Aster (Rusk) - Spoilers

Links to information about the game (in Japanese of course):

This discussion will probably allude or outright reveal a MAJOR spoiler in the endings to Aster from Rusk. If you intend to play this game, I recommend that you not read this thread. Also, I find this title to be IN-FUCKING-CREDIBLE as a drama story. I’m impressed by the four scenarios (although some are clearly better than others). So this first post will avoid spoilers as best I can, for those who are just curious… but really sharp people will probably catch the drift - and thus this warning.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t recommend getting this title at full price. Wait for it to go discount or used. That is to say, I like it, but I don’t think its worth dropping everything you have on order and pay $90+ for it. :wink:

Oh yea, something worth mentioning before going on: you never make any “response choices” in this game. It’s like reading a digital book. Which explains why there’s no walkthrus.

I was planning to review the title this week, as I unlocked the final story arc yesterday afternoon, and knew I’d finish by today… but now I’m REALLY depressed and can’t do it. Because I’m expressing my opinion on this game, I might end up incorporating statements I make here, in my eventual review. So consider this a really rough draft…

Aster is one of the best twin drama thus far released… at the same time one of the worst twin drama thus far released. As far as the twin arc is concerned, it takes its plot from another twin title - Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro - but does not focus only on the twins like that game does. The really looooooooooooooong introduction begins with the twin arc, but once the game starts, you have to finish the plots with three other girls before it allows you to go back and complete the cliffhanger in the twin story.

While the cast somewhat intersects here and there, each girl has her own boyfriend and circle of friends. For each arc you take the role of said boyfriend and see the trails and tribulations of the budding relationship. Now as a word of warning: the writer of Aster had only one thing in mind - making you cry. Each story arc has a tragedy in it at some point of plot. One is a physical disfigurement… another is of an emotional breakdown sort… etc…

Now if you’re worried about the presentation values (music, voice acting, artwork, paper dolls), Aster does all these at expected levels. So you won’t get disappointed or bored with them. But the major focus of Aster is to merely tug on your heart and make you… well… upset because you like these girls, and then something totally fucked up enters their lives to ruin it. Of course they find a means to eventually recover, but the endings are not necessarily happy… thus my current depression…

Oh… the game obviously has twins - and you get to sex them both eventually - but not at the same time. If you’ve played or know about the aforementioned Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro, it shares the basic premise of that game’s relationship between the sisters through the “mid course” of the plot. There’s a major difference in resolution to the relationship though…

Oops… hit my enter key and the post posted too early. :oops:

Anyways, a short blurb about the main “winnable” cast.

First there’s the twins: Saki and Saya. At the start of the game Saya is dating Hiro. Problem is Saki really likes him too - but she never really says anything about it. Shit seriously hits the fan when Saya and Hiro lose their virginity to each other and Saki emotionally crashes when she learns of it. No… she doesn’t go Yandare and kill anyone… but she’s a complete and total wreck.

Next is Miyuki and Masato. This one covers the “younger girl loving an older guy” type story. Honestly it’s the weakest of the four scenarios, and the least emotionally destructive, but still a heart tugger because of the massive moe factor.

Now we have Hina and Kyouji. Hina is a tsundere and beats the poor ever loving shit out of Kyouji almost everyday. Hina’s mom just even stands there and watches him get beat, because Hina’s mom probably fears her own daughter. I never was a tsundere nut because I’ve always hated Naru from Love Hina (Mitsumi should have won Keitarou damn it). Hina reminds me of her a lot. However! If you ever wanted to see a tsundere suffer for her sins, then this is the story arc you want to see. And then you’ll feel like a total dick for ever wanting to see harm come to a tsundere, because of the hell she goes through. Some might say this arc has a better story than the twin scenario. I think it’s about equal.

Finally there’s Haruna and Mutsuki. “Older girl loves younger boy” type deal. Reversal of the Miyuki-Masato plot. I like better than that one, but its not on the same level as the Saki-Saya love triangle and the Hina screw over. Its Haruna who is surprisingly hesitant in the relationship, and despite her “motherly experienced” personality, backs down.

Just for the record, the four arcs are predominantly independent of each other. It’s the twin and Hina arc that sell this game: the other two are sweet, but nowhere near as good. My biggest beef with the title, is how it jumps around too much. The twin arc especially: seems like an entire middle chunk is missing in that one. Still good though…

This sounds like the like of game I adore. I’ll put it on my list of trial versions to download off Getchu.

None that I know of, sadly.

Looks like my kind of stuff (the story, not the crying part because, really, tragedies make me smile, not cry). I was out of the ren’ai loop for last year (only played bouken), and somewhat even forgot about the RAML, but IIRC someone posted something about the game a few weeks ago. Your post may renew my interest for it.
Will check.

Nag, permission to forward your review to the RAML, please?

Heh… I know what kind of endings you like OLF. :wink: The conclusions in Aster are not as “heartbreaking” as you seem to prefer. Eventually a balance is found with the “life crisis” in each scenario - thus there’s a “happy” ending - but the life crisis itself does not vanish, thus it’s not a “perfect” ending. I hope that makes sense… :oops:

The deadline for a project at my job ends this week. Therefore this weekend and next week I should have a lot of free time until the project manager reassigns staff. Because the boys and girls in licensing are having a problem with something, I don’t think that’s gonna happen for a while. That means I can actually bust my ass writing eroge reviews again. Give me until next week Monday. I have the rough drafts for three new reviews and Aster is one of them.

Plus Aster isn’t 100% perfect, and I’d like to address some of the faults more formally.

I’m still kinda divided, if not having choices in the story at all, is a positive or a negative… :expressionless:


It’s being written. I’ve got the draft together, but need to make adjustments to the wording. Kinda juggling a lot of things these last few weeks. :o Aster (recommended), Megami Dai Taisen (not recommended), and Princess Waltz (recommended) are next on my review agenda. Trying to have all three posted within the same time frame… but coordinating work on Saint Valentinus has been sapping most of my free time and I still need to send some material to the artist for that project.

Doesn’t help that my second walkthru in Waltz, hasn’t been all that gentle - Normal mode for the card battles is HARD!!! :shock:

…And those pesky Japanese studios keep releasing twincest games to boot :stuck_out_tongue: .

However, don’t forget to check the the recent demo movie here too :wink: