bites being in the middle of the US close to no anime conventions…

i have super mario bros…it’s not as easy as the ones before mainly because acceleration and gravity is more realistic and therefore not as predictable as the 2d titles

without going too off-topic in an off-topic thread, who here has metroid prime hunters

how about i start a new thread and see who here has the appropriate wi-fi DS games and are interested in adding each other’s friend codes or something?

You may create new forum for friend codes in Wi-Fi DS games.

I do not make friend code yet. I just try to finish all cars at Mario Kart DS, and all supports of GBA’s Fire Emblem (I love it as it is really best one).

Sounds interesting. Depending on what games people have i might have to aquire them…i’ll still haveto go to a hotspot though…fortuantly we have plenty of those in a city.