Bamboo Blade

I’ll admit that Tama-chan is first class moe, but I never found Bamboo Blade a series that I could really enjoy… until they introduced Ura Sakaki, and confirmed her yandere mode. Now I can’t get enough of it, because Bamboo Blade handles her jealousy rage somewhat differently from other series: with kendo. :lol:

She knows he loves her…

…until she reads the paper about an affair…

…and then goes psycho in a kendo contest, cause that’s what Bamboo Blade does best. :stuck_out_tongue:

Manga > Anime

She’s been cured of her yandere. :frowning:

Supposedly the Power of Kendo is greater than True Love. :expressionless:

Narg can cancel his subscription now. :stuck_out_tongue:

How can U guys buy manga? Its like 12 bucks or more a pop in usa while its like 500 yen in japan.

Umm… because we love it? And you can buy much cheaper on rightstuf or amazon.
I must admit, since I started playing visual novels, I almost don’t watch anime anymore. It’s simply boring. But I still read manga. The book’s always better.

Amazon isn’t any cheaper than going to a brick and mortar bookstore. In fact it costs bit more if I factor in shipping costs.
And rightstuf, i didn’t check that site in years and now i look today and what, clannad complete is uh both seasons? And angel beats is available too? Didn’t think they’re up for sale in usa. Gawd. Really hard to get news. More importantly do rightstuf got Dragon Crisis?

Btw, if u like cheap mangas, u should give a look at they got it atm!

A lot of people don’t.

You do know the yen has totally melted down over the past couple years, especially after March 11?

so…let me get this straight. to buy a volume I have to have a paid subscription? that’s kinda retarded. what if i just wanna buy a volume and don’t want a subscription?

I can’t tell what the differnce is between the $10 monthly plan the the $25 monthly plan are either…

I have no idea although you’re free to fill us on in it. But all i know is that japanese pays 500 yen while we’re paying ten bucks and I like the prices japanese is paying. Cuz isn’t that five bucks.

And with subscription dunno, i think they expect us to divine the answer like what its been mentioned in jlist newsletter that japanese like divining the answers. I believe for 25 dollars a month u get more Points per month than 10 dollars a month. Forgot how much it is, not interested in logging in atm on jmanga they’re pumping out the yaoi stuff I no like.

I’m still waiting on them to get judas ready sigh. I wanna buy it up during the 60% price off xD

Eitherway I went with 25$ sub I’ll see how much it pans out if too few manga a month I"m canceling my sub. I ain’t paying 25 bucks to read nothing i like.