Awsome Music

Due to boredom I have decided to post a link to an awesome song, enjoy.

Universe at War - Divine Intervention


Master Etna is gonna kill us dood! We are so screwed dood.

Sorry Mario, but you’re about to get your ass kicked.

You uncultured alien bastards made two mistakes: fuck with our idol and piss off her Death incarnate boyfriend mecha pilot.

All capitalist pig-dogs must die for the People to succeed!

All hail the Glorious Motherland Victory!!! For the Proletariat! For Vodka!

…unless of course you hear this song, which means Yuriko is on the map - in ur base, psionically raping your doods.

Here’s two more:

Two Steps from Hell - Heart of Courage

Princess Waltz BGM - Battlefield of Steel


Nothing more badass than dueling musicians. :twisted:


Dueling Banjos

Devil Went Down to Georgia

The crossroads movie is epic… 8)

Blaspheme!!! You forgot the Dark Lord himself!!!

So forth and so on… remixed like two dozens times.

Anail Nathrak,
Dorthnei Diednei,
Bathnal Nathra,
De Era Bathnal Nathra!

The necromanic (aka Deadman) Undertaker was always the best version. :twisted: