Arcana Heart - English Version

Kinda surprised no one has really harped on this around here. :expressionless:

Iā€™m not a fan of the airdash and the combo happy trend of new fighters, but I guess Iā€™ll throw my tacit support behind Arcana Heart just for the Moe factor. Iā€™m a lot more excited about SNK Playmoreā€™s commitment to releasing fighters in the states. KOF Orochi saga will be getting a Wii release too :slight_smile:

Chinatown Fair in New York City still has Arcana Heart arcade. Then I am sure that I will get it from video game store at Elizabeth Street.

Hmm, just so happens a bud of mine just commented on this after showing me a couple of brawl voice clips on youtube ( English ). Needless to say itā€™s horrible, itā€™s up there on the horrible scale with 4kids usual shenanigans. More to topic, i recall a comment on ā€œepitome of loliā€ or something about the first blank to introduce loli. Not too positive, was busy playing StarCraft BroodWar hence the blank.

Partial Nudity
Sexual Themes


That reminds me, just also got back from a fuming topic about Japan in general. Seemed on a very political scale and fire with flames abound, tense topic it was. I just noticed how I typed that out ā€œtense topic it wasā€ ha ha and then I go all grammar nazi on foreigners who canā€™t use a lick of proper English. More on that particular topic, the op was all up in Japans grill and was going on about political machines that are running an already weakened culture to serve their own demands and goals. It truly was in par with something you would read out of Sci-Fi about ā€œGovernment Hidden Agendaā€™sā€ and so forth. Wrote on how the people are trapped in a vicious state of social dilemmas that cycle into orders that could change at any time into a militarized union of sorts, it was really rather an odd way off putting it but all references stated on direct quoting were sound and factual. Many of these involved the WWII incident prior to the bombings and on the invasions, particularly the ā€œNanjing Massacreā€ I think it was. Interesting batch of quotes came from a man who apparently holds office as Tokyoā€™s governor, the same man was quoted on a denial of a massacre incident, charged with acknowledging a supposed war criminal, and I believe had a quote involving ā€œa divine nation under the emperorā€.

You can only begin to imagine the utter chaos that ensued this manā€™s topic. Many agreed on key issues but went a lot of topic from a political scale to a more racial one. One racial description in particular towards the Japanese culture in terms of being weakened and forced into performance by a hidden machine came from one person who continued by stating this and then further adding that ā€œthe people are taught to believe they are special or somewhat superiorā€ and on the educational system that ā€œthey are not taught but trained to believeā€. The man made some good points as well, gave his own view of the racial problems the cultured had faced post war but as he began to give them an impartial eye on the fact that It is the same in most places and that not all Japanā€™s people are part of the machineā€™s fodder ( stating he is married to a Japanese Woman ) he finished off in conclusion by stating they ā€œgot off easyā€ this being compared of course to the rest of the world and most likely compared the the countries involved on the strategically " losing side" of WWII and I say strategically because technically no one wins a war and much less ā€œgetā€™s off easyā€. I begin to tire on the subject so Iļæ½ļæ½ll get to the point, after much bicker over the original statement and the more racially inclined ones it begins to cool down and the subject takes a slight detour towards anyone actually in Japan currently because of either business related (work or being stationed at a base there), or because of an ignorance that they believe nerds usually get to go there because of the anime/video game ā€œcultureā€ Ha, that has to be irony or an oxymoron somewhere in there. Seriously though, word soon followed on those with experience at Japan. There was talk about how they treat foreigners, most stated they were xenophobic and when approached paranoid with incredible politeness mixed in. More interestingly a string of comments followed on a man stating there were lots of areas outside tourism hot spots where foreigners werenā€™t exactly welcome. He followed with descriptions of signs literally stating that there were no foreigners allowed. Then another man stationed at a base followed on a similar note but stated that reasons ranged well especially because many drunken foreign sailors walking in to tea houses or bath houses stirring up trouble.

It was rather amusing to read all the little comments from these people, a lot of talk about knowing others who have moved to Japan and what not but again to the point I was just wondering how many on this board are located there and arenā€™t Japs. I of course am not and am no way near the place, I prefer it down here mind you.

for english version arcana heart is already out in ps2,i heard there is going to have arcana heart 2 in jap version out in arcade

Thatā€™s true. Arcana Heart 2 came out as arcade. I saw it in Chinatown Fair. I tell you that Loli Angel is really not nice anymore. :shock: :oops: :roll: :twisted:

Kinda off topic, but I find it interesting how ā€œGun-Kataā€ has become REALLY popular in Japan, while it gets overlooked in the West that invented it: Devil May Cry, Trinity Blood, BluBlaze, Arcana Heart 2ā€¦ list goes on and on.

Back on topic: Narg wanted this on console system YESTERDAY! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sucks that itā€™s not for pcā€¦ or xbox 360 (yeah rightā€¦)
Iā€™m in serious need for some fighting goodness, hah, I look at Guilty Gear Accent Core Plusā€¦ and die inside that I canā€™t play with it.

Loli Angelā€™s first form (her name- Angelia)

Loli Angelā€™s final form :shock:

Ohhh great, SuperBitch has a little sisterā€¦


Sugoi Arcana Heart 2 ā€¦ na_Heart_2

On September 1st, 2008, Emaxu released the trailer remake of Arcana Heart 2 which is called !SUGOI! Arcana Heart 2 where thereā€™s 7 new characters and a new boss but only two characters have been confirmed:

Nazuna Inuwaka, a wolf girl shaman who rides on her wolf in battle and fights using it and her pet eagle, making her a cross between Nakoruru and Rera from the Samurai Shodown series. Uses the Arcana of Flower, Kayatsu-Hime.

Akane Inuwaka, a cat girl, possibly Nazunaā€™s older sister. Uses the Arcana of Sound, Phoenix. Akane uses kick attacks similar to Cammy from Street Fighter series