BANZAI GIRL -- Real-Live Manga, too?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Welcome Coronado-san! (Or would you prefer Jinky-san? We're flexible here. [img][/img] ) Whoops, welcome to David-san as well. (sorry, sometimes I lose track of who we've welcomed and who we havn't.)

Sigh, one of the few downsides of moving from Chicago. I used to live in Rosemont and my apartment was a 20-30 minute walk from the convention center so it was real easy to attend the Wizard World convention each year. Though I did find out that it's not a good idea to buy a sword at the convention then walk through Rosemont with it slung over your shoulder, the Rosemont police don't like that for some reason. [img][/img] (Darn, and Stan Lee is the guest of honor this year as well... [img][/img] )

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-06-2002).]

I'm sure the Rosemont police would be very understanding and then make fun of you once you had left, talking about how the conventions really bring out the weirdos. Like the guys who came into the school cafeteria for their freshmen orientations (freshmen in COLLEGE) and didn't know how to operate an ice cream dispensing machine.

Live-manga, wow, thats some FAST drawing… well i guess with technology that was going to happen sooner or later, next we will see it before it is really drawn…

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I'm sure the Rosemont police would be very understanding and then make fun of you once you had left, talking about how the conventions really bring out the weirdos. Like the guys who came into the school cafeteria for their freshmen orientations (freshmen in COLLEGE) and didn't know how to operate an ice cream dispensing machine.

Actually, they were making fun of me when the one cop fished me out of a snow drift New Years Eve of 98'. (And those dispensing machines are hard to operate...) I guess it could have been worst. At least I wasn't dressed up. (I still probably should have kept the sword wrapped up though, I just sort of forgot I had it over my shoulder... [img][/img])

Back to the topic, I did enjoy issue #1. Should be interesting to see how the story develops. The only odd thing I noticed was a strange smell to the comic. Not sure if it was the packaging, the page material or what but there was just an odd scent when I opened it up. (Don't know why I brought it up, but it is stuck in my mind for some reason.) Hmm, guess I'll have to see about picking up the variant edition when I can. I always did enjoy variants... [img][/img]

whew… I got Banzai Girl #1 regular edition with free comic bag.