Art/Graphics....and the winner is

So you’ve gotta tell me… which game, for you, ranks as having the best art/graphics?

I love the artwork for Onechan to no Shi katani tsuite (Sister Scheme), by M de Pink.

AQUAS. I admit I’m very partial to this erogame (for… sentimental reasons :slight_smile: :o , heheh), but it’s a fact that anyone (this also includes a few fellow BBS members -Dark_Shiki and AG3, for example) who has seen its graphics shares my enthusiasm for the artwork.
However I’ve seen LOTS of erogames, and a great number of different titles too boasts outstanding art, for good or… evil :stuck_out_tongue: ?

I’m Partial to Brave Soul but then again, that’s just me. :slight_smile:

I’m a big big fanboy of STUDIO EGO’s Kozue Yamamoto artwork! :slight_smile:

I second Peter Gilis on the Alice Soft graphics. Some of the best art to be had in the bishoujo world, least in my opinion.