Autobiographical doujin?

So, I heard that the GDC is doing a game design challenge about losing one’s virginity.

The design challenge: ‘My First Time’. Our three contestants will be pitching a concept that brings together two unexplored themes for games: sex and autobiography.

And I’m thinking, unexplored? Good grief. Okay, the bulk of sex games may not be in English, but…

I am not deeply versed in small doujin games because I can’t read Japanese, so I don’t bother with trying to find the artsy, deeply-moving titles which will make no sense automangledly translated. I am hoping that someone knows of a title or two that is specifically about the author losing his/her own virginity so that I can send them in with pointedly-worded notes about doing the research.

Hmmm… an interesting hunt… though this isn’t my area of expertise, Narg is interested and will join in the fun! :slight_smile:

Does the main character have to be male? Could the player controlled protagonist be female?

One of the great things about Japanese, is they’re very specific when it comes to virginity: they’ve got different characters and terminology to denote the exact connotation.



Thus using these kanji to search on DLsite, Getchu, etc… we should be able to narrow our search to the specific subject matter. Unless of course someone already knows of such titles already. :slight_smile:

I’m gonna go start looking around and see what I can turn up.

Why would you assume the protagonist should be male, girls write games too! :slight_smile:

I know there’s a lot of doujinsoft that never makes it to DLsite and I’d expect a personal story to probably fall into the freeware category. Don’t know where those congregate.

Ah… CNN has listed what you were talking about: … index.html

You know… I think we were too focused on finding something that was autobiographical. No doujin scenario I could find, admitted to being based on a real life experience. However reading the article, what they describe as the winning idea, is nothing more than an eroge (and a shitty sounding one at that). It’s not autobiographical at all… except for being in first person. Hell… their idea is really just a variation of Brooktown High School. Who the hell can call this original. :roll:

But it’s, you know, made by American, aimed at the global audience so obviously it’s “a winning idea”. OTOH, erogames are made by Japanese, aimed at otakus so obviously it’s freaky and disgusting~

I weep for our eroge future. :cry:

We all know how great and outstanding Brooktown High turned out. I mean the multimillon dollar sequel has everyone on pins and needles. :roll:

God it’s so sad… the Japanese b-game community first laughed at our pitiful attempt, then took pity. They even tried to figure out how we could have done it right. American game makers not only got the faces wrong, they got the bodies wrong too.

Seppo Helava one of the game devs for Brooktown, gave this comment on GameFAQ’s, because people were hammering how much it sucked:

I still don’t forgive you Seppo… you killed our last hope for Konami to take us seriously.

Ugh, I’d never heard of that game before, and after watching that trailer on youtube, I’m wishing I had continued not hearing about it. Watching that made me want to hurl…

Could be interesting, actually. Some of the mini-games sound good for a cheap laugh. Not top quality, mind you, but meh…