Baldur's Gate II had censorship? WTF!?

Pointed out to me by some Japanese game developers - which is an interesting story in of itself, given that BG2 was never released in Japan… but that’s a tale for another post. :wink:

Seriously… BG2 had to get cleavage removed? For what? :shock:

Hmmmm… in any case, Viconia’s tsundere was more my style. :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate and I don’t know if that elf is a fighter or a cleric, but a suit of plate mail is a necessity for any character attempting to maximize her Armor Class, can’t you see :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Aerie was a multiclass cleric/mage (under DnD 2nd edition rules), so you were kinda forced to keep her in mage robes for most of the game (at least until mithral armor was available).

Besides… proven scientific and magical research shows, that women have inverted armor class gains. Less = More. :wink:

If less = more for girl figher’s armor, wouldn’t naked = unhittable? No made weapon would ever be able to touch her. Of course, guys could still grab her, but most are also masters of grappling and other forms of unarmed combat, so that isn’t really much of a problem.

Yup-yup. The good 'ole “touch” modification to AC is so beautiful. Even shields, rings, bracers, etc don’t apply. Tis a beautiful thing. 8)

If this is 3.x then if she were a monk or ninja then her wisdom bonuses would stack as well, as long as she didn’t overweigh herself with unnecessary armor.

I’ve been mulling over this for some time now, and the only thing that comes to mind is that there was a change in direction for the concept of Aerie. Judging by the picture (which looks like she might be in leather armor), my best guess is that originally the plan was to have Aerie be a multi-class Thief/Mage instead of a Cleric/Mage. They probably changed their mind when they decided on Imoen being a dual class Thief/Mage. (Personally, that was something I hated, since there was a lack of a dedicated Thief that stayed with you through the whole game.)

There are a few transition mods out there that let you keep Imoen as a pure thief if you want.

Ah, yes, the homeopathy school of armory.

Yeah, I know about various mods for BG2, including ones that let you keep her a Thief. Also, (to the surprise of nobody most likely) I remember reading about a mod for romancing Imoen. (For those unfamiliar with the game, it turns out Imoen is your half-sister.)
In any case, it would have been nice if she stayed purely a Thief by default.

Yea, I had tried to write one for BG1, but after writing the dialogues for her with the BG1NPCProject, I had moved on…