Armored Core 3 on PSP for $10

It’s an exact port of the original PS2 with a face lift and mulitplayer support:

In Japan AC3: Silent Line was just released for PSP in Novemeber, and AC3: Last Raven has been announced for 2010. Digital download only I believe, as I haven’t seen it for sale on Gamestop or Amazon - but works for both the PSP and PSP GO.

However it was learned that the ESRB had rated AC3: Silent Line Portable – which means From Software has a finished version of an English port on the wings… and the sudden “price drop deal” for AC3 Portable, makes it seem the release date for the West is getting close. Data from AC3 Portable, can be ported into AC3: Silent Line Portable. :slight_smile:

IMHO the AC3 generation was the best - even better than AC4 - although it’s probably because AC3 was when I actually did competative play with people.

Silent Line Portable will be out 4th of Feb:


Last Raven Portable, the last of the PSP ports (fourth of the AC3 saga), has been approved by SCEA and ESRB: should be out later this summer. What’s neat is Japan gets theirs next month. The US version is already complete. 8) Nexus (third of the AC3 saga) is not getting a PSP port, because it was so terrible. However I believe some parts and AC’s from it will be in the RL Portabale remake.


On a side note, this is what happens when Satan gets an AC. :stuck_out_tongue:

Twincest needs it’s own version of Rule 43. No exceptions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Twinhead White and Twinhead Black are twin AC pilots in the arena of Armored Core 3. In the Extra Arena they even fight together as a single team. They’re both easy to beat though.

Last Raven Portable was just released in Japan. US version will be out via PSN on June 5th.

Not all equipment from SLP port over - no howitzers for one thing.

Official US trailer for Last Raven:

Game is already ported and everything… basically we’re just waiting for the three months away release date. :expressionless:

English version of Last Raven Portable out on Friday. I’m gonna download it, while I’m at the theater watching Ironman 2. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still trying to get PSN to install their software on my PC so I can DL the Grandia remake. However, it wants to insist on installing Windows Media Format 11 Runtime even though my PC has it installed and failing to install it itself. I can’t hook my PSP up to the net so was going to DL through their MediaGo software. sigh Looks like I won’t be able to get this game either.

Whoa… just whoa…

This guy beat the secret final boss in LR, with the DEFAULT STARTING AC. That’s like beating a Final Fantasy with an entire level 1 party.

NewType? Dominant? God? AI exploit? Whatever he is… awesome. 8)