ax 2012 your guess

what do you think will be talked about at ax 2012 during the jastusa panel
i am hoping more crowd titles

I’m hoping JAST’s finally managed to strike a deal wth Propeller and that we’ll get maybe a Pulltop game.

nvm, wrong forum!

My guesses:

Schatten!! will be announced
We’ll finally get clarification on whats happening with Starless (cut/uncut bestiality) and Starry Sky (have they licensed it or not? Last we heard their were voice actor issues)
The rest being just updates on their titles/apologies for the wait

Yup, pretty sure Schatten!! will be announced.

You never know. They said they had one awesome game to announce, but they never actually said they were only going to announce just one game. They could also be planning to announce any number of shitty games. Personally I’m going to pretend that I’m leaning towards Paradise Heights 3 and a re-release of Cobra Mission as the non-awesome games they’re going to announce. but feel free to troll the thread with ‘suggestions’ like ‘Tsukihime’ or ‘Dies Irae’ :smiley:

i only want them to release tsukihime if it is the planned remake

I looked into this and your right, they did it on twitter too:
“Atleast 1 new game to announce”


Found this too: … 9371969538
Looks like we wont hear anything on Moero Blaze (is this the longest a JAST game has gone from license to release? It was announced July 2008)

See, I don’t mind more licenses being acquired because that shows that some companies support expansion in the west, and also it shows that business isn’t so bad that they wouldn’t risk the license. The only real problem I have is Jasts release schedule. Not saying it should be like MG where they seem to push out 1 game a month or 2, but sometimes it takes a long time in between releases.

Oh, no. Recently, yeah, kinda. But historically? Transfer Student was the last actual game originally developed by Jast of Japan released by Jast USA (at the time, Peach Princess), and that was 2002. The previous Jast USA release dates to 1998. Transfer Student had to have a new engine programmed for it because JAST’s president died abruptly. The game was actually released by Peach Princess, which was the company that replaced Jast USA because Peter was working with Crowd and Will. So that game took forever.

Moero Blaze? Well, it’s part of a trilogy. You can’t go back to when the trilogy was first announced … that’s not really fair. Downhill Night 2 was released in 2010, right? So it’s 2 years or so.

And then there’s Doushin and Little My Maid … which took absolutely forever to come out. Little My Maid was originally intended to be in the first wave of releases. I know this because I bought Snow Drop (release #2) once upon a time, and the little booklet listed LMM as upcoming. It released in Dec 2004, nearly 4 years later. Doushin didn’t see release until 2006. It was also announced only about six months after LMM, also in 2001!

So yeah, it’s been a long time since a game had quite that long of a wait attached to it. But Blaze was always going to have to wait for the 2 previous games. So really, I don’t count that whole time - but even if you do count it, it’s STILL beat by Doushin, and tied by one or two others.

I hope it’s a new title from a new studio. Neither JAST or MangaGamer currently have one that I particularly prefer, so I’m always hoping they pick up one that I do. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so used to it, I don’t notice. I’m a gamer of the 1980’s. MicroProse. TSR. FASA. My favorite companies were always in release delays. I’m not claiming this is a good thing though. :lol:

You Information Age kiddies are spoiled. Why, I remember having to carry my TRS-80 uphill in the snow to find a working baud connection. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m pretty much used to it also. But, when they keep announcing title after title being licensed… The only positive for me personally to the release schedule is by the time a new title is released I have had time to complete it without it interfering with my degree or work.

Oh wow, I didn’t know Doushin had taken that long :x
5 years :x ouch

24 minutes away place your bets make your guesses i am thinking 3 methods to conquer th world

Isn’t that 10:30 California time? That’s like another 3 hours from now …

And I know there’s been a lot of talk on this board about 3 methods, but that has never really had anything to do with what gets licensed. And we know the announcement is from a new company, not Crowd - and they haven’t done anything Crowd in years. I dunno what it WILL be, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t 3 Methods.

i got confused it is 4 hours i hope we get a n 18+ otome game

In response to Michelous’ comment, I’d be okay with any game with alternate pairings, with or without adult content.

Back in the NES days, the concept of a release date barely existed. If you wanted a game that was getting mentioned in magazines, the best thing you could do was call a local store, and hope you would find someone knowledgeable, or not be put on hold.

Oh yeah, and I was trying to support Working Designs back during the PS1 era. Fun times.

Squaresoft (when Final Fantasy wasn’t the FMV whore it is today) used to be terrible with dates too. Honestly, things haven’t changed too much. It’s just the company you follow.

Take a look at Blizzard for example. They have several titles in the works, and ALWAYS delay release dates… or not even give them at all. And they’re hated by some for it. On the other hand you have EA, which does give confirmed release dates, but is equally hated because they will release a title before it’s complete. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

I’m an old school tabletop RPG’er, so release delays or lack of dates is a norm I’ve long accepted. I prefer something to be delayed and done right, than something released on time and done wrong. I hate how the concept of Release Day Patching has become a crutch for the entire gaming industry.

The panel is about to start, I’ll edit worthwhile info from the livestream into this post.

Edit: just started.

Outstanding Job JAST

TLwiki shoutout:

School Days HQ details for anyone that hasn’t got the game yet:

Finally, the good stuff:


aka no change in like 8 months






New Game:


Don’t they revamp the website like…every 2 years now?